The People vs. Unions: Cash, Credit and Corruption


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
sums it up


The People vs. Unions: Cash, Credit and Corruption

John Ransom
While it’s a truism that for every finger you point at someone else you’ve got three pointed right back at you, for liberals it’s part of their laws of physics.

It would be impossible for the laws of liberals to govern without this binding hypocrisy that keeps them in orbit.

That’s why it shouldn’t surprise you that for all the leftist rhetoric about corporations and greed contributing the decline of the country, there’s one corporate outfit that’s really screwing up this country- and it’s a creation and a creature of the left.

Like most Big Left organizations it is a corporate body that is funded by you and I, but serves only the holy trinity of liberals, leftists and liars.

That corporation is, of course, Union, Inc.

Some call it Big Labor, but that’s an insult to the dignity of labor.

And if you want to see examples of corporate personhood gone bad you needn’t look to Wall Street. No; the stakes there are too high and the disclosures too transparent for mere corporation law to shield corporations from poor governance.

The laws of economics- the real laws, not the theories- usually take care of things in the private, corporate marketplace.

Instead- like many things in the country- you need to look farther left for real-life examples of rogue corporate personhood.

Union domination of the Democrat Party has become so entrenched- and so full of government money- that it’s impossible to tell if Union, Inc. is the parent corporation of the Democrats, or if the Democrats control the unions. And the symbiotic and sybaritic relationships between the unions and the Democrats have helped screw up corporations, municipalities and public policy in this country for too many decades.

Even as the so-called recovery notches another year, and state revenues begin to stabilize, municipalities and school districts are increasingly filing for bankruptcy in order to containing the rising cost of benefits demanded by unionized public workers.

all of it here with comments
The People vs. Unions: Cash, Credit and Corruption - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Unions are made up of a bunch of people who don't want to compete for higher pay and benefits.

It's the all or none bullshit that has led to the age of zero tolerance zero intelligence.
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

omg, what bullshit

YOU don't know what types of jobs I've had, so please only include yourself in your spews
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Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

omg, who did you still that bullshit from..

YOU don't know what types of jobs I've had, so please only include yourself in your spews

the elite..:lol:

It doesn't take much to be elite over you. A pancake is more elite than you.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.
Union workers aren't highly motivated because they don't have to excel in order to get pay raises.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.
Union workers aren't highly motivated because they don't have to excel in order to get pay raises.

Although I am in management now, I used to be in a labor union. We worked extremely hard, and we were highly motivated because we had a stake in the company. I can't speak for every union, though, because I only knew about the one I was in.

How many unions were YOU in, Porkchop?
Because a person can't really speak from experience without actually HAVING the experience.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.

No these are not at all the facts. You couldn't be more wrong.
It may very well take 10 cheap uneducated people making slave wages anywhere from $.10 to $.25 an hour somewhere in the world to do the work of one qualified skilled laborer in America - but you do the math.
I wish you were right - but you are way off. Today - slave wages drive the economic engine. There is little money in making anything anymore, the money is in servicing consumers in other means and especially servicing the debt people take on buying the products that the cheap labor makes.
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

a classic union job.

20 miles of caution cones fucking up traffic.

At the end.... 5 trucks hole... one guy working... 30 guys standing around watching.
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

a classic union job.

20 miles of caution cones fucking up traffic.

At the end.... 5 trucks hole... one guy working... 30 guys standing around watching.

I see that all the time..saw them planting trees the other day, two put the little tree in the hole and ANOTHER two to fill it in

four guys..
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.

No these are not at all the facts. You couldn't be more wrong.
It may very well take 10 cheap uneducated people making slave wages anywhere from $.10 to $.25 an hour somewhere in the world to do the work of one qualified skilled laborer in America - but you do the math.
I wish you were right - but you are way off. Today - slave wages drive the economic engine. There is little money in making anything anymore, the money is in servicing consumers in other means and especially servicing the debt people take on buying the products that the cheap labor makes.

Although some of this is true, your response does not contradict my statement. ALL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY begins and ends with labor.

Do you even understand that a dollar's only value is as a claim on labor?

When labor has had enough, they will assert this fact.
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

a classic union job.

20 miles of caution cones fucking up traffic.

At the end.... 5 trucks hole... one guy working... 30 guys standing around watching.

