The Politics of Climate Change:Cass Sunstein: The great global warming wealth transfer


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This has always been about wealth redistribution. The game has always been green on the outside and red on the inside.

Obama has already pledged billions to a United Nations fund that would distribute the money. Of course after they take their fees out of the fund first.

Cass Sunstein: The great global warming wealth transfer

"There is unprecedented momentum for a real international agreement at the Paris climate talks in December: the U.S. is on track to make significant cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions, China has announced a cap-and-trade program and many others have made commitments of their own.

The biggest obstacle? Justice — or at least two ideas about justice.

The first involves redistribution. As part of any agreement, poor nations, such as Brazil and India, want wealthier countries to pay them a lot of money, both for scaling back their emissions and for adapting to a warming climate.

Their argument has traction. Wealthy nations have agreed, in principle, to provide $100 billion by 2020 to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund. Last year, U.S. President Barack Obama pledged to give $3 billion.

(Disclosure: my wife, Samantha Power, is the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.) Recently China announced that it would give another $3.1 billion, and Prime Minister David Cameron said that the U.K. would give $8.8 billion. But both Obama and Cameron face significant opposition from their national legislatures — and in Paris, poor nations seem poised to demand far more, perhaps even trillions.

Are those demands justified? Rich countries have a lot of poor people too, and they face multiple demands on their budgets. Though developed nations can be spectacularly generous, they are likely to resist giving many billions of additional dollars in foreign aid. And if the real goal is to help poor nations, the argument for specific funds to combat climate change seems weaker than the argument for a general cash grant, which poor countries could use however they like (for example, to combat malaria)."

But poor countries have a second and perhaps more compelling idea: corrective justice. In particular, they call for “reparations,” a term used over the weekend by Indian Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar.

Their contention is that rich nations, which created the problem of climate change, have an obligation to fix it, not least by providing compensation for the high costs that, in their view, global warming has already imposed. Their argument adds that rich countries have gotten rich as a result of cheap energy (mostly coal); poor countries should be paid if they are to be deprived of the same opportunity."

Cass Sunstein: The great global warming wealth transfer
We tried to warn people of all of these Radicals Obama has put into our Government and showed that was how he felt about us. Remember Joe the Plumber? and how they (the Obama goons with the help of the Lamestream medias) beat the hell out of him because Obama let it SLIP what he thought and how he Saw us as being, Greedy, gun clinging bible thumpers.

a lot of damage has been done to us in the seven years he's been in office and he still has a YEAR TO GO.

it more scary the people put him office while ignoring everything that was put out on him.

it's weird but I just ran across this video. Everyone from Obama down he has put in our government looks at us the same way he does
We tried to warn people of all of these Radicals Obama has put into our Government and showed that was how he felt about us. Remember Joe the Plumber? and how they (the Obama goons with the help of the Lamestream medias) beat the hell out of him because Obama let it SLIP what he thought and how he Saw us as being, Greedy, gun clinging bible thumpers.

a lot of damage has been done to us in the seven years he's been in office and he still has a YEAR TO GO.

it more scary the people put him office while ignoring everything that was put out on him.

it's weird but I just ran across this video. Everyone from Obama down he has put in our government looks at us the same way he does

This will be wealth redistribution on a mammoth scale. Yikes!
Beware of Mob-Rule. The Globalists at the UN are actually proposing arresting and imprisoning Global Warming 'Deniers.' It's not about Science. It's about advancing a Globalist World Government agenda. It may be time to disband the UN.
Washington State is proposing a carbon tax...they plan to give the money to Democratic donors aka the teachers union, shocker. /SARCASM Higher gas prices for the poor and middle class, yeah that makes sense. Why do Democrats hate the poor and middle class?
Beware of Mob-Rule. The Globalists at the UN are actually proposing arresting and imprisoning Global Warming 'Deniers.' It's not about Science. It's about advancing a Globalist World Government agenda. It may be time to disband the UN.

Kick them out !

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