The politicization of federal law enforcement.

The Bureau was weaponized against liberals from the day it was born. It infiltrated the Communist Party in the 1950's, Civil Rights Movement in the 60's, the anti-war movement in the 1970's, the Clintons in the 1990's, BLM prior to the pandemic.

But over the past 20 years, there has been increasing violence on the right. At this point, virtually all of the political violence in the nation is coming from the right, and that includes the police attacks on non-white civilians, and leftist protestors in 2020.

It's no accident that right wing thugs came out to help police against leftist protestors in 2020, that most of the violence was pertratrated on the right, or that police failed to charge the right wing thugs on the streets.

This time, the target was traditional Catholic Christians, but you can be sure they won’t stop with Catholics.
A leaked FBI report revealed that the Bureau’s Richmond, Virginia Division is investigating the threat of “white supremacy” among Catholics who prefer Latin Mass. Since the leak made headlines, FBI headquarters rescinded the report, claiming it does not “open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.”
This seems to contradict the document itself, which says its findings are based in part on “liaison reporting.” According to the document’s whistleblower and former Special Agent Kyle Seraphin, liaisons “are overt contacts with trusted members of a community or an industry.” That suggests the FBI already has been investigating Americans based on “First Amendment protected activity.”
Nowhere in the document does the FBI explain how traditional Catholics pose a “violent” threat. The document offers only two pieces of evidence of an “overlap” between “Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists” and “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics.” One is that both groups are “[hostile] toward abortion rights advocates.”
The FBI report that demonizes devout Catholics is not based on any “threat pictures,” as the analyst says, but on raw politics. This time, the target was traditional Catholics, but you can be sure they won’t stop with Catholics.

Whoops, sorry this leaked, say's Chris Wray. Now, to find out the whistleblower that leaked it and fire that person so that it never happens again.
The FBI have been sucking up bigotry and disinformation from Morris Dees and his fellow communists of the SPDL since the early 1990s. One can hardly be surprised that the FBI/Stasi have become a militant anti-American terrorist group.

FBI Imitates Minority Report and Moneyball

9 Feb 2023 ~~ By Steve Friend

The U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government convened this week and is scheduled to hold its first hearing. The FBI stands accused of a vast swath of abuses, such as labeling parents at school board meetings with terrorist threat tags, collusion with social media to monitor and censor Americans’ free speech, and identifying (with a high level of confidence) Catholics with a preference for Latin Mass as potential recruits for Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist organizations. These assaults by the nation’s top law enforcement agency on American’s civil rights are legion (pun intended). Chairman Jim Jordan must triage the ever-expanding list of improprieties to hold the FBI accountable and propose meaningful reforms.
One area Mr. Jordan should prioritize is a review of the FBI’s Integrated Program Management (IPM) processes. Developed and implemented a decade ago, the FBI utilizes IPM to “prioritize threats, allocate resources, and measure performance.” On its face, the FBI attempts to operate like a large corporation with budgets and metrics for success. Heck, they have a colorful, consultant-approved chart to prove it.
"“Documents provided to UncoverDC from a whistleblower at the FBI reveal that the Bureau has combined the “Insider Threat” annual training module with the “Whistleblower” training module. This is as the Bureau takes further actions against legally recognized whistleblowers who have provided protected disclosures to Congress. Bureau sources tell UncoverDC that this is the first time FBI training has combined the two modules. It is perceived as a subtle but unmistakable sign from the FBI that protected whistleblower disclosures are considered in tandem with Insider Threat actions. “Unauthorized Disclosure” is now listed on the wheel of potential insider threats, something new to the training."
Americans should anticipate and demand rigorous investigation by the Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The FBI’s malfeasance, ineptitude, and corruption are fruitful territories for subcommittee members to scrutinize. I submit that a full review of IPM, TRP, and FOSP should be prioritized ahead of other “sexier” issues like Hunter Biden’s misdeeds and Director Christopher Wray’s propensity to abuse his FBI private plane privileges. Many of the FBI’s problems are outgrowths from these processes and the perverse incentive structures they create. If the Judiciary Committee honestly seeks to hold the FBI accountable for its transgressions and rehabilitate the agency, Mr. Jordan would be wise to spotlight these issues.

Seems that Jim Jordan is over the target and Maoist/ DSA Democrats along with their Stasi/FBI friends are scrambling since the sunshine is directed towards their anti-constitutional actions.

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