The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla

Right wing Zionists might want Al Qaeda and other extremists to take over Syria so that they can use this as a pretext to steal more Arab land, in the name of "security".

That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

And following this board for quite some time now, that's saying something.

Israel's land quests are no secret. People have been speaking about this since Israel was created.
Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.
Did you miss Hussein Obama's "message to the Muslim world" in Cairo as sson as he became president, apologizing to the Muslim world for America's wrong doings, and telling Muslims they deserve democracies? Or perhaps his speech after he literally pushed Mubarak out, telling everybody how great this Arab Spring was going to be?

Hilarious how some give credit to Bush for revolutions years after he's gone. :cuckoo:
What does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World have to apologize for (besides Israel?)

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent
Remember what Uncle Billie Sherman said about war?
Did you miss Hussein Obama's "message to the Muslim world" in Cairo as sson as he became president, apologizing to the Muslim world for America's wrong doings, and telling Muslims they deserve democracies? Or perhaps his speech after he literally pushed Mubarak out, telling everybody how great this Arab Spring was going to be?

Hilarious how some give credit to Bush for revolutions years after he's gone. :cuckoo:
What does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World have to apologize for (besides Israel?)

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent
Remember what Uncle Billie Sherman said about war?
And Indians.

"One of Sherman's main concerns in postwar commands was to protect the construction and operation of the railroads from attack by hostile Indians. Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed.

"He regarded the railroads 'as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier.' Hence, in 1867, he wrote to Grant that 'we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of [the railroads].' [110]

"After the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, Sherman wrote Grant that we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.'[111]

"After George Armstrong Custer's defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sherman wrote that 'hostile savages like Sitting Bull and his band of outlaw Sioux ... must feel the superior power of the Government.' [112] He further wrote that 'during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age.'[113]

"Despite his harsh treatment of the warring tribes, Sherman spoke out against the unfair way speculators and government agents treated the natives within the reservations."

William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World have to apologize for (besides Israel?)

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent
Remember what Uncle Billie Sherman said about war?
And Indians.

"One of Sherman's main concerns in postwar commands was to protect the construction and operation of the railroads from attack by hostile Indians. Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed.

"He regarded the railroads 'as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier.' Hence, in 1867, he wrote to Grant that 'we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of [the railroads].' [110]

"After the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, Sherman wrote Grant that we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.'[111]

"After George Armstrong Custer's defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sherman wrote that 'hostile savages like Sitting Bull and his band of outlaw Sioux ... must feel the superior power of the Government.' [112] He further wrote that 'during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age.'[113]

"Despite his harsh treatment of the warring tribes, Sherman spoke out against the unfair way speculators and government agents treated the natives within the reservations."

William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can someone translate Pbel? I don't understand what is this thread about.
Think Counterpunch. Rense. Stormfront. It doesn't have to make any sense. Just mindless babble. Got it now? Good.

This thread is about Pbel's obsession with conspiranutter BS filth - the claim that 'Israel runs the US Congress'...... or some variant of the old 'international Jewish/Zionist/Masonic/Illuminati/Bilderburg/Aliens/etc/etc conspiracy' canard.
Right wing Zionists might want Al Qaeda and other extremists to take over Syria so that they can use this as a pretext to steal more Arab land, in the name of "security".

That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

And following this board for quite some time now, that's saying something.

Israel's land quests are no secret. People have been speaking about this since Israel was created.

And the fact that liars have been lying in making such accusations is something which those who hate and wish to destroy Israel conveniently ignore. As long as something is shit to be flung at Israel - it doesn't matter at all to them if it's a total fabrication. They don't care about 'Truth', only about spewing Jew-hate thinly veiled to pretend they're really just ordinary folks......
Where did I say all Muslims are Arabs? Right now the countries that are surrounding Israel, which are engulfed in civil and sectarian civil wars, for decades to come, are Arabs.

Tell me again, how'd you like these apples the Arab Spring is producing?

