The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla

One thing the wimp Georgie Boy is not telling the viewers is that if he wasn't such a wuss and faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he got homesick (maybe for his fellow Crips or the Bloods), he would have stayed in the Air force like many of his brave fellow Blacks do. Don't fool yourself that Georgie Boy is such a pacifist. It's a good cover for him being a wuss. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy on any other forums condemning what the Arabs are doing to his people? Here he is so busy posting against Israel and American and is so quiet about what is happening to Blacks in the Sudan and Libya. Maybe he has no problem with the Arabs putting the Blacks in cages in Libya like they were monkeys at the zoo or killing them in the Sudan as long as he is safe here in America.
Hossie has invested too much of his life in committing war crimes to look honestly at what's driving US intervention in Syria:

"America wants regime change in Syria

"In the eyes of the USA, the original 'red line' transgressed by the Syrian government was in coming to power 40 years ago as an Arab nationalist state.

"It wanted to challenge the lack of sovereignty in the Arab world because the West had already established its interest in controlling the region.

"Syria wanted the Arab nations to unite and become an independent force in world politics.

"To achieve this, it needed a power that could stand up to Israel, which aimed to weaken the new Arab states.

"Syria’s sovereignty from the beginning was hostile to Israel and the states that backed it.

"Its national program therefore included opposition to the US and its world order.

"It formed alliances on the basis of this common anti-Americanism: first as an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and more recently with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is behind the killing in Iraq and Syria today for the same reason it murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of South-East Asians during the time of Hossie's "service."

Wall Street says, "thanks, Punk...keep the Agent Orange as a bonus."
After my military career was over, my many working years were invested in other areas. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, the wimp, didn't want to push himself because he felt that the American taxpayers should be the ones to help him. Maybe that is the reason Georgie Boy is still living in an America that he hates instead of another country where he will feel more comfortable. And the viewers have to admit, Georgie Boy is getting his jollies on these forums bashing America and Israel day in and day out. This is his way of getting back toward those he hates. By the way, Georgie Boy, I believe the base closest to you is the Los Angeles Air Force Base. Do you think you would be brave enough to call those who are Black and who had a career in the military "punks" while they entered the base to go shopping in the Commissary or Base Exchange? Or are you only brave in front of your computer, wimp?
"The Syrian regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons is the moment that America sees Syria flaunting the rules that it has laid down for the conflict.

"It’s Assad’s 'fuck you' to America’s authority to define what happens in Syria.

"This is when America sees itself directly attacked. America longer considers it tolerable to just to steer the conflict from abroad via proxies, but must intervene with its own – humanitarian – means of force."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Hossie has invested too much of his life in committing war crimes to look honestly at what's driving US intervention in Syria:

"America wants regime change in Syria

"In the eyes of the USA, the original 'red line' transgressed by the Syrian government was in coming to power 40 years ago as an Arab nationalist state.

"It wanted to challenge the lack of sovereignty in the Arab world because the West had already established its interest in controlling the region.

"Syria wanted the Arab nations to unite and become an independent force in world politics.

"To achieve this, it needed a power that could stand up to Israel, which aimed to weaken the new Arab states.

"Syria’s sovereignty from the beginning was hostile to Israel and the states that backed it.

"Its national program therefore included opposition to the US and its world order.

"It formed alliances on the basis of this common anti-Americanism: first as an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and more recently with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is behind the killing in Iraq and Syria today for the same reason it murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of South-East Asians during the time of Hossie's "service."

Wall Street says, "thanks, Punk...keep the Agent Orange as a bonus."
After my military career was over, my many working years were invested in other areas. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, the wimp, didn't want to push himself because he felt that the American taxpayers should be the ones to help him. Maybe that is the reason Georgie Boy is still living in an America that he hates instead of another country where he will feel more comfortable. And the viewers have to admit, Georgie Boy is getting his jollies on these forums bashing America and Israel day in and day out. This is his way of getting back toward those he hates. By the way, Georgie Boy, I believe the base closest to you is the Los Angeles Air Force Base. Do you think you would be brave enough to call those who are Black and who had a career in the military "punks" while they entered the base to go shopping in the Commissary or Base Exchange? Or are you only brave in front of your computer, wimp?
"The Syrian regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons is the moment that America sees Syria flaunting the rules that it has laid down for the conflict.

"It’s Assad’s 'fuck you' to America’s authority to define what happens in Syria.

