The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla

Can someone translate Pbel? I don't understand what is this thread about.

They are saying Israel is an 800lb gorilla sitting in your living room. Everyone knows he's there but they don't want to mention or acknowledge him. They are right about one thing. Israel is an 800lb gorilla and the arabs are a worrisome gnat buzzing around his head. One day the gorilla will tire of the gnat.
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They are saying Israel is an 800lb gorilla sitting in your living room. Everyone knows he's there but they don't want to mention or acknowledge him. They are right about one thing. Israel is an 800lb gorilla and the arabs are a worrisome gnat buzzing around his head. One day the gorilla will tire of the gnat.

No, the Muslim world is a massive gorilla and Israel is an annoying little horselfy.

Eventually the gorolla will eat the horsefly, or just step on it and be done with the problem.

Unless of course the horsefly learns to cut its loses and fly away.
They are saying Israel is an 800lb gorilla sitting in your living room. Everyone knows he's there but they don't want to mention or acknowledge him. They are right about one thing. Israel is an 800lb gorilla and the arabs are a worrisome gnat buzzing around his head. One day the gorilla will tire of the gnat.

No, the Muslim world is a massive gorilla and Israel is an annoying little horselfy.

Eventually the gorolla will eat the horsefly, or just step on it and be done with the problem.

Unless of course the horsefly learns to cut its loses and fly away.

Right, just like they crushed them in '48, '56, '67 &'73. Best joke I've heard all day. Keep dreamin'. :muahaha:
They are saying Israel is an 800lb gorilla sitting in your living room. Everyone knows he's there but they don't want to mention or acknowledge him. They are right about one thing. Israel is an 800lb gorilla and the arabs are a worrisome gnat buzzing around his head. One day the gorilla will tire of the gnat.

No, the Muslim world is a massive gorilla and Israel is an annoying little horselfy.

Eventually the gorolla will eat the horsefly, or just step on it and be done with the problem.

Unless of course the horsefly learns to cut its loses and fly away.
Hossflies don't scare. They bite like hell.
It appears that America may have made a Historic Moment in our1% Democracy by refuting the whishes of Israel and her PAC AIPAC. I can't remember another time when the people ever prevailed on the so called 800 pound gorilla which has orchestrated all ME polices in the ME and especially towards Palestinians in their quest for nation-hood.
Same garbage, different day, of course.
:clap: :clap:
the Muslim world is a massive gorilla...

I agree. And the gorilla is now busy cannibalizing it's other gorilla brethern. Been keeping up with the results of the Arab Spring? :clap:
I agree. And the gorilla is now busy cannibalizing it's other gorilla brethern. Been keeping up with the results of the Arab Spring? :clap:

right, cause all Muslims are Arabs. ;)

I mean, the majority of Muslims are Arabs. ;)

I mean.....what was your point again?
They are saying Israel is an 800lb gorilla sitting in your living room. Everyone knows he's there but they don't want to mention or acknowledge him. They are right about one thing. Israel is an 800lb gorilla and the arabs are a worrisome gnat buzzing around his head. One day the gorilla will tire of the gnat.

No, the Muslim world is a massive gorilla and Israel is an annoying little horselfy.

Eventually the gorolla will eat the horsefly, or just step on it and be done with the problem.

Unless of course the horsefly learns to cut its loses and fly away.
Hossflies don't scare. They bite like hell.

the question is what part of the hosse's ass they are biting?...
I agree. And the gorilla is now busy cannibalizing it's other gorilla brethern. Been keeping up with the results of the Arab Spring? :clap:

right, cause all Muslims are Arabs. ;)

I mean, the majority of Muslims are Arabs. ;)

I mean.....what was your point again?
Where did I say all Muslims are Arabs? Right now the countries that are surrounding Israel, which are engulfed in civil and sectarian civil wars, for decades to come, are Arabs.

Tell me again, how'd you like these apples the Arab Spring is producing?
Where did I say all Muslims are Arabs? Right now the countries that are surrounding Israel, which are engulfed in civil and sectarian civil wars, for decades to come, are Arabs.

Tell me again, how'd you like these apples the Arab Spring is producing?

I think the scumbag Neo-Conservatives like Bush, have really screwed the Middle East by trying to spread Liberal Democracy in places that it doesn't belong.