I think the scumbag Neo-Conservatives like Bush, have really screwed the Middle East by trying to spread Liberal Democracy in places that it doesn't belong.

And Israel is part of this!!!!!

Hoffy 'thinks': who knew? Couldn't prove it by the rancid tripe s/he posts.....
What does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World have to apologize for (besides Israel?)

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent
Remember what Uncle Billie Sherman said about war?
And Indians.

"One of Sherman's main concerns in postwar commands was to protect the construction and operation of the railroads from attack by hostile Indians. Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed.

"He regarded the railroads 'as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier.' Hence, in 1867, he wrote to Grant that 'we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of [the railroads].' [110]

"After the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, Sherman wrote Grant that we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.'[111]

"After George Armstrong Custer's defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sherman wrote that 'hostile savages like Sitting Bull and his band of outlaw Sioux ... must feel the superior power of the Government.' [112] He further wrote that 'during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age.'[113]

"Despite his harsh treatment of the warring tribes, Sherman spoke out against the unfair way speculators and government agents treated the natives within the reservations."

William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why, Georgie Boy, the only one you are really interested in is yourself and not any other group, even though you are trying so hard to fool people. By the way, native Americans have posted on these forums, and SURPRISE they were for Israel because they could see how the Israelis cherished the land as they do. It's a shame that Georgie Boy didn't avail himself of encyclopedias in his younger days the way he does now because in the long run (especially with Affirmative Action) he would have made something of himself. And, Georgie Boy, if you really hate America so much for what you think America has done, why not take your Social Security check to some other country that you feel you would be more comfortable in? I don't think you realize how many people from all over the world would be happy to take your place here.
Remember what Uncle Billie Sherman said about war?
And Indians.

"One of Sherman's main concerns in postwar commands was to protect the construction and operation of the railroads from attack by hostile Indians. Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed.

"He regarded the railroads 'as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier.' Hence, in 1867, he wrote to Grant that 'we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of [the railroads].' [110]

"After the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, Sherman wrote Grant that we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.'[111]

"After George Armstrong Custer's defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sherman wrote that 'hostile savages like Sitting Bull and his band of outlaw Sioux ... must feel the superior power of the Government.' [112] He further wrote that 'during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age.'[113]

"Despite his harsh treatment of the warring tribes, Sherman spoke out against the unfair way speculators and government agents treated the natives within the reservations."

William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why, Georgie Boy, the only one you are really interested in is yourself and not any other group, even though you are trying so hard to fool people. By the way, native Americans have posted on these forums, and SURPRISE they were for Israel because they could see how the Israelis cherished the land as they do...

BIGGER SURPRISE: Native Americans didn't cherish OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND the way Jews do.
And Indians.

"One of Sherman's main concerns in postwar commands was to protect the construction and operation of the railroads from attack by hostile Indians. Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed.

"He regarded the railroads 'as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier.' Hence, in 1867, he wrote to Grant that 'we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of [the railroads].' [110]

"After the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, Sherman wrote Grant that we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.'[111]

"After George Armstrong Custer's defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Sherman wrote that 'hostile savages like Sitting Bull and his band of outlaw Sioux ... must feel the superior power of the Government.' [112] He further wrote that 'during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age.'[113]

"Despite his harsh treatment of the warring tribes, Sherman spoke out against the unfair way speculators and government agents treated the natives within the reservations."

William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why, Georgie Boy, the only one you are really interested in is yourself and not any other group, even though you are trying so hard to fool people. By the way, native Americans have posted on these forums, and SURPRISE they were for Israel because they could see how the Israelis cherished the land as they do...