"This is when America sees itself directly attacked. America longer considers it tolerable to just to steer the conflict from abroad via proxies, but must intervene with its own – humanitarian – means of force."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Aah, one of Georgie Boy's favorite sites that he wants the viewers to take as the Gospel Truth no matter what they say. Meanwhile, the important thing going on in Syria today is.....

Syrian rebel groups form alliance, slam Western-backed opposition -

Maybe Georgie Boy can join these rebels if he prefers to see Sharia Law in Syria. As these rebels had previously said that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate, maybe the Dhimmi Georgie Boy is looking forward to it.
After my military career was over, my many working years were invested in other areas. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, the wimp, didn't want to push himself because he felt that the American taxpayers should be the ones to help him. Maybe that is the reason Georgie Boy is still living in an America that he hates instead of another country where he will feel more comfortable. And the viewers have to admit, Georgie Boy is getting his jollies on these forums bashing America and Israel day in and day out. This is his way of getting back toward those he hates. By the way, Georgie Boy, I believe the base closest to you is the Los Angeles Air Force Base. Do you think you would be brave enough to call those who are Black and who had a career in the military "punks" while they entered the base to go shopping in the Commissary or Base Exchange? Or are you only brave in front of your computer, wimp?
"The Syrian regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons is the moment that America sees Syria flaunting the rules that it has laid down for the conflict.

"It’s Assad’s 'fuck you' to America’s authority to define what happens in Syria.

"This is when America sees itself directly attacked. America longer considers it tolerable to just to steer the conflict from abroad via proxies, but must intervene with its own – humanitarian – means of force."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Aah, one of Georgie Boy's favorite sites that he wants the viewers to take as the Gospel Truth no matter what they say. Meanwhile, the important thing going on in Syria today is.....

Syrian rebel groups form alliance, slam Western-backed opposition -

Maybe Georgie Boy can join these rebels if he prefers to see Sharia Law in Syria. As these rebels had previously said that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate, maybe the Dhimmi Georgie Boy is looking forward to it.
Maybe Hossie really is dim enough to believe "these rebels" are anything more than useful idiots in quest of a New Middle East? Probably not since that might lead him to question his own usefulness to the same corporate caliphate in Lebanon and Vietnam.
"The Syrian regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons is the moment that America sees Syria flaunting the rules that it has laid down for the conflict.

"It’s Assad’s 'fuck you' to America’s authority to define what happens in Syria.

"This is when America sees itself directly attacked. America longer considers it tolerable to just to steer the conflict from abroad via proxies, but must intervene with its own – humanitarian – means of force."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Aah, one of Georgie Boy's favorite sites that he wants the viewers to take as the Gospel Truth no matter what they say. Meanwhile, the important thing going on in Syria today is.....

Syrian rebel groups form alliance, slam Western-backed opposition -

Maybe Georgie Boy can join these rebels if he prefers to see Sharia Law in Syria. As these rebels had previously said that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate, maybe the Dhimmi Georgie Boy is looking forward to it.
Maybe Hossie really is dim enough to believe "these rebels" are anything more than useful idiots in quest of a New Middle East? Probably not since that might lead him to question his own usefulness to the same corporate caliphate in Lebanon and Vietnam.
Perhaps it is Georgie Boy who is actually that dim that he doesn't realize that there are Muslims who want the worldwide Caliphate. As one Iranian poster once said -- Islam is not just for the Iranians or Arabs; it is for the entire world. And even a Muslim women poster originally from India said that she wants 850,000 mIllion Hindus eradicated so that Islam can take over India. With mind sets such as these Muslims, it is difficult to understand why Georgie Boy thinks that those rebels say that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate (and naturally Georgie Boy conveniently closes his eyes to the fact that these extremist rebels are coming from all over the Muslim world to fight in Syria). Don't worry, Georgie Boy; you are going to make an excellent Dhimmi. You can be their mouthpiece on the Internet dissing the U.S. and Israel/Jews.
Aah, one of Georgie Boy's favorite sites that he wants the viewers to take as the Gospel Truth no matter what they say. Meanwhile, the important thing going on in Syria today is.....

