The political suicide of Trump

It's understandable now why he did nothing against the stolen election a year ago
Is he a traitor?
Obviously the sad answer is YES
Can you explain to me why white Christian nationalist evangelicals in America still strongly support trump? Why I they remain his most active and loyal base?
Because he had a strong stance against abortion and promoted freedom of religion. Why would they take Hillary's side, a woman who like all in her party support killing babies?
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Notice thst Langley shill golfing gator unable to refute those pesky facts try’s to laugh them off in defeat unable to accept reality he was checkmated? Ray From Cleveland lol
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oh look,, another deranged thread about trump,,

I cant imagine what it would feel like to have trump living in my head 24/7/365,,
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :up: damn post on this thread.:yes_text12::up:

As the next poster replied after you said so well progressive hunter extreme trump derangement syndrome is strong in this one. :up:

I have explained this to him over and over and over to him again before that trump saved countless life’s of lefties by pushing the vaccines because he knows they hate him so much thst they always do the opposite of what he says and all trump supporters they are smart enough to know not to take it,we don’t worship trump by any means but I might as well be talking to a brick wall,it goes through one ear and out the other sense the facts don’t fit his warped opinions. :uhoh3:

I only know of one trump supporter on here who was dumb enough to fall fir the propaganda of the msm media to take the vaccine and this particular trump supporter is not very bright because he,she is always falling fir the msm propaganda machine whst they say.

I have also tried telling him till I was blue in the face thst trump stated many times the vaccine should be their choice and thst he faught hard to get hydroxchroquine distributed worldwide.

All those facts i state to him though just go through one ear and out the other though everytime.can’t fix trump derangement syndrome. :uhoh3:

Extreme trump derangement syndrome is VERY strong in this one.

You would think he would come to his senses thst trump is one of the good guys the fact he faught against the lockdowns which caused so many people to lose their lives and livlihoods and see thst the Demonrats along with the Rinos like Bush orchestrated this fake virus because trump had the economy booming.when the shutdowns happened against trumps wishes,he faught fir the people and fixed it fir them to get severance paychecks.can’t fix trump derangement syndrome,it’s a contagious diseace around here thst has spread. :biggrin:

Notice thst Ray From Cleveland struth progressive hunter ? Lol
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These last seven years have certainly been an ugly indictment of American Christianity.

I think there is a pervasive ugliness throughout this country these days, and on all sides. We live in a society where an old man is beaten to death on a sidewalk somewhere and nobody gives it a second thought. It ain't just Christians who are the focus of ugly indictments, it's just about everybody. Every time there is a shooting everybody waits to see if it was one of ours or one of theirs. I suspect the Christians care for the victims than most others, regardless of color or creed and they are the ones who should be persecuted?

The Christians have a right to their beliefs and opinions, just like everyone else. And I don't see how anyone else can cast the first stone, the ugliness of the attacks on American Christianity are more the fault of those intolerant individuals and groups than on the Christians themselves, most of whom are good and decent people. If somebody doesn't like their stance on abortion, birth control, homosexuality, etc., so be it. But we are a country of identity politics now, and the attacks are more on the messenger than the message these days. We are attacking each other, all the time.
Can you explain to me why white Christian nationalist evangelicals in America still strongly support trump? Why I they remain his most active and loyal base?
Well they can't support Democrats and their support for massive crime-waves, ever increasing inflation, Drag Shows in schools, and wide-open borders.
Christians tend to support what they believe is good, and leftist tend to support what is evil.
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trump saved countless life’s (sic) of lefties by pushing the vaccines because he knows they hate him so much thst (sic) they always do the opposite of what he says and all trump supporters they are smart enough to know not to take it
when the shutdowns happened against trumps wishes, he faught (sic) fir (sic) the people and fixed it fir (sic) them to get severance paychecks. can’t fix trump derangement syndrome, it’s a contagious diseace (sic)

I love this bar.

an old man is beaten to death on a sidewalk somewhere and nobody gives it a second thought.

Ummm, how would the poster 'task0778' know that "nobody-gives-it-a-second-thought'?

Don't mean to be disrespectful, but that is silly hyperbole attempting to make a point. It is unserious. And it is nonsense. IMHO
So no right wingers, conservatives or Republicans have EVER had an abortion, is that what you are telling us?

Sure they have, but the question was why did people of religion support Trump. The left is renown for bringing lawsuits against schools that mentioned God or Jesus and have attacked many institutions that simply displayed religious artifacts like the Ten Commandments in a courthouse or a stone cross in a cemetery. The left are not only anti-religion, but anti-God as well. Why would they support anybody on the left yet alone Hillary?

Trump supports religion and freedom of religious expression. He denounced abortions which all Christian religions also do. When a weirdo wants to wear a dress wherever he goes, Trump doesn't think that it's because God made a mistake and put a woman in a mans body.

Asking why Christians didn't support Hillary is like asking why the NAACP didn't support the KKK.
Which he magically came by so that they would vote for him.

Had he chosen to run as a Dem he would have had a strong stance on choice.

He probably did at one time. Trump is a former Democrat. But as we age our feelings and opinions change. For Trump, it was when his granddaughter was born where he switched his stance on abortion and probably politics in general.
Sure they have, but the question was why did people of religion support Trump. The left is renown for bringing lawsuits against schools that mentioned God or Jesus and have attacked many institutions that simply displayed religious artifacts like the Ten Commandments in a courthouse or a stone cross in a cemetery. The left are not only anti-religion, but anti-God as well. Why would they support anybody on the left yet alone Hillary?

