The Politics of Destruction; surge in cop killings sign Progessives tearing apart the social fabric

I know the truth does make you look stupid. Do you support Farrakhan, or are you against Obama for once?
You're too stupid to realize how stupid you look.
Why are you a racist and support the killing of unarmed U.S. citizens???...
Supporting Brown a thief that got what he deserved after charging the cop? The cop that shot the unarmed man in Charleston is awaiting a murder trail. Why are you supporting people that will shoot cops in the back of the head?
Who said anything about Brown...why are you attempting to use this to justify murder???
I'm saying that people like Brown represent a lot of the unarmed people getting shot. If you don't want a cop to shoot you, don't make him feel like his life is in danger. There are some bad cops, but Farrakhan calling for 10,000 of his supporters to kill cops is horrible. With the killings starting looks like Farrakhan's wish is starting to be granted. Obama and his administration is silent. Farrakhan is one of Obama's buddies and Obama is the leader of the democrat party.
So Brown represents a lot of the people getting shot???...that's the fifth level of stupidity in the depths of hell.
Unarmed people with their hands up and standing still are murdered; the victim of an auto accident asking for help was gunned down.
Yeah...they were all thugs.
You stupid shit, I meant he represents what not to do if you don't want to get shot. Do what the cop says and don't resist arrest, you won't have anything to worry about.
The social fabric has been in tatters for a long time. The libs are just taking advantage of the rips.

So with 2013 being a record low year for cops being killed in the line of duty.....are liberals to be credited?
This is your attempt to deflect from the conservative meme of police Armageddon killings???

I'm just saying...if liberals are responsible for the number of cops being killed, wouldn't they be responsible for the record low in 2013?
You're too stupid to realize how stupid you look.
Why are you a racist and support the killing of unarmed U.S. citizens???...
Supporting Brown a thief that got what he deserved after charging the cop? The cop that shot the unarmed man in Charleston is awaiting a murder trail. Why are you supporting people that will shoot cops in the back of the head?
Who said anything about Brown...why are you attempting to use this to justify murder???
I'm saying that people like Brown represent a lot of the unarmed people getting shot. If you don't want a cop to shoot you, don't make him feel like his life is in danger. There are some bad cops, but Farrakhan calling for 10,000 of his supporters to kill cops is horrible. With the killings starting looks like Farrakhan's wish is starting to be granted. Obama and his administration is silent. Farrakhan is one of Obama's buddies and Obama is the leader of the democrat party.
So Brown represents a lot of the people getting shot???...that's the fifth level of stupidity in the depths of hell.
Unarmed people with their hands up and standing still are murdered; the victim of an auto accident asking for help was gunned down.
Yeah...they were all thugs.
You stupid shit, I meant he represents what not to do if you don't want to get shot. Do what the cop says and don't resist arrest, you won't have anything to worry about. people are supposed to mind read your posts???
What were you saying about stupid???...smh.
Then who were you referring to? Since you quoted that right after my statement.
Who else lives in your household other than males???
I live a lone dumbass. Like I said, I'm not queer so leave your fantasies in your feeble minded head.
Your mom moved out???...well great.
Yeah, and she told me never argue with an idiot. So good bye.
Trust me, that mouth may be used for arguing with you...well you have already eluded to her real talent.
Oh boy insulting relatives is a no no.
The social fabric has been in tatters for a long time. The libs are just taking advantage of the rips.

So with 2013 being a record low year for cops being killed in the line of duty.....are liberals to be credited?
This is your attempt to deflect from the conservative meme of police Armageddon killings???