And Israel is part of this!!!!!
Where did I say all Muslims are Arabs? Right now the countries that are surrounding Israel, which are engulfed in civil and sectarian civil wars, for decades to come, are Arabs.

Tell me again, how'd you like these apples the Arab Spring is producing?

I think the scumbag Neo-Conservatives like Bush, have really screwed the Middle East by trying to spread Liberal Democracy in places that it doesn't belong.

And Israel is part of this!!!!!
I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:
I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:

Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.
9-11 Review: 9-11-01 as a Pretext for U.S. Imperialism

I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:

Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.

9/11/01 as a Pretext for U.S. Imperialism

The 9/11/01 attack served as a general-purpose pretext for imperialist ventures that were planned years in advance of the attack. Deployments for the attack on Afghanistan began within days of the attack. When the attack failed to produce the capture of the alleged perpetrator of the 9/11/01 attack, Osama bin Laden, the administration shifted blame for the attack to Iraqi President Saddam Husein, and commenced its invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The Project for a New American Century, a think-tank including of some of the core policy advisors for the Bush Administration, articulated the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in the policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses just one year before 9/11/01. The paper also forshadowed the use of Saddam Hussein as a pretext for invasions of Central Asia.

e x c e r p t
title: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century
authors: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, William Kristol,

... Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolunionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor. ...

... While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein ...

site: Welcome to the Project for the New American Century page:

The paper also looked with seeming approval to the use of biological warfare as a political tool.

e x c e r p t
title: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century
authors: Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, William Kristol,

... Advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. ...

e x c e r p t
title: A New Pearl Harbor
authors: John Pilger
... Advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. ...

e x c e r p t
title: A New Pearl Harbor
authors: John Pilger

did they really say this???????????

what a stupid idea, considering the proponderance of certain Haplotypes amoung Jews.
I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:

Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.
Did you miss Hussein Obama's "message to the Muslim world" in Cairo as sson as he became president, apologizing to the Muslim world for America's wrong doings, and telling Muslims they deserve democracies? Or perhaps his speech after he literally pushed Mubarak out, telling everybody how great this Arab Spring was going to be?

Hilarious how some give credit to Bush for revolutions years after he's gone. :cuckoo:
9-11 Review: 9-11-01 as a Pretext for U.S. Imperialism

I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:

Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.

9/11/01 as a Pretext for U.S. Imperialism

The 9/11/01 attack served as a general-purpose pretext for imperialist ventures that were planned years in advance of the attack. Deployments for the attack on Afghanistan began within days of the attack. When the attack failed to produce the capture of the alleged perpetrator of the 9/11/01 attack, Osama bin Laden, the administration shifted blame for the attack to Iraqi President Saddam Husein, and commenced its invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The Project for a New American Century, a think-tank including of some of the core policy advisors for the Bush Administration, articulated the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in the policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses just one year before 9/11/01. The paper also forshadowed the use of Saddam Hussein as a pretext for invasions of Central Asia.

e x c e r p t
title: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century
authors: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, William Kristol,

... Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolunionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor. ...

... While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein ...

site: Welcome to the Project for the New American Century page:

The paper also looked with seeming approval to the use of biological warfare as a political tool.

e x c e r p t
title: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century
authors: Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, William Kristol,

... Advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. ...

e x c e r p t
title: A New Pearl Harbor
authors: John Pilger
This post needs to be on the conspiracy board.
I agree. Islam and Shariah law are incompatible with democracy. But you forget, the Arab Spring is a product of Obamaloney, not Bush. :cuckoo:

Bush and his Neo-Con buddies are the ones that kept yelling & screaming about giving the Arab world democracy & freedom.

They started this shit. They are the ones who got the West thinking in these terms.

They are the ones who got the West supporting these ideas.

And they STILL think we should "give" democracy & freedom to Syria and Iran.

idiots, they will reap what they sow.
Did you miss Hussein Obama's "message to the Muslim world" in Cairo as sson as he became president, apologizing to the Muslim world for America's wrong doings, and telling Muslims they deserve democracies? Or perhaps his speech after he literally pushed Mubarak out, telling everybody how great this Arab Spring was going to be?

Hilarious how some give credit to Bush for revolutions years after he's gone. :cuckoo:
What does the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World have to apologize for (besides Israel?)

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent

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