BIGGER SURPRISE: Native Americans didn't cherish OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND the way Jews do.
Looks like Georgie Boy rolled over, got out of bed, and started posting again before the rooster crowed. Are these forums the most important thing in your life? Regardless of what you think, Georgie Boy, the Native Americans realize how the Israeli Jews treasure the land the same as they do. Why not speak to some of the Chumash personally in your own area if you ever manage to get out of your apartment. I think everyone here realizes that Georgie Boy has no problem with the huge amount of land the Muslims took over when they left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries. As long as the Jews were not involved, he is one happy fellow.
Why, Georgie Boy, the only one you are really interested in is yourself and not any other group, even though you are trying so hard to fool people. By the way, native Americans have posted on these forums, and SURPRISE they were for Israel because they could see how the Israelis cherished the land as they do...

BIGGER SURPRISE: Native Americans didn't cherish OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND the way Jews do.
Looks like Georgie Boy rolled over, got out of bed, and started posting again before the rooster crowed. Are these forums the most important thing in your life? Regardless of what you think, Georgie Boy, the Native Americans realize how the Israeli Jews treasure the land the same as they do. Why not speak to some of the Chumash personally in your own area if you ever manage to get out of your apartment. I think everyone here realizes that Georgie Boy has no problem with the huge amount of land the Muslims took over when they left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries. As long as the Jews were not involved, he is one happy fellow.
Regardless of what you think, Killer, Indians were exterminated by the millions by hired thugs like you. Maybe that's why every Chumash I know thinks your squeals on behalf of Israel sound like Bandar Bush appealing for Democracy in Syria:

"There are indeed forces other than the Israel lobby pushing for war. It is true that some neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia or Turkey also want to destroy Syria, for their own reasons.

"But they have nowhere near the political influence on the United States of the Israel lobby. If Saudi princes use their money to try to corrupt a few U.S. politicians, that can easily be denounced as interference by a foreign power in the internal affairs of the United States.

"But no similar charge can be raised against Israeli influence because of the golden gag rule: any mention of such influence can be immediately denounced as a typical anti-Semitic slur against a nonexistent 'Jewish power'.

"Referring to the perfectly obvious, public activities of the Israel lobby may even be likened to peddling a 'conspiracy theory'”.

The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Looks like Georgie Boy rolled over, got out of bed, and started posting again before the rooster crowed. Are these forums the most important thing in your life? Regardless of what you think, Georgie Boy, the Native Americans realize how the Israeli Jews treasure the land the same as they do. Why not speak to some of the Chumash personally in your own area if you ever manage to get out of your apartment. I think everyone here realizes that Georgie Boy has no problem with the huge amount of land the Muslims took over when they left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries. As long as the Jews were not involved, he is one happy fellow.
Regardless of what you think, Killer, Indians were exterminated by the millions by hired thugs like you. Maybe that's why every Chumash I know thinks your squeals on behalf of Israel sound like Bandar Bush appealing for Democracy in Syria:

"There are indeed forces other than the Israel lobby pushing for war. It is true that some neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia or Turkey also want to destroy Syria, for their own reasons.

"But they have nowhere near the political influence on the United States of the Israel lobby. If Saudi princes use their money to try to corrupt a few U.S. politicians, that can easily be denounced as interference by a foreign power in the internal affairs of the United States.

"But no similar charge can be raised against Israeli influence because of the golden gag rule: any mention of such influence can be immediately denounced as a typical anti-Semitic slur against a nonexistent 'Jewish power'.

"Referring to the perfectly obvious, public activities of the Israel lobby may even be likened to peddling a 'conspiracy theory'”.

The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, you rarely get out of your apartment so how do you meet members of the Chumash tribe? Who you probably meet when you do get out are the Salvadorans and Guatemalans who lived in the Pico Union neighborhood where your subsidized apartment is located. The Wimp (gets a cheap thrill calling members of the U.S. military killers) who faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training thinks he is fooling everyone that he knows Chumash, Maybe some day when you put away a few bucks you can travel to their casino in Santa Ynez. In your city there are buses which take Senior Citizens to these casinos, and maybe you will be lucky enough to hit a jackpot if you have occasion to go. It's really a shame that the Native Americans who used to be on these forums no longer post because they would certainly have some fun with Georgie Boy. Naturally they would be smart enough to realize that Georgie Boy has a burr up his keester when it comes to Jews.
Regardless of what you think, Killer, Indians were exterminated by the millions by hired thugs like you. Maybe that's why every Chumash I know thinks your squeals on behalf of Israel sound like Bandar Bush appealing for Democracy in Syria:

"There are indeed forces other than the Israel lobby pushing for war. It is true that some neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia or Turkey also want to destroy Syria, for their own reasons.

