The Political Gorilla in the room for the GOP and it ain't the shutdown

Demographically, the GOP has NO future of success. Their base almost entirely white, with the tokens that they trot out during election years.

The GOP's hostility to blacks and Hispanics will cost them over the next generation, and they will only have themselves to blame for it.

oh brother
we see hostility against blacks and it's not from Republicans, just look at Cain, Thomas, etc
and the hostility that was directed AT ZIMMERMAN if Hispanics didn't wake from that, they never will

sickening the stale old talking points you people just regurgitate
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I think the GOP is now relegated to degrading Hispanics because it just isn't right to practice outright racism anymore. So, slamming any efforts to revise the broken immigration laws is pretty much now their goal.

Well, they can't totally give up their favorite racist exercises though. So they mask their efforts with voter restrictions that will keep blacks who find it hard to take off time from work from making it to the polls. What other excuse is there for shortening voter registration opportunities and restricting voting periods? It might work for a while.
I think the GOP is now relegated to degrading Hispanics because it just isn't right to practice outright racism anymore. So, slamming any efforts to revise the broken immigration laws is pretty much now their goal.

Well, they can't totally give up their favorite racist exercises though. So they mask their efforts with voter restrictions that will keep blacks who find it hard to take off time from work from making it to the polls. What other excuse is there for shortening voter registration opportunities and restricting voting periods? It might work for a while.

they should remember what party WANTED Zimmerman LYNCHED
they want to see Degrading...

you just make up what you want if it helps you feel all all have used black people to the hilt, now it's onto Hispanics with your lying..that is the ugly trait of a Democrat
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I think the GOP is now relegated to degrading Hispanics because it just isn't right to practice outright racism anymore. So, slamming any efforts to revise the broken immigration laws is pretty much now their goal.

Well, they can't totally give up their favorite racist exercises though. So they mask their efforts with voter restrictions that will keep blacks who find it hard to take off time from work from making it to the polls. What other excuse is there for shortening voter registration opportunities and restricting voting periods? It might work for a while.

they should remember what party WANTED Zimmerman LYNCHED
they want to see Degrading...

you just make up what you want if it helps you feel all all have used black people to the hilt, now it's onto Hispanics with your lying..that is the ugly trait of a Democrat

:lol: Yes, of course...the Democrats are the ones holding up any immigration bill. Well, Steph. the Latino community, just like the African American community, knows who the obstructionist party is. The GOP is wringing its hands hoping that the Latino community will forget all the efforts that they are making to kill immigration reform.

Steph, your party is out of step and soon may be out of time...
"...LOL, do you really think that there will be a million plus mass exodus of illegals immigrants 'self deporting'?..."

Only if we have the courage to...

1. make it unlawful to give an Illegal a job

2. make it unlawful to sell or rent residential real estate to an Illegal

3 make it unlawful for an Illegal to attend a public school

4. make it unlawful for an Illegal to drive a vehicle

5. make it unlawful to give an Illegal a State ID Card or Drivers License

6. make it unlawful to provide medical services to an Illegal (except emergency live-saving)

7. make it unlawful to provide banking or wire-transfer or financial or insurance services or products to an Illegal

8. make it unlawful to provide social services or welfare to an Illegal

9. make it unlawful to declare a polity (city, etc.) as a Sanctuary for Illegals

...and put real teeth into those laws; sharp enough to make it very painful if caught violating the law...

...on a nationwide basis with no wiggle-room for local override.

Then watch those 12,000,000 Illegals fall all over each other in the mad scramble for the border; all under their own power, at their own expense, at the speed of light.

All without spending a dime on deportation or rounding-up and without setting dangerous legal and societal precedents that would pave the way for the NEXT round of goddamned Illegals to swarm across our borders.

But we won't do that.

We haven't had that kind of balls in a very long time now.

Our present-day wussified, pussified society is going to give these Illegals exactly what they wanted all along.

Laughing at us behind our backs, all the way to the Shamnesty Jubilee...

Until the NEXT round of 12,000,000 or 20,000,000 or 40,000,000 sneak-in, dig-in like tics, and tug the heartstrings of the Uber-Liberals du jour for their Admission Ticket...

A country that cannot or will not enforce its own sovereignty and borders and immigration policy is doomed to collapse...

A disgusting and spit-worthy lack of backbone...

