The Plot Thickens- EXCLUSIVE: Radical Dem Worked For Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump, Jr.

Wow, a Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE. Damn, it must be true! I'll wait for a credible source.

Trump ass kissers know full well that when the charade is collapsing around their sorry asses, the very BEST thing to do is fling shit on all four walls hoping that some will stick and the smell dissipates......

I expect Breibart, Fox and Daily Caller to have TONS of these "exclusive" bullshit stories to come out in the next weeks......

Thank God that Mueller is immune to these stupidities while Trump hunkers down in his WH bunker.
How does it feel to have your charade collapse around you? This is exactly what I expected. Throwing boomerangs is a dangerous business.
So once again. The lefts outrage is coming back to haunt them. Did anyone expect anything different?
So once again. The lefts outrage is coming back to haunt them. Did anyone expect anything different?

Yep.....Trump is "off the hook" with that little article.......LOL

(what a bunch of fucked up ass kissers....)
Wow, a Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE. Damn, it must be true! I'll wait for a credible source.

Trump ass kissers know full well that when the charade is collapsing around their sorry asses, the very BEST thing to do is fling shit on all four walls hoping that some will stick and the smell dissipates......

I expect Breibart, Fox and Daily Caller to have TONS of these "exclusive" bullshit stories to come out in the next weeks......

Thank God that Mueller is immune to these stupidities while Trump hunkers down in his WH bunker.
How does it feel to have your charade collapse around you? This is exactly what I expected. Throwing boomerangs is a dangerous business.

Wow, a Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE. Damn, it must be true! I'll wait for a credible source.

Trump ass kissers know full well that when the charade is collapsing around their sorry asses, the very BEST thing to do is fling shit on all four walls hoping that some will stick and the smell dissipates......

I expect Breibart, Fox and Daily Caller to have TONS of these "exclusive" bullshit stories to come out in the next weeks......

Thank God that Mueller is immune to these stupidities while Trump hunkers down in his WH bunker.

He's not in his bunker. President Trump is off to France.

This Daily Caller joke is almost as good as the Alex Jones explanation to Jr.'s treasonous actions. He said,"Jr. was acting as an espionage agent to trap a Russian spy."
The right are collectively losing their minds now that they know we've been right about Trump and the Russians since day one.
This Daily Caller joke is almost as good as the Alex Jones explanation to Jr.'s treasonous actions. He said,"Jr. was acting as an espionage agent to trap a Russian spy."
The right are collectively losing their minds now that they know we've been right about Trump and the Russians since day one.

There is only one joke and that is the mainstream media!

Wakey wakey!

This Daily Caller joke is almost as good as the Alex Jones explanation to Jr.'s treasonous actions. He said,"Jr. was acting as an espionage agent to trap a Russian spy."
The right are collectively losing their minds now that they know we've been right about Trump and the Russians since day one.
So as credible as CNN and MSNBC.
Radical left-wing icon former California Democratic Rep. Ron Dellums was a hired lobbyist for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. June 9, 2016. This Dellums person is a long-time darling of left-wing political activists.

This is getting interesting.

EXCLUSIVE: Radical Dem Worked For Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump, Jr.

Ha.Ha. nice try. We're back to Russian adoptions again. We already knew that this Russian Lawyer was against the Magnitsky act.--and that is her connection to the Kremlin.

Look Americans are catching on quickly and it starts and ends with this administration--because of all the freaking LIES--like this. Trump's physco babble interpreter got hammered during an interview.

"Kellyanne Conway defended the Trump campaign's previous denials of contact with Russians after news broke that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer in June 2016. Following is a transcript of the video. ABC: Back in December, you also denied any contacts between the campaign and Russians. I want to show our audience. Kellyanne Conway (December 18, 2016): Absolutely not, and I discussed that with the president-elect just last night. Those conversations never happened. I hear people saying it like it’s a fact on television. That is just not only inaccurate and false but it’s dangerous, and it does undermine our democracy. ABC: It did turn out to be a fact, so who misled you and why did Don Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort allow those public denials to stand for so many months? Kellyanne Conway: So as I understand it, George, some of the disclosure forms have been amended since that time, and to reflect other meetings including this one. I think that Tom Llamas, your colleague, put it best. He said that these were vague and ambiguous statements, that Don Jr. was not aware of the lawyer’s name before he got there, and that the conversation quickly changed to what seemed to be the entire purpose of the meeting for that woman, which was Russian adoption. No information was received that was meaningful or helpful and no action was taken, there was no followup whatsoever."
ABC calls out Kellyanne Conway over Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer after previously denying any contact with Russians

This is very typical of the Trump administration--it's fake news--it's a lie--there's nothing here--it's a nothing burger--until they get caught, then it's lie about what meeting was about--(Russian adoptions)--then it's get caught again--have to change to story to the meeting was about getting dirt on Hillary Clinton--and THEN be forced to release emails before the New York Times from releasing them.

Then they start all over again and tell us there's nothing there. You would have to be a complete moron to believe anything that comes out of Trump's or Trump's surrogates mouths anymore.

Here is a CNN Exclusive Video of Trump's long ties to the organizer of this meeting that produced this Russian Lawyer.
Exclusive: Video shows Trump with associates tied to email controversy -

If you want to talk about Foreign agents--there were two in Trump's campaign that were forced to register as Foreign Agents. Michael Flynn first. Then Paul Manafort, just last week was forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign Agent, receiving 17 MILLION from Russia working for them in 2012 through 2014 advising them regarding U.S. policy in the Ukraine.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

As far as that Dossier file--Mueller is right now investigating the authenticity of it--and several of the issues in the Dossier file have been verified. There is no doubt that Vladimir Putin has Trump by the CAJONE'S and they're going to find out what it is.
US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier -
The ex-spy who wrote the Trump dossier is nicknamed James Bond
Christopher Steele - Wikipedia

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This Daily Caller joke is almost as good as the Alex Jones explanation to Jr.'s treasonous actions. He said,"Jr. was acting as an espionage agent to trap a Russian spy."
The right are collectively losing their minds now that they know we've been right about Trump and the Russians since day one.
So as credible as CNN and MSNBC.
The fact you think the tea baggerish Daily Caller is as credible as CNN and MSNBC says everything anyone needs to know about you.
They have experienced journalists whereas the DC has one mission only : To carry Trumps water.
This Daily Caller joke is almost as good as the Alex Jones explanation to Jr.'s treasonous actions. He said,"Jr. was acting as an espionage agent to trap a Russian spy."
The right are collectively losing their minds now that they know we've been right about Trump and the Russians since day one.

Feel free to show how totally ignorant you are with your talk of treason. We are not at war with Russia and Trump Jr didn't divulge state secrets. That's the only way you get to treason.


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