"But they have nowhere near the political influence on the United States of the Israel lobby. If Saudi princes use their money to try to corrupt a few U.S. politicians, that can easily be denounced as interference by a foreign power in the internal affairs of the United States.

"But no similar charge can be raised against Israeli influence because of the golden gag rule: any mention of such influence can be immediately denounced as a typical anti-Semitic slur against a nonexistent 'Jewish power'.

"Referring to the perfectly obvious, public activities of the Israel lobby may even be likened to peddling a 'conspiracy theory'”.

The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, you rarely get out of your apartment so how do you meet members of the Chumash tribe? Who you probably meet when you do get out are the Salvadorans and Guatemalans who lived in the Pico Union neighborhood where your subsidized apartment is located. The Wimp (gets a cheap thrill calling members of the U.S. military killers) who faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training thinks he is fooling everyone that he knows Chumash, Maybe some day when you put away a few bucks you can travel to their casino in Santa Ynez. In your city there are buses which take Senior Citizens to these casinos, and maybe you will be lucky enough to hit a jackpot if you have occasion to go. It's really a shame that the Native Americans who used to be on these forums no longer post because they would certainly have some fun with Georgie Boy. Naturally they would be smart enough to realize that Georgie Boy has a burr up his keester when it comes to Jews.
Hossie's DIME:

"DIME was originally tested by a US Air Force Base in Florida, where the possibility of adding tungsten or other metal particles to an explosive chemical mixture was studied. Desmond Travers, an Irish colonel, has stated that there was much anecdotal evidence that Israel used DIME during its three-week assault on Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009.

"He has expressed particular concern about DIME containing powdered metal, which cannot be removed from any human body that it enters. Travers was part of the UN team headed by Richard Goldstone, a retired South African judge, which investigated the conduct of that offensive.

"Why is SDA (Security and Defense Agenda) so perturbed by Syria possessing ghastly weapons, but not Israel? This may have something to do with how Lockheed Martin is the biggest beneficiary of US military aid to Israel. The $3 billion that America gives to Israel each year is conditional on it buying weapons from Lockheed and a few other US firms."

Can anyone imagine why someone who took money to help maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate millions of innocent civilians would constantly look for ways to support other war criminals?

Maybe the Chumash know?

Serving America?s War Machine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, you rarely get out of your apartment so how do you meet members of the Chumash tribe? Who you probably meet when you do get out are the Salvadorans and Guatemalans who lived in the Pico Union neighborhood where your subsidized apartment is located. The Wimp (gets a cheap thrill calling members of the U.S. military killers) who faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training thinks he is fooling everyone that he knows Chumash, Maybe some day when you put away a few bucks you can travel to their casino in Santa Ynez. In your city there are buses which take Senior Citizens to these casinos, and maybe you will be lucky enough to hit a jackpot if you have occasion to go. It's really a shame that the Native Americans who used to be on these forums no longer post because they would certainly have some fun with Georgie Boy. Naturally they would be smart enough to realize that Georgie Boy has a burr up his keester when it comes to Jews.
Hossie's DIME:

"DIME was originally tested by a US Air Force Base in Florida, where the possibility of adding tungsten or other metal particles to an explosive chemical mixture was studied. Desmond Travers, an Irish colonel, has stated that there was much anecdotal evidence that Israel used DIME during its three-week assault on Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009.

"He has expressed particular concern about DIME containing powdered metal, which cannot be removed from any human body that it enters. Travers was part of the UN team headed by Richard Goldstone, a retired South African judge, which investigated the conduct of that offensive.