Syrian rebel groups form alliance, slam Western-backed opposition -

Maybe Georgie Boy can join these rebels if he prefers to see Sharia Law in Syria. As these rebels had previously said that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate, maybe the Dhimmi Georgie Boy is looking forward to it.
Maybe Hossie really is dim enough to believe "these rebels" are anything more than useful idiots in quest of a New Middle East? Probably not since that might lead him to question his own usefulness to the same corporate caliphate in Lebanon and Vietnam.
Perhaps it is Georgie Boy who is actually that dim that he doesn't realize that there are Muslims who want the worldwide Caliphate. As one Iranian poster once said -- Islam is not just for the Iranians or Arabs; it is for the entire world. And even a Muslim women poster originally from India said that she wants 850,000 mIllion Hindus eradicated so that Islam can take over India. With mind sets such as these Muslims, it is difficult to understand why Georgie Boy thinks that those rebels say that Syria is the stepping stone to the worldwide Caliphate (and naturally Georgie Boy conveniently closes his eyes to the fact that these extremist rebels are coming from all over the Muslim world to fight in Syria). Don't worry, Georgie Boy; you are going to make an excellent Dhimmi. You can be their mouthpiece on the Internet dissing the U.S. and Israel/Jews.
When are you expecting Jihadi drones over your double-wide?
The US has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims since 911 and you're surprised some of them would like to rule the world? Worry more about Wall Street and the Corporate Caliphate if you ever had the slightest concern for equality.
Right wing Zionists might want Al Qaeda and other extremists to take over Syria so that they can use this as a pretext to steal more Arab land, in the name of "security".

That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

And following this board for quite some time now, that's saying something.

Israel's land quests are no secret. People have been speaking about this since Israel was created.

Whoop-tee-doo, so 'people have been speaking....' Doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, or that they're honest. The English Nazi-lovers like Mosley claimed to be pacifists, too.
That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

And following this board for quite some time now, that's saying something.

Israel's land quests are no secret. People have been speaking about this since Israel was created.

Whoop-tee-doo, so 'people have been speaking....' Doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, or that they're honest. The English Nazi-lovers like Mosley claimed to be pacifists, too.

It is too late for Zionists like you to fool Americans, our eyes are open to Israels Imperialistic goals.
Israel's land quests are no secret. People have been speaking about this since Israel was created.

Whoop-tee-doo, so 'people have been speaking....' Doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, or that they're honest. The English Nazi-lovers like Mosley claimed to be pacifists, too.

It is too late for Zionists like you to fool Americans, our eyes are open to Israels Imperialistic goals.

Poor l'il sherriliar! Your pompous pronouncements don't cover up the fact that you're a liar and hypocrite who hates America. I AM an American - at least as much a one as you : ))

And you just hate that, too - don't you? You hate so much, poor l'il sherriwhore for HAMAS - you're only a 'pacifist' when it comes to fighting Nazi or Islamofascist terrorists.
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Whoop-tee-doo, so 'people have been speaking....' Doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, or that they're honest. The English Nazi-lovers like Mosley claimed to be pacifists, too.

It is too late for Zionists like you to fool Americans, our eyes are open to Israels Imperialistic goals.

Poor l'il sherriliar! Your pompous pronouncements don't cover up the fact that you're a liar and hypocrite who hates America. I AM an American - at least as much a one as you : ))

And you just hate that, too - don't you? You hate so much, poor l'il sherriwhore for HAMAS


What you hate is the US is not waging another war for Israel.

And I love watching the people choosing peace and not war.
It is too late for Zionists like you to fool Americans, our eyes are open to Israels Imperialistic goals.

Poor l'il sherriliar! Your pompous pronouncements don't cover up the fact that you're a liar and hypocrite who hates America. I AM an American - at least as much a one as you : ))

And you just hate that, too - don't you? You hate so much, poor l'il sherriwhore for HAMAS


What you hate is the US is not waging another war for Israel.

And I love watching the people choosing peace and not war.

Another lie you've told: The US has NEVER waged a war for Israel yet - and such is not likely to be necessary.

Again, you lying thing: I AM one of 'the people', and so is Hoss - you and CowardGeorge don't like to admit that, but it's a fact. And nobody is as happy to choose peace as those who've fought in a war. You're too busy preening yourself and wallowing in your PRIDE as a "pacifist" to recognize that.

If you honestly meant what you said about 'choosing peace' - you would condemn HAMAS whole-heartedly, because they do not desire peace. I expect that you lust to see the blood of Israelis spilled, as you have continued to dehumanize and demonize Israeli people and anyone who doesn't spit on them as being not quite human.

IOW, again the sherrimunnerliar prances about and declares herself to be 'more moral' than others whose children she calls 'spawn'......Just another l'il sherriliar lie : ))
Poor l'il sherriliar! Your pompous pronouncements don't cover up the fact that you're a liar and hypocrite who hates America. I AM an American - at least as much a one as you : ))

And you just hate that, too - don't you? You hate so much, poor l'il sherriwhore for HAMAS


What you hate is the US is not waging another war for Israel.

