....the plot to kill Nancy Pelosi......

I'll gladly own that. We KNOW Russia helped Trump get elected. We KNOW they interfered in the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections. They were only successful in 2016 ...
Nope...it was a fraud by Hilary Clinton and her buddies in the FBI......

Your logic is very retarded....
From this morning's Washington Post:

"A woman who said as she left the U.S. Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6 that she had hoped to murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pleaded guilty Tuesday to a misdemeanor charge.

“I would like to accept my responsibility for what I did, for my part in January 6,” Dawn Bancroft, 59, of suburban Philadelphia said in federal court in Washington as she admitted to illegally demonstrating.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan questioned why Bancroft was not being asked to take more responsibility, given the comment she admits making in a video as she left the building during the storming of the Capitol: “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the friggin’ brain, but we didn’t find her.”

Calling those words “horrible” and “clearly troubling,” Sullivan asked prosecutors why Bancroft was not charged with threatening a government official, which is a felony.

Bancroft pleaded guilty alongside her friend Diana Santos-Smith, a fellow Bucks County resident, to a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail."

Now look, the woman is a RWNJ. That much is clear. Hell, anyone who illegally entered the Capitol with the mobs on January 6th is, by definition, a RWNJ. But did this knucklehead really intend to shoot the Speaker of the House, #3 in line for the Presidency of the United States of America?

Probably not. She is a nutter who got caught up in the zeitgeist of the mobs who savaged uniform officers, stole laptops from Capitol offices, and smeared their poo on the walls. You know, THAT kind of RWNJ.

So, it appears the prosecutors believed she may very well have threatened a federal official.....but if she had the means or the brains or the actual intent, well, she's one of the 1,100 or 1,200 nutters who were in the Capitol, they were all nutters...so her competency must be suspected by default.

But, let's be clear, the good 59 year old (old enough to know better? Umm, in this case---no.)....anyway, the good Mrs. Bancroft ain't a real good role model for those other nutters who claim ...."well, she didn't have a Glock"......."well, she was just a tourist".....'well, she was invited in'.......'well, it is the People's House and Nancy is a meanie'.........and, 'well, it wasn't her poo on the walls'.

So, despite probably not smearing her poo.......I think we loyal patriotic real Americans can be happy if this nutjob gets thrown in the slammer for the full six months.

(First cliche' of the day: "Play-stupid-games-win-stupid-prizes'.)
She should be appropriately punished for illegally demonstrating, taking into account that this is (likely?) her first offense.
She should be appropriately punished for illegally demonstrating, taking into account that this is (likely?) her first offense.
She's on record as having intended to kill the Speaker of the House.
I'll gladly own that. We KNOW Russia helped Trump get elected. We KNOW they interfered in the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections. They were only successful in 2016 ...
Let's see if we have this straight. Russia helped elect TRUMP! while supplying the fake info for the dossier Steele used AGAINST him, then TRUMP! turned around and prevented them from successfully interfering in succeeding elections. Is that what you are claiming? Sounds like a real stretch, desperately hoping to blame everything on TRUMP! because Orange Man Bad.
She's on record as having intended to kill the Speaker of the House.
But wasn't charged with it. Her punishment can only be what is legitimate for the charge. Perhaps you know more then the prosecutors and need to contact them?
What firearm was recovered form this person?
None and her off the wall comment was made as they were leaving the building. Protesting peacefully is unacceptable in the "New" United States if done on punlic property and god (government forbid) if you make a smart ass off the wall comment afterwards.
None and her off the wall comment was made as they were leaving the building. Protesting peacefully is unacceptable in the "New" United States if done on punlic property and god (government forbid) if you make a smart ass off the wall comment afterwards.

The lefties want this so bad......it is bizarre.
The lefties want this so bad......it is bizarre.
Yes they do and it is pretty damn obvious they desire to compare anyone who actually believes in God the creator with vile terrorist jihadii. May all of them feel compelled to protect themselves with the Fauci remedy and may Fauci be prosecuted along with his cohorts in their genocide.
Yes they do and it is pretty damn obvious they desire to compare anyone who actually believes in God the creator with vile terrorist jihadii. May all of them feel compelled to protect themselves with the Fauci remedy and may Fauci be prosecuted along with his cohorts in their genocide.

The indoctrination and brain washing is pretty incredible.

To mask up and get the Fauci ouchy just because you do not like Trump is very self destructive.

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