The people of Gaza share a lot in common with Americans. Think of the American revolutionary war.

The third most spoken language in Israel is Russian.

You can keep making things up about other posters doesn’t bother me. Have a nice night.

Hebrew is the official language of Israel. When Israel became a nation again, (in a day<prophesy) Jews from all over the world moved there with all different languages, so Israel reverted to it's original language, and is the only nation to ever return to their ancient language <(prophesied) after being dispersed to other places. Many Jews are bilingual.
The terrorists thanked Iran for all their help on camera. And Iran has made their intentions toward Israel on camera many, many times.
Iran is about to become a nuke factory. And Israel is the target for all the nations that surround the Jews.
You are dreaming if you think Christians want this. The Jews are about to get hammered. Yet, they'll prevail.
There is no one who does not know that Iran has been behind, for decades, with supplying Gaza and Hezbollah with weapons to wipe Israel up.

Israel will deal with Iran in its due time, as it will with Russia as well.

No, Israel is not going to be hammered by nukes.

And as Iran is the Islamic side which wants Israel destroyed, Russia is the Christian side which is helping Islam to see Israel destroyed.

Russia has been against Israel since Israel Declared Independence and refused to become a Communist State.
There’s plenty of Palestinians and Israelis who work together

In any event, you have a clear-cut situation, where there’s millions of people in the Gaza Strip. Many of them probably don’t support their government. And so it’s simply on them as a man to take care of their families. Imagine that being a grown man in the Gaza Strip, and just like many Trump supporters can’t stand Democrat cities you have men in Gaza, who can’t stand their government and they also disagree with the Israeli government. And now they’re trying to take care of the family and live a dignified life.
There is one thing you are not considering. They are muslims. As Muslims they have a religious obligation, commanded by Mohammed, to kill Jews. They have a Constitution for the creation of Palestine that calls for the slaughter of Jews and the destruction of Israel. There is nothing about revolutionary America that compares.
Taxation without representation. The Americans of the revolutionary war. Were living under the British crown and they were suppressed. They were oppressed. They didn’t have freedom. The things that Americans would do if they were living in Gaza today. Pro Second Amendment Americans if they had to live in filth and be degraded living in a perilous situation without freedom.

You've lost the fuckin' plot mate.

Hamas leader compares group's violence to American Revolution​

That’s interesting

The bottom line is that, regardless of where anybody stands on the political situation’s. If any of the second amendment Trump supporting Americans. Or just any second amendment American, who is a democrat, or American, had to live in the Gaza Strip, living in a open air prison, living in filth, being degraded every day have nowhere to go. Having to look at their children’s eyes every day and then some days telling them we don’t have enough money for food. What would they do?

That is the most idiotic post I have seen today......and your competition is pretty idiotic.

Israelis are foreign invaders who did not even come from the Mideast.
The Ashkenazi like Netanyahu, are eastern European converts like the Khazars.
Taxation without representation. The Americans of the revolutionary war. Were living under the British crown and they were suppressed. They were oppressed. They didn’t have freedom. The things that Americans would do if they were living in Gaza today. Pro Second Amendment Americans if they had to live in filth and be degraded living in a perilous situation without freedom.

Palestine doesn't have "freedom", not because of Israel, but because of Hamas and other such groups.
Israelis are foreign invaders who did not even come from the Mideast.
The Ashkenazi like Netanyahu, are eastern European converts like the Khazars.
The Khazar myth is just that a myth. It is not supported by the discipline of archaeology. Where are the Synagogues and Jewish cemeteries in Khazaria?
Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies . . ."

That has to be a misrepresentation, because the only allies Mohammad had when he took back Mecca, were the 12 tribes of Jews.
Palestine doesn't have "freedom", not because of Israel, but because of Hamas and other such groups.

The British Mandate for Palestine was part of the Treaty of Versailles, and was to create independence for an Arab Palestine, without any Israel at all.
The population of Palestine then was less than 5% Jewish.
All the population of Israel now are illegal immigrants who never paid for any land at all, and are illegally using land they stole from Palestinians they murdered.
The British Mandate for Palestine was part of the Treaty of Versailles, and was to create independence for an Arab Palestine, without any Israel at all.
The population of Palestine then was less than 5% Jewish.
All the population of Israel now are illegal immigrants who never paid for any land at all, and are illegally using land they stole from Palestinians they murdered.

Well, people can go back and forth on who's land it is based on History.

The reality is that land is owned by those who control it, and Israel controls it. Same as the US, the Native peoples don't own it, the people of the US do, because they took it with force.

2,000 years ago there were no Muslims in Palestine...
The British Mandate for Palestine was part of the Treaty of Versailles, and was to create independence for an Arab Palestine, without any Israel at all.
The population of Palestine then was less than 5% Jewish.
All the population of Israel now are illegal immigrants who never paid for any land at all, and are illegally using land they stole from Palestinians they murdered.
Here's Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio (155-c.235) as to whom the land belongs to: "At Jerusalem, [Hadrian] founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the TEMPLE ... he raised a new temple to Jupiter.
This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration, for the JEWS deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in THEIR city and foreign religious rites planted there." [All emphases mine] (From Cassius Dio, Roman History 69.12.1-14.3)

Poster, where were the "Palestinians" when the Jewish People were defending their homeland from the Romans?
The Khazar myth is just that a myth. It is not supported by the discipline of archaeology. Where are the Synagogues and Jewish cemeteries in Khazaria?