And I love watching the people choosing peace and not war.

Another lie you've told: The US has NEVER waged a war for Israel yet - and such is not likely to be necessary.

Again, you lying thing: I AM one of 'the people', and so is Hoss - you and CowardGeorge don't like to admit that, but it's a fact. And nobody is as happy to choose peace as those who've fought in a war. You're too busy preening yourself and wallowing in your PRIDE as a "pacifist" to recognize that.

If you honestly meant what you said about 'choosing peace' - you would condemn HAMAS whole-heartedly, because they do not desire peace. I expect that you lust to see the blood of Israelis spilled, as you have continued to dehumanize and demonize Israeli people and anyone who doesn't spit on them as being not quite human.

IOW, again the sherrimunnerliar prances about and declares herself to be 'more moral' than others whose children she calls 'spawn'......Just another l'il sherriliar lie : ))

It is being talked about everywhere.

Israel wanted the US to start a war with Syria.

AIPAC lobbied for that war for Israel.

Israel wanted the US to fight another war for her.

Iraq was a war for Israel.

AND the people of America said no, no more wars for Israel.

What you hate is the US is not waging another war for Israel.

And I love watching the people choosing peace and not war.

Another lie you've told: The US has NEVER waged a war for Israel yet - and such is not likely to be necessary.

Again, you lying thing: I AM one of 'the people', and so is Hoss - you and CowardGeorge don't like to admit that, but it's a fact. And nobody is as happy to choose peace as those who've fought in a war. You're too busy preening yourself and wallowing in your PRIDE as a "pacifist" to recognize that.

If you honestly meant what you said about 'choosing peace' - you would condemn HAMAS whole-heartedly, because they do not desire peace. I expect that you lust to see the blood of Israelis spilled, as you have continued to dehumanize and demonize Israeli people and anyone who doesn't spit on them as being not quite human.

IOW, again the sherrimunnerliar prances about and declares herself to be 'more moral' than others whose children she calls 'spawn'......Just another l'il sherriliar lie : ))

It is being talked about everywhere.

Israel wanted the US to start a war with Syria.

AIPAC lobbied for that war for Israel.

Israel wanted the US to fight another war for her.

Iraq was a war for Israel.

AND the people of America said no, no more wars for Israel.
Did Frau Sherri actually leave her computer and polled all the people in the U.S. who said "no war for Israel?" Funny, but the rest of us read that the people in the U,S. didn't want America to go to war in Syria, and Israel was never mentioned. Maybe Frau Sherri hears voices in her head which tells her to constantly mention Israel in a derogatory way. Perhaps she takes Lithobid and Eskalith for this condition.
Another lie you've told: The US has NEVER waged a war for Israel yet - and such is not likely to be necessary.

Again, you lying thing: I AM one of 'the people', and so is Hoss - you and CowardGeorge don't like to admit that, but it's a fact. And nobody is as happy to choose peace as those who've fought in a war. You're too busy preening yourself and wallowing in your PRIDE as a "pacifist" to recognize that.

If you honestly meant what you said about 'choosing peace' - you would condemn HAMAS whole-heartedly, because they do not desire peace. I expect that you lust to see the blood of Israelis spilled, as you have continued to dehumanize and demonize Israeli people and anyone who doesn't spit on them as being not quite human.

IOW, again the sherrimunnerliar prances about and declares herself to be 'more moral' than others whose children she calls 'spawn'......Just another l'il sherriliar lie : ))

It is being talked about everywhere.

Israel wanted the US to start a war with Syria.

AIPAC lobbied for that war for Israel.

Israel wanted the US to fight another war for her.

Iraq was a war for Israel.

AND the people of America said no, no more wars for Israel.
Did Frau Sherri actually leave her computer and polled all the people in the U.S. who said "no war for Israel?" Funny, but the rest of us read that the people in the U,S. didn't want America to go to war in Syria, and Israel was never mentioned. Maybe Frau Sherri hears voices in her head which tells her to constantly mention Israel in a derogatory way. Perhaps she takes Lithobid and Eskalith for this condition.

The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 -

Why, all of you seem to have forgotten what is written in the article in the OP of this thread.

And if you google it, you find countless more articles written saying the very same thing.

We even had our own poll that showed 96% of Americans opposed strikes against Syria.
Last edited:
It is being talked about everywhere.

Israel wanted the US to start a war with Syria.

AIPAC lobbied for that war for Israel.

Israel wanted the US to fight another war for her.