Trump supports religion and freedom of religious expression. He denounced abortions which all Christian religions also do. When a weirdo wants to wear a dress wherever he goes, Trump doesn't think that it's because God made a mistake and put a woman in a mans body.

Asking why Christians didn't support Hillary is like asking why the NAACP didn't support the KKK.
Why do so called religious folks support Trump? That's easy, they are just as crooked as he is.
Democrats and their support for massive crime-waves, ever increasing inflation, Drag Shows in schools, and wide-open borders.

Actually Democrats are very good Christians

Trump supports religion and freedom of religious expression.
Trump only supports freedom of expression for white Christian nationalists who make up his Political base of mostly white hillbilly protestants and then approximately half of American Catholics.

Millions of Christians are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans who are proportionally one of the most Christian groups in America. Trump decided they don’t have freedom of expression At the ballot box because when they voted to be rid of the vile liar president The former president attempted using all his power to not count their votes to declare himself the winner of the 2020 election.
Actually Democrats are very good Christians

Trump only supports freedom of expression for white Christian nationalists who make up his Political base of mostly white hillbilly protestants and then approximately half of American Catholics.

Millions of Christians are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans who are proportionally one of the most Christian groups in America. Trump decided they don’t have freedom of expression At the ballot box because when they voted to be rid of the vile liar president The former president attempted using all his power to not count their votes to declare himself the winner of the 2020 election
There are so many things wrong with that statement that it's difficult to point them all out, but I'll try:

  • Were these Democrats being good Christians when they created Jim Crow laws and the KKK?
  • Trump got more black support than any Republican in the last 40 years
  • A lot of blacks used to go to church....but that doesn't automatically make them good Christians
  • Trump has never shown an inclination to be a racist till he announced he was running as a Republican
  • Most Catholics are hard-core Democrats...not half like you claim...including Hispanics
  • Trump wasn't the first to try to overturn an election using legal methods....Democrats tried doing it to overturn Hillary's loss to Trump and Al Gore's loss to Bush. Only now has this become some unwritten law against such practices. Course this is what dictators do to their opposition.....not the other way around. But you're stupid enough to believe that Trump is a dictator and you think he proved it by being robbed of his win and thrown out of office by Democrats, (and a few RINOs) who illegally changed elections laws in key states like Wisconsin before anyone had a chance to stop them.

Trump was really popular with Democrats.....till he ran as a Republican
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These last seven years have certainly been an ugly indictment of American Christianity.
Actually there is only about a third of practicing Christians giving American Christianity a bad name. It is the hillbilly Trump protestants and about half of Catholics who want Catholic reproductive law to override the American Constitution and freedom of religion, who are doing harm to the majority of Christians and we secular folks in this country.
Actually there is only about a third of practicing Christians giving American Christianity a bad name. It is the hillbilly Trump protestants and about half of Catholics who want Catholic reproductive law to override the American Constitution and freedom of religion, who are doing harm to the majority of Christians and we secular folks in this country.
Your argument is juvenile and illogical.

So the Christians who live in the Ghettos who keep knocking up multiple women, and never support their children, (so they have to go to Planned-Parenthood) are good.....but these so-called hillbilly Trump protestants are bad because they believe that cutting off the head and sucking the brains out of an unborn baby is barbaric?

And you think that someone who doesn't want to be forced to pay for nor support abortion are overriding the Constitution?
Abortion isn't in the Constitution and never was. And because it involves the life of another's not simply a matter of privacy. It is a human rights issue.
Actually there is only about a third of practicing Christians giving American Christianity a bad name. It is the hillbilly Trump protestants and about half of Catholics who want Catholic reproductive law to override the American Constitution and freedom of religion, who are doing harm to the majority of Christians and we secular folks in this country.

They're not harming you or anybody else. The only people bringing harm to the American public are the Democrats.

The religious didn't double the price of our gasoline.
The religious didn't condition people not to work.
The religious didn't create the labor shortage.
The religious didn't create the supply chain shortage.
The religious didn't open up the border.
The religious are not responsible for our inflation.
The religious didn't empower the Taliban with 83 billion dollars in US military equipment.
The religious didn't give us the highest interest rates in 13 years.

The religious didn't do any of these things to Americans. The Democrat party did.
Trump only supports freedom of expression for white Christian nationalists who make up his Political base of mostly white hillbilly protestants and then approximately half of American Catholics.

Millions of Christians are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans who are proportionally one of the most Christian groups in America. Trump decided they don’t have freedom of expression At the ballot box because when they voted to be rid of the vile liar president The former president attempted using all his power to not count their votes to declare himself the winner of the 2020 election.

So where do you get this BS that millions of Christians don't support Trump? Anybody that supports the Democrats are not true Christians. No real Christian would ever support people obsessed with killing fetuses. Christians consider that murder and murder is a sin in God's top ten No-No's. Trump supports freedom of religion for all religions, not just the ones he likes.

Trump had more black voters during his reelection bid than he did when he originally ran. Blacks knew they did well under Trump, and Trump never told them if you don't vote for him, you're not really black. He gave early prison release to non-violent offenders which helped tens of thousands of blacks. He restored funding to historic black colleges. He offered federal assistance to commie hell holes like Chicago and Baltimore to help bring their violent crime down to save innocent black lives, which of course they refused. Let the Ns die. We are not accepting any assistance from Donald Trump.

And please provide a link where Trump tried to not count black votes.

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