I'm just saying...if liberals are responsible for the number of cops being killed, wouldn't they be responsible for the record low in 2013?
My mistake...
Who else lives in your household other than males???
I live a lone dumbass. Like I said, I'm not queer so leave your fantasies in your feeble minded head.
Your mom moved out???...well great.
Yeah, and she told me never argue with an idiot. So good bye.
Trust me, that mouth may be used for arguing with you...well you have already eluded to her real talent.
Oh boy insulting relatives is a no no.
Who insulted any relatives??? you stated earlier some have special talents; why would you be offended because you know them.
Supporting Brown a thief that got what he deserved after charging the cop? The cop that shot the unarmed man in Charleston is awaiting a murder trail. Why are you supporting people that will shoot cops in the back of the head?
Who said anything about Brown...why are you attempting to use this to justify murder???
I'm saying that people like Brown represent a lot of the unarmed people getting shot. If you don't want a cop to shoot you, don't make him feel like his life is in danger. There are some bad cops, but Farrakhan calling for 10,000 of his supporters to kill cops is horrible. With the killings starting looks like Farrakhan's wish is starting to be granted. Obama and his administration is silent. Farrakhan is one of Obama's buddies and Obama is the leader of the democrat party.
So Brown represents a lot of the people getting shot???...that's the fifth level of stupidity in the depths of hell.
Unarmed people with their hands up and standing still are murdered; the victim of an auto accident asking for help was gunned down.
Yeah...they were all thugs.
You stupid shit, I meant he represents what not to do if you don't want to get shot. Do what the cop says and don't resist arrest, you won't have anything to worry about. people are supposed to mind read your posts???
What were you saying about stupid???...smh.
Oh well, I hope this cop killing doesn't take off. But if it does Obama and his supporters have blood on your hands. You should've came out against this to begin with. I know you got to wait on Obama to come out against it, before you will be against it. That lies in your stupidity.
I live a lone dumbass. Like I said, I'm not queer so leave your fantasies in your feeble minded head.
Your mom moved out???...well great.
Yeah, and she told me never argue with an idiot. So good bye.
Trust me, that mouth may be used for arguing with you...well you have already eluded to her real talent.
Oh boy insulting relatives is a no no.
Who insulted any relatives??? you stated earlier some have special talents; why would you be offended because you know them.
Talking about her special talents, in the post before that you reffered to her as my mom.
Who said anything about Brown...why are you attempting to use this to justify murder???
I'm saying that people like Brown represent a lot of the unarmed people getting shot. If you don't want a cop to shoot you, don't make him feel like his life is in danger. There are some bad cops, but Farrakhan calling for 10,000 of his supporters to kill cops is horrible. With the killings starting looks like Farrakhan's wish is starting to be granted. Obama and his administration is silent. Farrakhan is one of Obama's buddies and Obama is the leader of the democrat party.
So Brown represents a lot of the people getting shot???...that's the fifth level of stupidity in the depths of hell.
Unarmed people with their hands up and standing still are murdered; the victim of an auto accident asking for help was gunned down.
Yeah...they were all thugs.
You stupid shit, I meant he represents what not to do if you don't want to get shot. Do what the cop says and don't resist arrest, you won't have anything to worry about. people are supposed to mind read your posts???
What were you saying about stupid???...smh.
Oh well, I hope this cop killing doesn't take off. But if it does Obama and his supporters have blood on your hands. You should've came out against this to begin with. I know you got to wait on Obama to come out against it, before you will be against it. That lies in your stupidity.
I don't have to come out against anything simply because you deem it necessary... That's the height of your stupidity.
Your mom moved out???...well great.
Yeah, and she told me never argue with an idiot. So good bye.
Trust me, that mouth may be used for arguing with you...well you have already eluded to her real talent.
Oh boy insulting relatives is a no no.
Who insulted any relatives??? you stated earlier some have special talents; why would you be offended because you know them.
Talking about her special talents, in the post before that you reffered to her as my mom. about what is "inferred" but not explicitly
You not I just said your mother sucks
Oh well, I guess it is what it is...
Look at this mess. Cops dying all over the place. is it the Left's position people are just fed up with unjustified killiongs by cops?
if that's the case why now? did cops just start killing innocent people because they dont like a Black President???

