The Perfect Weapon


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Perhaps you’ve heard the warning ‘we have within us the seeds of our own destruction.’

According to Tyler Cowen, Professor of Economics, George Mason University, it applies in spades to Liberals. That perfect weapon is liberal’s own obsession with identity politics, which is then used by conservatives “to destroy liberalism from within.”

1. Attention, conservatives:
Political correctness is a weapon that will “disable your adversaries by preoccupying them with their own vanities and squabbles, a bit like a drug so good that users focus on the high and stop everything else they are doing.

2. …the American left has been hacked, and it is now running in a circle of its own choosing, rather than focusing on electoral victories or policy effectiveness. Too many segments of the Democratic Party are self-righteously talking about identity politics, and they are letting other priorities slip.

3. …polling data suggests that up to 80 percent of Americans are opposed to politically correct thinking in its current manifestations. Latinos and Asian-Americans are among the groups most opposed, and even 61 percent of self-professed liberals do not like political correctness.

4. The PC weapon reared its head again this week when Senator Elizabeth Warren made a big show of her genealogical test showing she is some small part Native American. To someone immersed in the political correctness debates, this obsession with identity might seem entirely natural.

5. The reality is that many Americans already think that the Democrats talk too much about identity. Warren would have done better to drop the topic altogether, as both right-wing and left-wing critics agree. Instead, she has kept the identity issue in the limelight, and reminded Americans that elite, mostly Democratic-leaning institutions, such as Harvard, like to pat themselves on the back for their diversity in ways which seem phony to most of the rest of us.” Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Many of us on the Right apply the obligatory terms ‘stupid’ and every iteration of the term, to the Leftists, reliable Democrat voters….but Cowen’s thesis seems to prove it: moving away from political correctness, identity politics, once eminently successful for the Left, seems as difficult as stopping a speeding locomotive when the track is out.


Keep that train a-rollin’!!!!!
From what I have heard and read, Senator Warren has a long list of accomplishments and policy initiatives that fit perfectly within the Leftist world view, and could make her the "top" Democrat candidate in 2020. In fact, among those who are mentioned as Top Tier, she is right up there with Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. And among those three, if I were a Democrat she would be my choice.

But when I read about her and see her being interviewed, it is ALWAYS in connection with her transparently-phony claim of being "part Native American." Is Trump smart enough to recognize her as a formidable opponent in 2020, and that's why he keeps bringing this up?

So, like every other politician, she NEEDS to be in the public eye, but the only way she can keep herself visible is by addressing this trivial matter. But unfortunately for her, every time it comes up, she "steps on her dick," so to speak. Her claim of "Indian" heritage has now been proven to be totally bogus, but she has gone so far with it that she can't just accept her embarrassment, apologize, and move on.
From what I have heard and read, Senator Warren has a long list of accomplishments and policy initiatives that fit perfectly within the Leftist world view, and could make her the "top" Democrat candidate in 2020. In fact, among those who are mentioned as Top Tier, she is right up there with Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. And among those three, if I were a Democrat she would be my choice.

But when I read about her and see her being interviewed, it is ALWAYS in connection with her transparently-phony claim of being "part Native American." Is Trump smart enough to recognize her as a formidable opponent in 2020, and that's why he keeps bringing this up?

So, like every other politician, she NEEDS to be in the public eye, but the only way she can keep herself visible is by addressing this trivial matter. But unfortunately for her, every time it comes up, she "steps on her dick," so to speak. Her claim of "Indian" heritage has now been proven to be totally bogus, but she has gone so far with it that she can't just accept her embarrassment, apologize, and move on.

Well, as far as I am concerned, the DNA test proved her claim, so that leaves out that area of attack.
I don't know why you say the claim is 'totally bogus.'

It's your first paragraph that sinks her and the other Democrat front runners as well.
6. Just a week after the 2016 election, and assuming an intelligence in the DNC that hasn’t been revealed, I posted this thread:

You White Folks Are Gonna Benefit...

It began…

Having made the unforgivable mistake of eschewing the white working class voter, based on an appeal to blacks, and Barack Obama's skin color, the Democrats will now regroup, and stop blaming everything on whites, and blaming everything on some imaginary racism in this country.
There is no institutional racism.
It's time to drop direct, or even peripheral, affirmative action.
Stop excusing rioters and thugs.

a. The slow-witted of their Janissaries will have to be re-trained, and lots of this board's Leftists will carry on their 'training' for a few years....but the Democrats will make every effort to regain the votes of whites.

They didn’t.

7. “Identity politics is ripping Democrats and liberals apart. White liberal feminists regularly are attacked by non-white and even white liberal feminists for being not sufficiently woke and for using their privilege. Liberal-imposed affirmative action pits applicants of Asian descent at elite schools like Harvard against other identity groups. The #MeToo movement is consuming mostly liberal men.” "Conservatives are using identity politics to destroy liberalism from within"

Democrat "Hirono to men: 'Shut up and step up'"
Hirono to men: 'Shut up and step up'

It's soooo good to see stupidity, and the attempts at division among Americans, having a penalty.
Now that Lizzy has established her Indianhood she needs to add some pizzazz to her story along the lines of dodging sniper fire on the tarmac, being named after a famous person who became famous 4-5 years after your birth and stuff like that. All the pros do it and if she can master the lip bite/tearing eye move to go along with it she might move the ‘20 meter a smidge.
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8. If most Americans are not the cowards that Liberalism requires them to be....."Just shut up and follow our orders!!"... doesn't bode well for the future of the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

“…two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness.

Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.”

Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages.” Large Majorities Dislike Political Correctness - The Atlantic

“Progressive activists are the only group that strongly backs political correctness: Only 30 percent see it as a problem.”
You know, the nuts who scream at the sky.

Hence.....let's just keep hoping that Progressives/Liberals/Democrats keep using a weapon that backfires.

9. “So if you are a right-wing, conservative, or perhaps libertarian thinker, and you consider yourself an opponent of political correctness, I have a message: Political correctness, as a movement, is a winning issue for you. It is disabling some of the ideas you don’t like. You might want to celebrate in secret, but celebrate you should.

Here’s another ugly truth. The biggest day-to-day losers from the political correctness movement are other left-of-center people, most of all white moderate Democrats, especially those in universities. If you really believe that “the PC stuff” is irrational and out of control and making institutions dysfunctional, and that universities are full of left-of-center people, well who is going to suffer most of the costs? It will be people in the universities, and in unjust and indiscriminate fashion.

That means more liberals than conservatives, if only because the latter are relatively scarce on the ground.” Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

What an original concept: the guilty being punished.

10. Reality trumps (no pun intended) hypocrisy. Sooo….when the Liberals/Democrats attempt to use political correctness to smooth the path for one ‘authorized’ constituency, at the expense of another….

“Another bout of political correctness is about to dominate the headlines, and that is the lawsuit against Harvard for allegedly discriminating against Asian-Americans in its admissions decisions. Whatever you think Harvard did, or however the court rules, this issue is not a winner for the left. It at least appears to pit the interests of Asian-Americans against those of African-Americans, and thus it fractures what might otherwise be a winning coalition for Democrats.

It makes a mockery out of phrases such as “people of color,” because in this case like many others the aggregation obscures some very real and important differences.

The lawsuit also will remind Americans that attempts to be more fair to one group will, in practice, involve hypocrisy and unfair treatment toward other groups, in this case the Asian-Americans who found it much harder to get into Harvard because they were not a targeted minority.”
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

“Every time identity politics is in the headlines — rather than, say, wages or health care — Donald Trump’s re-election chances go up.”

The news proves that the Left is not for equality….just for power.

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