The Poe Disease: Christian Dialect [Amnesia Joke]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-limerick and really a consumerism parody inspired by How to Get Ahead in Advertising.

Cheers (signing off),



"Meet Grady. He works from home as a book seller through telemarketing for a private company. Grady likes to do his work while wearing a ski-mask, but otherwise, he dresses normally as if he's in a real office. Grady has a specific pattern of behavior for work. He's also a devout Christian and reads the Bible and Edgar Allan Poe books regularly. Grady has only two problems --- a speech-impediment and short-term memory loss."


"When Grady tries to sell a book about children playing in the city, and his customer asks him what he thought about the book, Grady sometimes forgets what he read and this accentuates his speech-impediment, causing him to make clumsy and confusing statements such as, 'Kidz play playground rough sunny too.' His customers usually hang up on him when this happens. Nevertheless, Grady remains optimistic about being a work-from-home telemarketing book salesman."


"Grady likes trying selling books about female detectives and female crime-fighters such as Carmen Sandiego, Charlie's Angels, Nancy Drew, and Miss Marple. When Grady forgets what he read about such characters, he makes up sensual things for his customers such as, 'Well, deze womyn of caws look like your best daydream love beauty.' His customers appreciate that, which is why he sells more books about female characters than other books."


"Grady also loves comic books and appreciates the offbeat heroism of the masked vigilante sidekick Robin, who assists the valiant Batman (DC Comics) in dealing with the city's most nefarious criminally-insane terrorists such as Scarecrow and Poison Ivy. Grady sometimes tries to market his Edgar Allen Poe books as 'reflective' of the social appeal of DC Comics' Robin, since Robin is sort of an eccentric sidekick (given that he's willing to assist Batman in chasing down eerie criminally-insane weirdos). His customers don't always understand what he's trying to say."


"Grady can be characterized as suffering from the 'Poe Disease' [PD]. People suffering from PD often complain about having to think too deeply about strange subjects or getting involved in matters that seem to be out of their hands in terms of depth. After all, it's not simple trying to sell books over the phone when you have a speech-impediment and a short-term memory problem. Nevertheless, Grady shows up everyday at the desk-and-computer in his apartment den in Manhattan to log onto his telemarketing office-terminal to sell what he considers 'Poe-relevant lifestyle material' to interested American consumers. Grady is a real bureaucrat."


"Below is a sketch of a fictional 'evil elf' Grady drew to upload onto his Facebook page for all to see and cheer. Grady believes this 'evil elf' is not only like Robin (DC Comics) but also like Edgar Allan Poe. Is this because Americans are fascinated by stories/images of eccentric imagination/heroism? Whatever is the reason, Grady's 'evil elf' stick-figure doodle captures the best Christian feature of this offbeat American bureaucrat named Grady --- a pure interest in salesmanship."


JOHN: I purchased a Poe book from Grady.
JANE: I purchased a Frank Miller book from Grady.
JOHN: Grady sometimes speaks unclearly.
JANE: He also forgets a lot of things.
JOHN: Strange...he's a terrific salesman.
JANE: Indeed; I like his 'evil elf' drawing on Facebook.
JOHN: Yeah, that doodle gets a ton of hits.
JANE: Grady is like the 'real-life' Bartleby.
JOHN: Do you prefer Melville to Poe?
JANE: No, Poe is superior, but Bartleby stands out to me.
JOHN: Yes, I agree; Grady is a lot like Bartleby.
JANE: Sometimes I think Grady has his own 'Christian dialect.'
JOHN: Yes, a book-salesman with a slurred-speech and memory-humor!
JANE: He's charming even though he's clumsy...
JOHN: It's always easier buying things from an 'entertaining salesman.'
JANE: That's the theory of salesmanship these days it seems.
JOHN: Is that because of the mass traffic of consumers?
JANE: Sure; consumers want to be jolted with energy.
JOHN: Right; otherwise products can get boring.
JANE: Or forgetful...



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