The political suicide of Trump

Every home is up, even in the slums.
See Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt, NY.
I don't know what the slum dwellers are going to do when they default on their mortgages.
They'll have an equity because of the increase in prices.
Who can still trust Trump after his promotion of 'boosters'?
Where is the difference between him, Gates, Schwab or Fauci?
It's understandable now why he did nothing against the stolen election a year ago
Is he a traitor?
Obviously the sad answer is YES

the mandates are whats causing division not the shot itself ... Trump gets booed by supporters !!! so much for the lefts cult claims !
"This is a person who simplistically makes Trump the villain for no apparent reason AT ALL -- since there there's no real truth to his "political cartoon" at all.
Some people succumb and die to TDS -- others apparently wish their hero dead because he lost an election to fraudulent court cases that RUINED the accuracy and security of the vote. And the hero didn't go after the REAL CAUSE of the election fraud -- only tried to get some courts to overturn the election based on what happened SOLELY ON ELECTION NIGHT.
YOU TDS'ers share one thing in common with the OP and with Trump. And THAT IS that the election was stolen by illegal courts decisions paid for and blitzkreiged by Dems in LATE OCT of 2020-- NOT on election night. Too many people still dont accept that."

OK, we get it.
The poster above thinks the voting protocols adopted to mitigate the spread Covid were illegal. And then were ratified by "illegal court decisions". 60+ times.
Now explain it.
I mean by that: What was enacted that was "illegal"
Which courts "illegally" decided such protocols were 'legal'?
And these court decisions were "paid for" by Dems?
How do you know?
Can you name names?
Paid to who?
By whom?
How much?

I don't mean to put you on the spot good poster flacaltenn, but......but you, unfortunately, come on to this public forum like so many others who are unhappy with Don Trump losing the 2020 election.......and you make accusatory claims of criminallity. But yet, never ever offer us credible proof. You fail to persuade. It appears simply to be a keyboard enema. Not a brief over just cause.

Nor, it seems.....though I don't mean to broadbrush you as being one of 'em.....but it seems none of these complainers about the alleged illegality of this election business, well, they never do anything about it except whine and hissyfit.

So, I'll ask directly poster flacaltenn, have you spoken to your Congressional Rep about this? Have you met with your two U.S. Senators about this? How 'bout your local FBI office? The top state official responsible for elections? Hell, even the local sheriff?

If you haven't done that, well, then simply spouting that an election is rigged by corrupt courts is poor citizenship. It is corrosive to America and to our democracy.

In short, if one isn't willing to put a shoulder to the wheel.....then quit whining about being stuck.

That is from Captain Obvious' TED Lecture on 'Good Citizenship 101'.


"Yes, ProgTard, we only assassinate armed thugs."
A couple comments on that post, and the follow-along posts:
1. First, I think the poster is right.....when he offered that the word "thugs" is the new dogwhistle word for 'ni**er' by the knucklehead demographic.
2. Even black men, even if you think they are a "thug"....... are protected by the 2nd. They have a right to bear arms.
3. "We-only-assassinate-armed-thugs'......and....."we" are the ones who get to apply our subjective biases on who is a 'thug' and who is not.
4. My farm in in a very rural area (duh! most farms are)....and it votes overwhelmingly for Republicans. Don Trump won bigly in 2016 and 2020, but........but, my good, hard-working neighbors do not "assassinate" anybody. If they think an "armed thug" of any color is about to do some thuggery.....they call the local sheriff. Personally, I'm glad they do. After all, I'd hate to have some jackass nutjob with a gutfull of Milwaukee's Best have a brainfart and think I or my guests were 'armed thugs' and then go do the 'assassination'-thingy.
5. I wouldn't want to live in an area where the citizens think they can 'assassinate armed thugs'. Eeeeeeuw! What horrible neighbors those kind of folks would be. No?

OK, we get it.
The poster above thinks the voting protocols adopted to mitigate the spread Covid were illegal. And then were ratified by "illegal court decisions". 60+ times.
Now explain it.
I mean by that: What was enacted that was "illegal"
Which courts "illegally" decided such protocols were 'legal'?
And these court decisions were "paid for" by Dems?
How do you know?
Can you name names?
Paid to who?
By whom?
How much?

I don't mean to put you on the spot good poster flacaltenn, but......but you, unfortunately, come on to this public forum like so many others who are unhappy with Don Trump losing the 2020 election.......and you make accusatory claims of criminallity. But yet, never ever offer us credible proof. You fail to persuade. It appears simply to be a keyboard enema. Not a brief over just cause.

Nor, it seems.....though I don't mean to broadbrush you as being one of 'em.....but it seems none of these complainers about the alleged illegality of this election business, well, they never do anything about it except whine and hissyfit.

So, I'll ask directly poster flacaltenn, have you spoken to your Congressional Rep about this? Have you met with your two U.S. Senators about this? How 'bout your local FBI office? The top state official responsible for elections? Hell, even the local sheriff?

If you haven't done that, well, then simply spouting that an election is rigged by corrupt courts is poor citizenship. It is corrosive to America and to our democracy.

In short, if one isn't willing to put a shoulder to the wheel.....then quit whining about being stuck.

That is from Captain Obvious' TED Lecture on 'Good Citizenship 101'.


A couple comments on that post, and the follow-along posts:
1. First, I think the poster is right.....when he offered that the word "thugs" is the new dogwhistle word for 'ni**er' by the knucklehead demographic.
2. Even black men, even if you think they are a "thug"....... are protected by the 2nd. They have a right to bear arms.
3. "We-only-assassinate-armed-thugs'......and....."we" are the ones who get to apply our subjective biases on who is a 'thug' and who is not.
4. My farm in in a very rural area (duh! most farms are)....and it votes overwhelmingly for Republicans. Don Trump won bigly in 2016 and 2020, but........but, my good, hard-working neighbors do not "assassinate" anybody. If they think an "armed thug" of any color is about to do some thuggery.....they call the local sheriff. Personally, I'm glad they do. After all, I'd hate to have some jackass nutjob with a gutfull of Milwaukee's Best have a brainfart and think I or my guests were 'armed thugs' and then go do the 'assassination'-thingy.
5. I wouldn't want to live in an area where the citizens think they can 'assassinate armed thugs'. Eeeeeeuw! What horrible neighbors those kind of folks would be. No?
Your input is appreciated.
I can only comment on Nassau County.
Kathleen Rice (D), who was DA, gave the police carte Blanche to clean up parts of Roosevelt and, Hempstead and Uniondale…It WORKED!!!

You can’t argue with reality.

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