Iraq was a war for Israel.

AND the people of America said no, no more wars for Israel.
Did Frau Sherri actually leave her computer and polled all the people in the U.S. who said "no war for Israel?" Funny, but the rest of us read that the people in the U,S. didn't want America to go to war in Syria, and Israel was never mentioned. Maybe Frau Sherri hears voices in her head which tells her to constantly mention Israel in a derogatory way. Perhaps she takes Lithobid and Eskalith for this condition.

The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 -

Why, all of you seem to have forgotten what is written in the article in the OP of this thread.

And if you google it, you find countless more articles written saying the very same thing.

We even had our own poll that showed 96% of Americans opposed strikes against Syria.
Your link:

"WASHINGTON — The long-fractured relationship between the United States and Iran took a significant turn on Friday when President Obama and President Hassan Rouhani became the first leaders of their countries to speak since the Tehran hostage crisis more than three decades ago.

"In a hurriedly arranged telephone call, Mr. Obama reached Mr. Rouhani as the Iranian leader was headed to the airport to leave New York after a whirlwind news media and diplomatic blitz.

"The two agreed to accelerate talks aimed at defusing the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program and afterward expressed optimism at the prospect of a rapprochement that would transform the Middle East."

U.S. and Iran Agree to Speed Talks to Defuse Nuclear Issue -

One can only wonder what fresh deceit Obama is planning.
It is being talked about everywhere.

Israel wanted the US to start a war with Syria.

AIPAC lobbied for that war for Israel.

Israel wanted the US to fight another war for her.

Iraq was a war for Israel.

AND the people of America said no, no more wars for Israel.
Did Frau Sherri actually leave her computer and polled all the people in the U.S. who said "no war for Israel?" Funny, but the rest of us read that the people in the U,S. didn't want America to go to war in Syria, and Israel was never mentioned. Maybe Frau Sherri hears voices in her head which tells her to constantly mention Israel in a derogatory way. Perhaps she takes Lithobid and Eskalith for this condition.

The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 -

Why, all of you seem to have forgotten what is written in the article in the OP of this thread.

And if you google it, you find countless more articles written saying the very same thing.

We even had our own poll that showed 96% of Americans opposed strikes against Syria.
Hardly anyone here wants a strike on Syria so get that out of your mind. Maybe O'bama should take a page out of Bibi's notebook. See my humble signature below.
Did Frau Sherri actually leave her computer and polled all the people in the U.S. who said "no war for Israel?" Funny, but the rest of us read that the people in the U,S. didn't want America to go to war in Syria, and Israel was never mentioned. Maybe Frau Sherri hears voices in her head which tells her to constantly mention Israel in a derogatory way. Perhaps she takes Lithobid and Eskalith for this condition.

The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 -

Why, all of you seem to have forgotten what is written in the article in the OP of this thread.

And if you google it, you find countless more articles written saying the very same thing.

We even had our own poll that showed 96% of Americans opposed strikes against Syria.
Your link:

"WASHINGTON — The long-fractured relationship between the United States and Iran took a significant turn on Friday when President Obama and President Hassan Rouhani became the first leaders of their countries to speak since the Tehran hostage crisis more than three decades ago.

"In a hurriedly arranged telephone call, Mr. Obama reached Mr. Rouhani as the Iranian leader was headed to the airport to leave New York after a whirlwind news media and diplomatic blitz.

"The two agreed to accelerate talks aimed at defusing the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program and afterward expressed optimism at the prospect of a rapprochement that would transform the Middle East."

U.S. and Iran Agree to Speed Talks to Defuse Nuclear Issue -

One can only wonder what fresh deceit Obama is planning.
How come you didn't include what fresh deceit the Iranian government is planning? Hmm, one time in Georgie Boy's local paper, there was an interview with an Iranian Muslim comedian. He happened to mention that every time he goes back for a visit, his cousins ask him how they can come to America. Since it is obvious that Georgie Boy hates this country, maybe he can trade places with one of the cousins.

Charmed by Rouhani, but only to a point -

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Iranian ‘moderate’
The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.

Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 -

Why, all of you seem to have forgotten what is written in the article in the OP of this thread.

And if you google it, you find countless more articles written saying the very same thing.

We even had our own poll that showed 96% of Americans opposed strikes against Syria.
Your link:

"WASHINGTON — The long-fractured relationship between the United States and Iran took a significant turn on Friday when President Obama and President Hassan Rouhani became the first leaders of their countries to speak since the Tehran hostage crisis more than three decades ago.

