The Politics of Destruction; surge in cop killings sign Progessives tearing apart the social fabric

I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.

What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Why are Liberals culpable in police deaths? Do Conservative policies like the militarization of police equipment and tactics have any responsibil8ty?

You can try to blame Liberals, but looking deeply into your own policies might prove to reveal more truth than the fiction you're selling.
What makes you sure without knowing a motive?
Spidey sense?
It was stated by the sheriff that the cop was only killed because he was a cop. Farrakhan is out telling his followers to kill cops. Put two and two together.

He supposed that right after he said there was no motive as of yet. He may have well been killed because he was a cop but nothing was said of Farrakhan. You're trying to make it into something that hasn't been proven.
So Farrakhan tells his followers that he needs 10,000 people to kill cops, but that cop's death had nothing to do with it. Proves blacks are as ignorant as some on here say they are. Are you black?
The cop shot in Indiana was shot by white fellows, ruins your premise....
You mean a wigger?
No, he was correct. A white couple killed the officer.
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Why are Liberals culpable in police deaths? Do Conservative policies like the militarization of police equipment and tactics have any responsibil8ty?

You can try to blame Liberals, but looking deeply into your own policies might prove to reveal more truth than the fiction you're selling.
Thug culture and those who aid and abet it are responsible for almost all cop deaths. Come to think of it, for thug deaths as well.
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.

What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
Using your totally ignorant game of connect the dots allows me be as stupid as you.
For example;
Silly assed white people are always harping about a traitorous shit rag being about heritage and tradition and NOTHIG TO DO WITH RACISM.
However they display their pride and heritage in this manner:

'Still a racist nation': American bigotry on full display at KKK rally in South Carolina

Admitally you are more adapt at being ignorant, however, by employing your rules of logic I can state that these racists are racist because the GOP refuses to acknowledge that all white people are racist.
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.

What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
Using your totally ignorant game of connect the dots allows me be as stupid as you.
For example;
Silly assed white people are always harping about a traitorous shit rag being about heritage and tradition and NOTHIG TO DO WITH RACISM.
However they display their pride and heritage in this manner:

'Still a racist nation': American bigotry on full display at KKK rally in South Carolina

Admitally you are more adapt at being ignorant, however, by employing your rules of logic I can state that these racists are racist because the GOP refuses to acknowledge that all white people are racist.
You are an ignorant fool, and as long as there are people like yourself. There will always be racism. Most white racist are liberals, maybe you should look around and realize you support the party of hate.
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.

What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
It has been fascinating over the last 7 years to watch people like you struggle with the normal support that the People are giving a duly elected President that you, for some reason, hate. We see people like you try to explain it as "love", as him being our "Messiah", as our "Dear Leader" as if we are like North Korea...and so on and so forth. The really fun parts are why people like you alternate between accusing those who voted for President Obama, minorities in particular, being "too stupid" to see that we are on a plantation or "too stupid" to see we are being used....and that we "stole" the election.
What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
Using your totally ignorant game of connect the dots allows me be as stupid as you.
For example;
Silly assed white people are always harping about a traitorous shit rag being about heritage and tradition and NOTHIG TO DO WITH RACISM.
However they display their pride and heritage in this manner:

'Still a racist nation': American bigotry on full display at KKK rally in South Carolina

Admitally you are more adapt at being ignorant, however, by employing your rules of logic I can state that these racists are racist because the GOP refuses to acknowledge that all white people are racist.
You are an ignorant fool, and as long as there are people like yourself. There will always be racism. Most white racist are liberals, maybe you should look around and realize you support the party of hate.
most white liberals are
I did say you were adept at ignorance...thanks for knocking that one out of the park...
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
Gay people everywhere sigh in relief.
I recommend this can click on different years to compare: 2015
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
I wasn't speaking of
Admitally you are more adapt at being ignorant
What does this phrase mean, and more importantly do you see the irony? If you're black, that's still no excuse.
I understand that English is difficult for you...or were you attempting to be
So I admittedly hit an incorrect key and you attribute that to
So much for your failed analogy for the day...
Last edited:
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.

What was the motive in that case?
I'm sure it had to do with Farrakhan's' speech. One of Obama's buddies.
Then you are simply stupid...
With that statement, you have blood on your hands. When you love a man as much as you love Obama. You prove to the world you are really stupid. Farrakhan is a very good buddy of Obama and Sharpton. So what Farrakhan said represents your party.
It has been fascinating over the last 7 years to watch people like you struggle with the normal support that the People are giving a duly elected President that you, for some reason, hate. We see people like you try to explain it as "love", as him being our "Messiah", as our "Dear Leader" as if we are like North Korea...and so on and so forth. The really fun parts are why people like you alternate between accusing those who voted for President Obama, minorities in particular, being "too stupid" to see that we are on a plantation or "too stupid" to see we are being used....and that we "stole" the election.
Oh my, coming from someone that would turn strait if Obama wanted you to. I have never seen people always blindly follow a man, as liberals follow Obama. Yes, that is stupid. The latest with Farrakhan, you won't say anything about his traitorous speech, because he is a buddy of Obama. Even though he is asking Americans to kill each other. Just like Hillary, blindly follow.
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
Gay people everywhere sigh in relief.
Did in past years thugs walk up behind cops and shoot them in the back of their head? Liberals are insane.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
I wasn't speaking of
Then who were you referring to? Since you quoted that right after my statement.
Yes they idiotic question.
Lol an Obama fluffer calls me an idiot.
I would never assume the duties of your household...
Sorry I'm not queer and I am positive if Obama told you to blow him. You would ask how many times! Gruber hit the nail on the head with you. Lol
I wasn't speaking of
Then who were you referring to? Since you quoted that right after my statement.
Who else lives in your household other than males???
Look at this mess. Cops dying all over the place. is it the Left's position people are just fed up with unjustified killiongs by cops?
if that's the case why now? did cops just start killing innocent people because they dont like a Black President???

THE LEFT always tears apart the social fabric of the nation when they are in power.
"Cops dying all over the place".......ok, sounds serious. How many police officers have died in the line of duty in the last week...the last month..the last year. What is the % of increase compared to last year...last decade? Give us some figures to fit the outrage.
28 so far this year. 32 at this time last year.......which, incidentally was a 90% increase over 2013.

So basically, since the Ferguon riots, we have had a massive increase of police killings, many NOT IN THE LINE OF DUTY, but outright executions.

So where is the decrease?

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