Good points. I think that would be a loud uproar if a lot of the things that you listed above would actually happen. Some of the items you listed are already illegal, but I think that enacting and enforcing some of those items could lead to more of a "police state".
Good points. I think that would be a loud uproar if a lot of the things that you listed above would actually happen. Some of the items you listed are already illegal, but I think that enacting and enforcing some of those items could lead to more of a "police state".
If we want the Illegal Aliens outta here, it's 'get tough' or (we or our descendants) presiding over the demise of the Republic. I agree that 'getting tough' might prove risky and problematic in its own right, but, with care, we can pull that off. The alternative is far less appetizing, and carries within it the seeds of a future overwhelming or swamping.
The fact that key republican factions still resort to the anti-Hispanic rhetoric that killed them in the last election is puzzling
The fact that key republican factions still resort to the anti-Hispanic rhetoric that killed them in the last election is puzzling people will make up any's an ugly Democrat trait you have to resort to in order to win...

we witnessed ANTI-HISPANIC with the Martin/Zimmerman case and Obama and his sheep aren't Republicans...

hopefully they took notice
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The fact that key republican factions still resort to the anti-Hispanic rhetoric that killed them in the last election is puzzling people will make up any's an ugly Democrat trait you have to resort to in order to win...

we witnessed ANTI-HISPANIC with the Martin/Zimmerman case and Obama and his sheep aren't Republicans...

hopefully they took notice


We love immigrants
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.


And clearly this is the GOP’s long-term ‘strategy,’ to hole up in their gerrymandered redoubts and remain oblivious to the changing reality around them.

The fact that key republican factions still resort to the anti-Hispanic rhetoric that killed them in the last election is puzzling

Anti-illegal alien is not anti-Hispanic. It's anti-illegal alien. That the majority of illegals are Hispanics is irrelevant.
The fact that key republican factions still resort to the anti-Hispanic rhetoric that killed them in the last election is puzzling

Anti-illegal alien is not anti-Hispanic. It's anti-illegal alien. That the majority of illegals are Hispanics is irrelevant.

Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.

How much money will I have to give to Jose so he can make it in America???
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.

How much money will I have to give to Jose so he can make it in America???

Don't forget Hose-a's cousin, hose b...
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.

Heaven forbid the GOP be against rewarding CRIMINALS!

If being against AMNESTY kills the GOP, then so be it. At least the GOP will die with dignity. Unlike the Democrats, who will be on their knees with Brown dicks in their mouths.
LOL. Dregs of the third world. Boy, does that resonate about what was said about the Jews, Eastern Europeans, Irish, Italians and every other wave of immigants that washed up on our shores. But here we are, in a nation that has grown to be the leading nation in the world because of the efforts of all those prior 'dregs'. And the churlish assholes of that time were just as wrong at our present assholes on this board.

The immigrants of the past assimilated and made lives for themselves. The shitstains that are flooding America now don't give a shit about building a life. They want the Government-provided freebies and Americans citizens to bend over backwards to accomodate them.
Pelosi rallies Democrats behind sweeping immigration package (video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Wednesday to overhaul the nation’s broken immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal residents.
The sweeping proposal, which largely mirrors the bipartisan package approved by the Senate in June, is designed to keep the immigration issue in the headlines and intensify the pressure on GOP leaders to bring a reform bill to the floor.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republican leaders have vowed to consider immigration reform before year’s end. But they’ve shown little urgency to do so, and the more pressing fiscal fights are threatening to push reform off the legislative calendar for 2013.

The obstruction of the GOP is now losing more ground with the growing Latino community. Gerrymandering will keep most of the Bagger members safe in 2014, but that may be their last safe election. Nationally...the GOP is screwing itself.

Just what we need, millions more low-skilled workers to compete with our own low skilled workers. That'll help the economy.
LOL. Dregs of the third world. Boy, does that resonate about what was said about the Jews, Eastern Europeans, Irish, Italians and every other wave of immigants that washed up on our shores. But here we are, in a nation that has grown to be the leading nation in the world because of the efforts of all those prior 'dregs'. And the churlish assholes of that time were just as wrong at our present assholes on this board.

The immigrants of the past assimilated and made lives for themselves. The shitstains that are flooding America now don't give a shit about building a life. They want the Government-provided freebies and Americans citizens to bend over backwards to accomodate them.

TRUTH^^ Obama and the Democrats need new blood/voters to continue their pilliaging the Republic and make it into their image, and something it was never intended to be.

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