"In a hurriedly arranged telephone call, Mr. Obama reached Mr. Rouhani as the Iranian leader was headed to the airport to leave New York after a whirlwind news media and diplomatic blitz.

"The two agreed to accelerate talks aimed at defusing the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program and afterward expressed optimism at the prospect of a rapprochement that would transform the Middle East."

U.S. and Iran Agree to Speed Talks to Defuse Nuclear Issue -

One can only wonder what fresh deceit Obama is planning.
How come you didn't include what fresh deceit the Iranian government is planning? Hmm, one time in Georgie Boy's local paper, there was an interview with an Iranian Muslim comedian. He happened to mention that every time he goes back for a visit, his cousins ask him how they can come to America. Since it is obvious that Georgie Boy hates this country, maybe he can trade places with one of the cousins.

Charmed by Rouhani, but only to a point -

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Iranian ‘moderate’
Why don't you tell us how many Christians the Persians have maimed, murdered, and displaced in the last decade? If that one's too complicated, tell us the last time Persians overthrew an American Chief Executive. Since it's obvious Hossie swallows every load his government ejects, maybe he should leave for a warm, Mediterranean climate with no need for critical thinking skills?
Your link:

"WASHINGTON — The long-fractured relationship between the United States and Iran took a significant turn on Friday when President Obama and President Hassan Rouhani became the first leaders of their countries to speak since the Tehran hostage crisis more than three decades ago.

"In a hurriedly arranged telephone call, Mr. Obama reached Mr. Rouhani as the Iranian leader was headed to the airport to leave New York after a whirlwind news media and diplomatic blitz.

"The two agreed to accelerate talks aimed at defusing the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program and afterward expressed optimism at the prospect of a rapprochement that would transform the Middle East."

U.S. and Iran Agree to Speed Talks to Defuse Nuclear Issue -

One can only wonder what fresh deceit Obama is planning.
How come you didn't include what fresh deceit the Iranian government is planning? Hmm, one time in Georgie Boy's local paper, there was an interview with an Iranian Muslim comedian. He happened to mention that every time he goes back for a visit, his cousins ask him how they can come to America. Since it is obvious that Georgie Boy hates this country, maybe he can trade places with one of the cousins.

Charmed by Rouhani, but only to a point -

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Iranian ‘moderate’
Why don't you tell us how many Christians the Persians have maimed, murdered, and displaced in the last decade? If that one's too complicated, tell us the last time Persians overthrew an American Chief Executive. Since it's obvious Hossie swallows every load his government ejects, maybe he should leave for a warm, Mediterranean climate with no need for critical thinking skills?
You mean a good dhimmi like you can't ask a Muslim Official in Iran how many they have killed so far. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, you seem to swallow up every bit of stuff you find derogatory toward the U.S. and Israel so you really aren't one to talk. I bet you that you are too lazy to actually go out and speak to any Iranians in your own town (of which there are many) who can tell you what they think about this. Perhaps it is too hard for you to leave your comfortable little subsidized apartment to find out. Georgie Boy, a person who has good critical thinking skills doesn't keep on cutting and pasting ad nauseam.
How come you didn't include what fresh deceit the Iranian government is planning? Hmm, one time in Georgie Boy's local paper, there was an interview with an Iranian Muslim comedian. He happened to mention that every time he goes back for a visit, his cousins ask him how they can come to America. Since it is obvious that Georgie Boy hates this country, maybe he can trade places with one of the cousins.

Charmed by Rouhani, but only to a point -

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Iranian ‘moderate’
Why don't you tell us how many Christians the Persians have maimed, murdered, and displaced in the last decade? If that one's too complicated, tell us the last time Persians overthrew an American Chief Executive. Since it's obvious Hossie swallows every load his government ejects, maybe he should leave for a warm, Mediterranean climate with no need for critical thinking skills?
You mean a good dhimmi like you can't ask a Muslim Official in Iran how many they have killed so far. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, you seem to swallow up every bit of stuff you find derogatory toward the U.S. and Israel so you really aren't one to talk. I bet you that you are too lazy to actually go out and speak to any Iranians in your own town (of which there are many) who can tell you what they think about this. Perhaps it is too hard for you to leave your comfortable little subsidized apartment to find out. Georgie Boy, a person who has good critical thinking skills doesn't keep on cutting and pasting ad nauseam.
The Persians haven't invaded another sovereign state since the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World came into existence. Why don't you book a flight for Tehran and ask one of the thousands of Jews living there when they're planning to die for Jesus: the Sequel?

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