THE LEFT always tears apart the social fabric of the nation when they are in power.
There is no surge in cop killings under Obama. In fact, the police are SAFER under Obama than either Bush II or St Ronnie! That's right, under Obama there have been 807 officers who have lost their lives during his term. At this same point under Bush II there were 1,034 dead cops, and under Reagan at this point 1,129.
Bingo. Cop executions are up, and pretty obviously thugslivesmatter are behind it.

Except they aren't.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics

Ah...NOW you love stats too!!! When I brought up stats on bad cops you all ridiculed me. Statistically police brutality and shootings are a TINY % of police/citizen interactions. So tiny in fact that most standard scientific measurement standards would call it an irrelevant factor.

So NOW you're ready to talk stats?
Look at this mess. Cops dying all over the place. is it the Left's position people are just fed up with unjustified killiongs by cops?
if that's the case why now? did cops just start killing innocent people because they dont like a Black President???

THE LEFT always tears apart the social fabric of the nation when they are in power.
There is no surge in cop killings under Obama. In fact, the police are SAFER under Obama than either Bush II or St Ronnie! That's right, under Obama there have been 807 officers who have lost their lives during his term. At this same point under Bush II there were 1,034 dead cops, and under Reagan at this point 1,129.

Bush had 9-11 which killed a large number in 1 day. Just for statistical context.
Bingo. Cop executions are up, and pretty obviously thugslivesmatter are behind it.

Except they aren't.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics
FFS, I'm not going to draw you pictures or give you definitions of words. What the hell is wrong with you?

The numbers don't lie. The media, the cops, and Republicans do, though.
For God's sake, even if English is your a second language, it shouldn't be that difficult. If you need to access a dictionary, they have them online now. Makes comprehension much easier.
Bingo. Cop executions are up, and pretty obviously thugslivesmatter are behind it.

Except they aren't.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics
FFS, I'm not going to draw you pictures or give you definitions of words. What the hell is wrong with you?

The numbers don't lie. The media, the cops, and Republicans do, though.

No....the numbers don't lie.

There are 1,000,000 cops. They collectively work 300,000,000,000 hours of police work per year. Make about 14,000,000 arrests. An average incident is an hour or shorter in duration.

So out of 300 BILLION hours of work...and 14 MILLION arrests out of those....there's what....40-50 contraversial incidents? From men and women who are given guns and told "Go keep the peace in America's worst neighborhoods amongst our worst criminals"?????
And a supposedly "police state" nation makes 14 million arrests out of 330 million people...and half of those are the SAME offenders. So AT BEST about 5% of Americans get themselves arrested each year...and nd considering most are the same offenders repeating crime after's probably less than a 1% chance.

If you go by stats....the police are doing AN INCREDIBLY GOOD JOB.

But that's just the stats. Don't let me interfere with your cop hate.
Bingo. Cop executions are up, and pretty obviously thugslivesmatter are behind it.

Except they aren't.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics
FFS, I'm not going to draw you pictures or give you definitions of words. What the hell is wrong with you?

The numbers don't lie. The media, the cops, and Republicans do, though.

No....the numbers don't lie.

There are 1,000,000 cops. They collectively work 300,000,000,000 hours of police work per year. Make about 14,000,000 arrests. An average incident is an hour or shorter in duration.

So out of 300 BILLION hours of work...and 14 MILLION arrests out of those....there's what....40-50 contraversial incidents? From men and women who are given guns and told "Go keep the peace in America's worst neighborhoods amongst our worst criminals"?????
And a supposedly "police state" nation makes 14 million arrests out of 330 million people...and half of those are the SAME offenders. So AT BEST about 5% of Americans get themselves arrested each year...and nd considering most are the same offenders repeating crime after's probably less than a 1% chance.

If you go by stats....the police are doing AN INCREDIBLY GOOD JOB.

But that's just the stats. Don't let me interfere with your cop hate.
Don't waste your time. If he doesn't understand the word 'execution', how's he going to follow your long post in English?

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