I see that all the time..saw them planting trees the other day, two put the little tree in the hole and ANOTHER two to fill it in

four guys..

only 4 guys...

one to put out miles of cones
one guy to flag traffic
one to drive the auger
one to use the auger
one guy to drive the tree
one guy to load and off load the tree
one guy to take it out of the pot
one guy to drive the tools
one guy for each tool
one guy to supervise
and the most important.... one guy to go and get coffee.
Unions...the mother's milk of low achievers.

Unions are made up of a bunch of people who don't want to compete for higher pay and benefits.

It's the all or none bullshit that has led to the age of zero tolerance zero intelligence.

What higher wages and benefits?
In the real world wages have been flat for decades and companies are cutting back on benefits.

Benefits Shrinking for U.S. Workers
Benefits Shrinking for U.S. Workers - Features - News & Reviews -

And then there's wages. Wages have increased, but they aren't rising. Confused? Income has increased in nominal dollars but in fact have stayed flat in Real Dollars. Nominal dollars don't take in account inflation, where as in Real Dollars, which use constant dollars (that do take in account inflation) show incomes have been flat for decades. As a matter of fact, workers were making more in the 1970's than they are making currently.
Take a look at the chart below:


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I've worked union and nonunion jobs, was always happier and advanced better on the nonunion jobs. Advancement wasn't tied to union rules and was advanced on merit. That's a system the left doesn't understand because it requires personal responsibilty, you are the sum total of your decisions, I never needed anyone to make those decisions for me. Now days public sector unions are money laundering operations for the commiecrats, government give them money, they give it back to candidnates that will give them more, it should be illegal.
Typical right wing opinion of workers, here.

Actually, workers are the straw that stirs the drink. Workers are the fuel in the engine. Without an effective, skilled, talented, and motivated workforce--there is NO ECONOMIC ACTIVITY.Right wingers do not understand this. Right wingers see workers as a threat because empowering them brings about the democratic process.

And right wingers are authoritarians.

These are simply facts.

No these are not at all the facts. You couldn't be more wrong.
It may very well take 10 cheap uneducated people making slave wages anywhere from $.10 to $.25 an hour somewhere in the world to do the work of one qualified skilled laborer in America - but you do the math.
I wish you were right - but you are way off. Today - slave wages drive the economic engine. There is little money in making anything anymore, the money is in servicing consumers in other means and especially servicing the debt people take on buying the products that the cheap labor makes.

Although some of this is true, your response does not contradict my statement. ALL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY begins and ends with labor.

Do you even understand that a dollar's only value is as a claim on labor?

When labor has had enough, they will assert this fact.

Sorry, that is how it used to be 30 years ago.
The service industry is where the money is at. Sad, but true.
I know because I am in manufacturing. I run a decent sized printing company, and as a printing company we print for all walks of industry - therefore I have unique exposure to lots of industries that few people have.
Manufacturing, particularly small manufacturing...they are all on the race to in zero profitability. People don't value production anymore. You can make a ton more money SELLING a product than actually making a LOOONG shot.
Ol' Staph has zero understanding of what it means to work on the factory floor. Blair Mountain and Ludlow means nothing to her. Like all too many, she has the Randian attitude toward anyone she does not consider part of the elite. That they should just be happy to be fodder for the ambitions of that elite. That we workers actually have ambitions and lives offends her deeply.

a classic union job.

20 miles of caution cones fucking up traffic.

At the end.... 5 trucks hole... one guy working... 30 guys standing around watching.

Oh, YOU'RE comparing productivity? LOL
No these are not at all the facts. You couldn't be more wrong.
It may very well take 10 cheap uneducated people making slave wages anywhere from $.10 to $.25 an hour somewhere in the world to do the work of one qualified skilled laborer in America - but you do the math.
I wish you were right - but you are way off. Today - slave wages drive the economic engine. There is little money in making anything anymore, the money is in servicing consumers in other means and especially servicing the debt people take on buying the products that the cheap labor makes.

Although some of this is true, your response does not contradict my statement. ALL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY begins and ends with labor.

Do you even understand that a dollar's only value is as a claim on labor?

When labor has had enough, they will assert this fact.

Sorry, that is how it used to be 30 years ago.
The service industry is where the money is at. Sad, but true.
I know because I am in manufacturing. I run a decent sized printing company, and as a printing company we print for all walks of industry - therefore I have unique exposure to lots of industries that few people have.
Manufacturing, particularly small manufacturing...they are all on the race to in zero profitability. People don't value production anymore. You can make a ton more money SELLING a product than actually making a LOOONG shot.

I happen to agree. Capitalism has reduced labor to a mere commodity--as predicted by Marx. That is the Modern Problem in economics. And you should always remember that economics is a social science.

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