"Why is SDA (Security and Defense Agenda) so perturbed by Syria possessing ghastly weapons, but not Israel? This may have something to do with how Lockheed Martin is the biggest beneficiary of US military aid to Israel. The $3 billion that America gives to Israel each year is conditional on it buying weapons from Lockheed and a few other US firms."

Can anyone imagine why someone who took money to help maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate millions of innocent civilians would constantly look for ways to support other war criminals?

Maybe the Chumash know?

Serving America?s War Machine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Does anyone think that Georgie Boy, if he hadn't been a wimp and dropped out of basic training after only ten days faking a bad back because (as he claimed) he got homesick) and had stayed in the Air Force, would be calling himself a whore? Of course he wouldn't, but since his life has been a disaster, he gets his cheap entertainment on forums pulling stuff up from Wikipedia and other sites to diss others. Way to go, Georgie Boy. Mayber if you ever left your subsidized apartment, you can actually ask some members of the Chumash tribe all the question you want. By the way, many of your homeboys from the Hood did stay in the service so why don't you question them first and tell them what you think of them. Or is it more enjoyable to get on your soapbox and constantly diss America and the men who served in the U.S. military?
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"...Political power and economic power are both forms of social power.

"But as the saw regarding the Western academic practice of separating economics from politics has it, ‘economics only deals with solved social problems.’

"And as any reading of mainstream (capitalist) Western economics has it, the structure of its fundamental premise is (1) we are all in this economy together so (2) whatever arrangement of circumstance produces the most income / wealth / ‘utility’ is best regardless of how it is distributed.

"However, as France’s King Louis 16th found as his head was being forcibly separated from his body, distribution matters."

Hossie would have killed children and died for Louie the Wimp...
Last edited:
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"...Political power and economic power are both forms of social power.

"But as the saw regarding the Western academic practice of separating economics from politics has it, ‘economics only deals with solved social problems.’

"And as any reading of mainstream (capitalist) Western economics has it, the structure of its fundamental premise is (1) we are all in this economy together so (2) whatever arrangement of circumstance produces the most income / wealth / ‘utility’ is best regardless of how it is distributed.

"However, as France’s King Louis 16th found as his head was being forcibly separated from his body, distribution matters."

Hossie would have killed children and died for Louie the Wimp...
One thing the wimp Georgie Boy is not telling the viewers is that if he wasn't such a wuss and faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he got homesick (maybe for his fellow Crips or the Bloods), he would have stayed in the Air force like many of his brave fellow Blacks do. Don't fool yourself that Georgie Boy is such a pacifist. It's a good cover for him being a wuss. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy on any other forums condemning what the Arabs are doing to his people? Here he is so busy posting against Israel and American and is so quiet about what is happening to Blacks in the Sudan and Libya. Maybe he has no problem with the Arabs putting the Blacks in cages in Libya like they were monkeys at the zoo or killing them in the Sudan as long as he is safe here in America.
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"...Political power and economic power are both forms of social power.

"But as the saw regarding the Western academic practice of separating economics from politics has it, ‘economics only deals with solved social problems.’

"And as any reading of mainstream (capitalist) Western economics has it, the structure of its fundamental premise is (1) we are all in this economy together so (2) whatever arrangement of circumstance produces the most income / wealth / ‘utility’ is best regardless of how it is distributed.

"However, as France’s King Louis 16th found as his head was being forcibly separated from his body, distribution matters."

Hossie would have killed children and died for Louie the Wimp...
One thing the wimp Georgie Boy is not telling the viewers is that if he wasn't such a wuss and faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he got homesick (maybe for his fellow Crips or the Bloods), he would have stayed in the Air force like many of his brave fellow Blacks do. Don't fool yourself that Georgie Boy is such a pacifist. It's a good cover for him being a wuss. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy on any other forums condemning what the Arabs are doing to his people? Here he is so busy posting against Israel and American and is so quiet about what is happening to Blacks in the Sudan and Libya. Maybe he has no problem with the Arabs putting the Blacks in cages in Libya like they were monkeys at the zoo or killing them in the Sudan as long as he is safe here in America.
Hossie has invested too much of his life in committing war crimes to look honestly at what's driving US intervention in Syria:

"America wants regime change in Syria

"In the eyes of the USA, the original 'red line' transgressed by the Syrian government was in coming to power 40 years ago as an Arab nationalist state.

