The pharmaceutical company that distributes the EpiPen is also a Clinton Foundation donor.

Interesting how the government can and WILL step in after national disasters, when people's lives are in danger, and hammer - legally punish - anyone who engages in 'PRICE GOUGING', yet it refuses to do so in cases like THIS....especially when those doing the gouging are donating hundreds of thousands / millions to the govt's politicians'.

The same rules should apply in cases like this. Anyone willing to out-price the life-saving medication for people who desperately need it should be HAMMERED by the govt for extreme Price Gouging.

It's great saying, the market will stabilize the price and ensure it stays affordable. Yeah, not so when someone like Merck owns the meds and those who need it are held hostage, forced to pay whatever price is asked...or not and go without, risking death. When Americans are forced to choose between food and rent or drugs, something if F*ed up.
But it was only bad when Aids meds were the ones raised to the extreme. Its okay with them to do this when so many children may need it due to their allergies.
But it was only bad when Aids meds were the ones raised to the extreme. Its okay with them to do this when so many children may need it due to their allergies.
We were handing out 'tons' of aids meds for 'free' like gum in Africa, yet the drug companies need to charge parents over $400 for a $13 drug so their child won't die of a bee sting?

I guess Merck has to come up with all that money they have been donating to the Clintons from somewhere.
Company Gouging Price Of EpiPens Is A Clinton Foundation Donor And Partner

Well, well, well. Look what we have here.. What do you say dems. Are you going to support this numbnut that she supports Killary

Wait a darn minute here! Are you suggesting that the Clintons took donations to their " charitable foundation" in exchange for some sort of preferential treatment? That is preposterous, and without any proof or foundation. There is nothing in the history of the Clintons background that suggest they would be involved in any sort of unseemly act such as that. Not Whitewater, Paula Jones, Vince Foster, Private server, Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers, Travelgate, cattle futures, or extremely high speaking fees. It is all part of a " vast right wing conspiracy". Why don't you watch MSNBC and learn the real facts from dough boy Mathews and macho Maddow?

Well because then we would be partisanshitheads unwittingly participating in the system like you are.
These giant corporations have to be reeled in. I keep going back into my mind how Wells Fargo boasted a five-hundred and three billion dollar bonanza, gave the ceo's, board members and all raises into the fifty + millions and they were actually cooking the books. Those ceo's all went elsewhere as the bank crash was going down. They were making paper and again the tax payer was footing the bill. Any publicly traded company should be regulated and have limits. Its one thing to build your own company and pay yourself big bucks but when they are doing it with other peoples money (retirement investments) its bullshit.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class

Internalized profit versus externalized expense and risk for the "job creator" class

Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's what passes for "capitalism" in america.
Company Gouging Price Of EpiPens Is A Clinton Foundation Donor And Partner

Well, well, well. Look what we have here.. What do you say dems. Are you going to support this numbnut that she supports Killary

Mylan PAC's political contributions:

2016 PAC Contribution Data

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)

(33% to Democrats, 67% to Republicans) $79,500

Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more ( list donors) $76,872

Mylan Inc Summary | OpenSecrets
Evil Corporations supporting pure Evil? Gee, go figure. The NWO Corporate Globalist cash is obviously on Hitlery. Trump might not go along. I mean, he has the audacity to advocate putting Americans first again. The NWO folks ain't havin that. He scares the shite out of the Globalist Elites.
What you really meant to say was repubs in congress made this shit fly
The CEO's daddy Senator Joe Manchin is a Demorat.

And shame on him too.
Wait, I thought you said this was all the Republicans' fault?! Thank you for admitting that was an emotional, partisan accusation that is WRONG thrown out there.

You got it right. Shit don't fly unless repubs put there stamp of approval on it.

It's the entire system, the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars on the same train.

Agreed; but there's still a huge difference between the two.

Dems share their ill gotten gains with the whole country.

Repubs share what they steal with the rich.
Anyway, gotta run. But i'll leave ya'll with this tidbit of dark info. The CEO of this particular pharmaceutical company gave himself a 671% pay raise during the price hike. Great guy, huh? So some kids died in the process? Hey, as long as the CEO's doing well. All is good. And who still believes Corporations can't be 'Evil?'
Anyway, gotta run. But i'll leave ya'll with this tidbit of dark info. The CEO of this particular pharmaceutical company gave himself a 671% pay raise during the price hike. Great guy, huh? So some kids died in the process? Hey, as long as the CEO's doing well. All is good. And who still believes Corporations can't be 'Evil?'

Repubs applaud that kind of behavior.

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