Khazars ranged from Russia to Poland, but mostly in the south, like the Crimea and the Ukraine.

The Khazars[a] were a nomadic Turkic people that in the late 6th-century CE established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.[10] They created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate.[11] Astride a major artery of commerce between Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading empires of the early medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus'.[12][13] For some three centuries (c. 650–965) the Khazars dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus.
The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century,

It is easy to tell because the Ashkenazi do not speak Hebrew, but Yiddish, which is Germanic and not from the Mideast. Hebrew is a Semitic Arab language, but Yiddish is not.
The Ten had been lost for centuries when Mohammad appeared on the scene.

The Jewish tribes went east into Saudi Arabia when the Romans kicked them out of Jerusalem.
They were with Mohammad in Medina.

A delegation from Medina, consisting of the representatives of the twelve important Jewish clans of Medina, invited Muhammad as a neutral outsider to serve as the chief arbitrator for the entire community. There was fighting in Yathrib (Medina) mainly involving its Arab and Jewish inhabitants for around a hundred years before 620. The recurring slaughters and disagreements over the resulting claims, especially after the battle of Bu'ath in which all the clans were involved, made it obvious to them that the tribal conceptions of blood-feud and an eye for an eye were no longer workable unless there was one man with authority to adjudicate in disputed cases. The delegation from Medina pledged themselves and their fellow-citizens to accept Muhammad into their community and physically protect him as one of themselves.
Well, people can go back and forth on who's land it is based on History.

The reality is that land is owned by those who control it, and Israel controls it. Same as the US, the Native peoples don't own it, the people of the US do, because they took it with force.

2,000 years ago there were no Muslims in Palestine...

The Canaanites, Chaldeans, Philistine, Phoenicians, Nabataeans, etc. who were in Palestine 2000 years ago are the same descendants who are Palestinians now.
It is the Jews who do not belong, because they never paid for any of it, and instead illegally stole land by murder.
That is never acceptable and never goes away.
Read up on the massacres of native Palestinians by the Zionists around 1945.
Like the Dier Yassin massacre:
Here's Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio (155-c.235) as to whom the land belongs to: "At Jerusalem, [Hadrian] founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the TEMPLE ... he raised a new temple to Jupiter.
This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration, for the JEWS deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in THEIR city and foreign religious rites planted there." [All emphases mine] (From Cassius Dio, Roman History 69.12.1-14.3)

Poster, where were the "Palestinians" when the Jewish People were defending their homeland from the Romans?

That is totally incorrect history.
The Jews had been defeated by the Babylonians 900 years prior to that, and the Assyrians also beat them a hundred years later.
The Jews were in control of NOTHING when the Romans invaded the Levant.
The Romans picked the Jews as their surrogate puppets, and returned the Jews back into power, around 100 BC.
But then even the Romans could not stand the arrogance of the Jews, and leveled the second Temple of Solomon, which had been built by Romans, not Jews.
That was around 160 AD.
The Jewish tribes went east into Saudi Arabia when the Romans kicked them out of Jerusalem.
They were with Mohammad in Medina.

A delegation from Medina, consisting of the representatives of the twelve important Jewish clans of Medina, invited Muhammad as a neutral outsider to serve as the chief arbitrator for the entire community. There was fighting in Yathrib (Medina) mainly involving its Arab and Jewish inhabitants for around a hundred years before 620. The recurring slaughters and disagreements over the resulting claims, especially after the battle of Bu'ath in which all the clans were involved, made it obvious to them that the tribal conceptions of blood-feud and an eye for an eye were no longer workable unless there was one man with authority to adjudicate in disputed cases. The delegation from Medina pledged themselves and their fellow-citizens to accept Muhammad into their community and physically protect him as one of themselves.
Many people are under the mistaken belief that after the last Jewish-Roman war in 135 CE, there weren't any more Jewish inhabitants in Israel. Not true. There has always been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel. The Jewish Zainati family, from the village of Peki'in, trace their unbroken presence in Israel to the end of the last Jewish Commonwealth -- that is, nearly 2, 000 years ago! No Arab family can make this claim:
That is totally incorrect history.
The Jews had been defeated by the Babylonians 900 years prior to that, and the Assyrians also beat them a hundred years later.
The Jews were in control of NOTHING when the Romans invaded the Levant.
The Romans picked the Jews as their surrogate puppets, and returned the Jews back into power, around 100 BC.
But then even the Romans could not stand the arrogance of the Jews, and leveled the second Temple of Solomon, which had been built by Romans, not Jews.
That was around 160 AD.

You didn't answer the question -- again, where were the "Palestinians" when the Jewish people were defending their homeland from the Roman occupiers?

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