"It wanted to challenge the lack of sovereignty in the Arab world because the West had already established its interest in controlling the region.

"Syria wanted the Arab nations to unite and become an independent force in world politics.

"To achieve this, it needed a power that could stand up to Israel, which aimed to weaken the new Arab states.

"Syria’s sovereignty from the beginning was hostile to Israel and the states that backed it.

"Its national program therefore included opposition to the US and its world order.

"It formed alliances on the basis of this common anti-Americanism: first as an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and more recently with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is behind the killing in Iraq and Syria today for the same reason it murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of South-East Asians during the time of Hossie's "service."

Wall Street says, "thanks, Punk...keep the Agent Orange as a bonus."
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"...Political power and economic power are both forms of social power.

"But as the saw regarding the Western academic practice of separating economics from politics has it, ‘economics only deals with solved social problems.’

"And as any reading of mainstream (capitalist) Western economics has it, the structure of its fundamental premise is (1) we are all in this economy together so (2) whatever arrangement of circumstance produces the most income / wealth / ‘utility’ is best regardless of how it is distributed.

"However, as France’s King Louis 16th found as his head was being forcibly separated from his body, distribution matters."

Hossie would have killed children and died for Louie the Wimp...
One thing the wimp Georgie Boy is not telling the viewers is that if he wasn't such a wuss and faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he got homesick (maybe for his fellow Crips or the Bloods), he would have stayed in the Air force like many of his brave fellow Blacks do. Don't fool yourself that Georgie Boy is such a pacifist. It's a good cover for him being a wuss. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Georgie Boy on any other forums condemning what the Arabs are doing to his people? Here he is so busy posting against Israel and American and is so quiet about what is happening to Blacks in the Sudan and Libya. Maybe he has no problem with the Arabs putting the Blacks in cages in Libya like they were monkeys at the zoo or killing them in the Sudan as long as he is safe here in America.
Hossie has invested too much of his life in committing war crimes to look honestly at what's driving US intervention in Syria:

"America wants regime change in Syria

"In the eyes of the USA, the original 'red line' transgressed by the Syrian government was in coming to power 40 years ago as an Arab nationalist state.

"It wanted to challenge the lack of sovereignty in the Arab world because the West had already established its interest in controlling the region.

"Syria wanted the Arab nations to unite and become an independent force in world politics.

"To achieve this, it needed a power that could stand up to Israel, which aimed to weaken the new Arab states.

"Syria’s sovereignty from the beginning was hostile to Israel and the states that backed it.

"Its national program therefore included opposition to the US and its world order.

"It formed alliances on the basis of this common anti-Americanism: first as an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and more recently with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China."

US Credibility in Syria and the World » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is behind the killing in Iraq and Syria today for the same reason it murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of South-East Asians during the time of Hossie's "service."

Wall Street says, "thanks, Punk...keep the Agent Orange as a bonus."
After my military career was over, my many working years were invested in other areas. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, the wimp, didn't want to push himself because he felt that the American taxpayers should be the ones to help him. Maybe that is the reason Georgie Boy is still living in an America that he hates instead of another country where he will feel more comfortable. And the viewers have to admit, Georgie Boy is getting his jollies on these forums bashing America and Israel day in and day out. This is his way of getting back toward those he hates. By the way, Georgie Boy, I believe the base closest to you is the Los Angeles Air Force Base. Do you think you would be brave enough to call those who are Black and who had a career in the military "punks" while they entered the base to go shopping in the Commissary or Base Exchange? Or are you only brave in front of your computer, wimp?

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