....the plot to kill Nancy Pelosi......

"Take an enema."

What's up with that, Mike?

Now I truly don't know if you are one of the MAGAHat posters on this board. But I've noticed, and likely you have too, that there is a segment of that constituency that is, well, always going on about excrement and bodily waste.

Now you too?

I ain't gonna accuse you of coprophilia or anything like that; however, a fascination with the scatological is a sign of something.

Something icky.

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".... I read ....all 66 books in both old and New testaments and received all but two As in my 192 college credit hours..... Don't mess with me. Not ever."

Mess with you?
Perish the thought.
Anyone who got "all-but-two-A's-in-192-college-credit-hours"......well, that person must be formidable for someone in some situation.

I get it.

And too, you got as your six ....... a version of a Bible God to back up your play.

But really, good poster 'Beautress'.......go back to de-caf.
It'll make you kinder, gentler, and a better you.

Trust me. :thup:
"...what does your avatar think of the cop who shot and murdered unarmed Ashley Babbitt from his cowardly
hidden position?"
Oh boy, good poster Eric, doncha think that young woman's grave has had enough forum traffic on it?

In fact, I'm pretty dadblummed sure that you have been one of those active ones on this venue in offering your opinion on her shooting.

Nonetheless, I'll take a hint from your choice of wording for your disingenuous question. (wink)

Meaning, I'm absolutely dead-solid positive, I think, that you have your mind made up about that poor deluded young woman's death.

So, given my presumption about your winky gambit, I'll stay brief so you can promptly understand my non-disingenuous view of Ms. Babbit.

To wit:
Babbitt is dead due to Babbit. Period.
What's up with that, Mike?

Now I truly don't know if you are one of the MAGAHat posters on this board. But I've noticed, and likely you have too, that there is a segment of that constituency that is, well, always going on about excrement and bodily waste.

Now you too?

I ain't gonna accuse you of coprophilia; however, a fascination with the scatological is a sign of something.

Something icky.

My remark has nothing to do with that, your simply lying. But, seeing how you are a leftist, I can see from your remarks you need an enema.
Who sicked two million sex-drug-child abusers on border states for evil revenge and lets them go upon capture? Democrats treat jailhouse rockers from foreign prison emptying over their fellow Americans when it comes to incarceration. This situation is gonna bite the Democrats in the butt for their unlawful demented rise to power using corrupt and illegal self aggrandizement to strangle out decency in this country by way of cancelations run amuck and vicious treatment of Republican people.

I am sick of Democrat abuse.
PTSD--Pretty Tired of Stupid Democrats.
When a person is a clueless moron commie and ashamed of it, they go into denial--look in the mirror.
Like I said, when clueless jerkoffs like you have nothing, they break out the old commie accusation routine. The same one that was used back in the McCarthy days to destroy the lives of innocent people.

Fuck off.
Like I said, when clueless jerkoffs like you have nothing, they break out the old commie accusation routine. The same one that was used back in the McCarthy days to destroy the lives of innocent people.

Fuck off.
Nope, when I see a POS, I don't mince words, likewise when I see a POS commie, I don't either.
I like the Nutter more than I do Pelosi.

Oh good grief do you really refer to yourself as a loyal patriotic real american instead of communist supporter?
the following was in response to the one who argued with you, not you... don't know what happened

but this person acts all outraged so I said to him/her/them

[thus saith] members of the party that thinks stealing elections iss OK, letting our country be run over by... just God knows whom.. and thinks murdering the unborn is a-ok


save the fake moral outrage for someone who doesn't have a clue
So, given my presumption about your winky gambit, I'll stay brief so you can promptly understand my non-disingenuous view of Ms. Babbit.

To wit:
Babbitt is dead due to Babbit. Period.
So if someone steals a candy bar from a convenience store and in turn is shot to death by the
store owner they are to blame for their own death?

So much for your moral compass.

Some people are just hopelessly fucked up and I guess it's obvious you are one of them.

Being one of the people in the Capital on Jan. 6th makes one a trespasser. Shooting an unarmed
trespasser who is a danger to no one, and who could have been apprehended by the Capital police with
pistols, but they chose to assassinate her instead.
And you approve.
And you have consistently defended treating trespassing as a capital offense.

So shoot people that run red lights, that steal the neighbor's newspaper off his porch, that commit any number of low grade non felonious offenses because a new standard for the death sentence
is established by assholes like you.

The police didn't have to murder individuals that entered the Capitol building...but they just wanted to.
So one of them did!
And you approve of extra judicial killings like the lawless goon you are.

It would be a cliche to call you a worthless piece of shit, but it still is nonetheless true.
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I think she looks really good for 159
Look better if the mask went as far up as her wig line

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