The Politics of Global Warming

And by making your response personal, you lost any credibility you may have thought you had.

Except that I didn't make it personal, I made it about the veracity of your source.

Obfuscating is not going to help you make whatever point you thought you were making, particularly when you made no point, and certainly didn't support your claim with anything resembling evidence. You asked for evidence. I provided a link to lots of evidence. It was obvious that you didn't even bother to browse the site, otherwise you would have made an attempt to prove your point by debunking just one item listed there. You didn't do that. You simply made a biased assessment based on your own political beliefs. And by the way, my penis has nothing to do with it. Does yours?

Yet the burden of proof is still on the AGW cult that can not provide one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 controls climate.
So....poor science besides the point, Lysenko was hailed as an icon by Stalin and the Communists in charge.

And what does this have to do with contemporary America, and Global Warming?

11. "Lysenkoism was “politically correct” (a term invented by Lenin) because it was consistent with certain broader Marxist doctrines. Marxists wanted to believe that heredity had a limited role even among humans, and that human characteristics changed by living under socialism would be inherited by subsequent generations of humans. Thus would be created the selfless new Soviet man."
Forbes, Op.Cit.

And the malleability of human nature is the hallmark of every totalist view: communism, fascism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....
Lysenko had to be hailed!

12. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] : "The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will." New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction. does the totalitarian state aid the "science" that supports it.....and deal with any real scientists who object....?


13. "... [Lysenko's] theories from practical applications rather than controlled scientific experiments.

This fit the Marxist propaganda of the time holding that brilliant industrial innovations would arise from the working classes through practical applications. Lysenko’s theories also seemed to address in a quick and timely manner the widespread Soviet famines of the time arising from the forced collectivization of agriculture, rather than the much slower changes from scientific experimentation and genetic heredity.

Lysenko was consequently embraced and lionized by the Soviet media propaganda machine. Scientists who promoted Lysenkoism with faked data and destroyed counterevidence were favored with government funding and official recognition and award. Lysenko and his followers and media acolytes responded to critics by impugning their motives, and denouncing them as bourgeois fascists resisting the advance of the new modern Marxism.

The V.I. Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences announced on August 7, 1948 that thenceforth Lysenkoism would be taught as the only correct theory. All Soviet scientists were required to denounce any work that contradicted Lysenkoism. Ultimately, Soviet geneticists resisting Lysenkoism were imprisoned and even executed. Lysenkoism was abandoned for the correct modern science of Mendelian genetics only as late as 1964."
Forbes, Op. Cit.

I wonder if they yelled "If you look at the peer reviewed scientific literature, the debate is over."

See how this relates to the global warmists?
1.At this point, only the most lassitudinous lackeys of Leftism still cling to the global warming scam....what with:

a. "It’s official: no global warming for 18 years 1 month..." It 8217 s official no global warming for 18 years 1 month Watts Up With That

b. Just the other day more evidence came to light that indicts the global warming scam...." The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever"... The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever - Telegraph

They've taken to moving sensors from rural settings to urban setting to jack up global temperature data.
What's next, putting them into pizza ovens to get high readings??

2. Those of us more astute have long identified the global warming scam as Marxism's latest attempt to institute global governance. In fact, a study of the nexus of science and politics have seen the attempt before....and today's exposition will review that earlier endeavor.....and its failure.

3. Some science-history:
Some ground-floor geneticists claimed that characteristics acquired during an organism's lifetime were incorporated in their offspring.

a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck took a great conceptual step and proposed a full-blown theory of evolution, believing that the long necks of giraffes evolved as generations of giraffes reached for ever higher leaves. As each generation's neck increased in length, that trait served as a starting point for successive generation, and so on. Early Concepts of Evolution Jean Baptiste Lamarck

4. Friedrich Weismann disproved this thesis, operating from the other end: he cut the tails off multiple generations of mice, and showed that the result was not shorter tails in the subjects.
Leave it to a German to operate on helpless victims.

5. Which brings us to Trofim Lysenko, Russian 'scientist,' and paragon of Marxist thinking.
He not only exemplifed Kark Marx's thesis of political history, but he is today's illustration of totalitarian government using some iteration of science for their purposes.....just as similar governments use 'Global Warming' today.

Pay attention.

6. "The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory"
The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory - Forbes

More to come.
I wonder if this story has made headlines in Massachusetts yet.
The issue of the environment really only boils down to one adversarial relationship.

Those who are willing to destroy the environment for profit or other benefit,

vs. those who are not.
The issue of the environment really only boils down to one adversarial relationship.

Those who are willing to destroy the environment for profit or other benefit,

vs. those who are not.

There are morons who have been convinced by the Left that property owners are perfectly happy to destroy their own property,breathe polluted air, and drink dirty water....and business are about poisoning their own customers.

Clearly you are one of those morons.
another twenty below vermont night, this is one one the coldest winters i can remember...

oh god... our vermont glaciers are melting.... melting...!!!
where's al gore ?? where can i send him some more money ??

help us global warming... you're my only hope...!
another twenty below vermont night, this is one one the coldest winters i can remember...

oh god... our vermont glaciers are melting.... melting...!!!
where's al gore ?? where can i send him some more money ??

help us global warming... you're my only hope...!

yeah, here tonite, global warming is a big phat joke.
The politics of global warming, and the politics of Lysenkoism.......the same, and for the same reasons: the support international socialism, aka communism.

14. "The Theory of Man Caused Catastrophic Global Warming

This same practice of Lysenkoism has long been under way in western science in regard to the politically correct theory of man caused, catastrophic, global warming. That theory serves the political fashions of the day in promoting vastly increased government powers and control over the private economy. Advocates of the theory are lionized in the dominant Democrat party controlled media in the U.S., and in leftist controlled media in other countries. Critics of the theory are denounced as “deniers,” and even still bourgeois fascists, with their motives impugned.

Those who promote the theory are favored with billions from government grants and neo-Marxist environmentalist largesse, and official recognition and award. Faked and tampered data and evidence has arisen in favor of the politically correct theory.

A tip off regarding reality should have been apparent from the dodgy propaganda involved in changing the labeling of the problem from “global warming” to “climate change.” Of course, Earth has been experiencing climate change since the first sunrise on the planet. We are not going to abandon the workers’ paradise of capitalism because climate change will continue.

Another tip off should have been the effective admission by global warming alarmists that they cannot defend their position in public debate. The day the theory of anthropogenic catastrophic global warming died can be dated from the time that one leading alarmist was foolish enough to debate James Taylor of the Heartland Institute, a video of which can be found on the Heartland"
The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory - Forbes
The issue of the environment really only boils down to one adversarial relationship.

Those who are willing to destroy the environment for profit or other benefit,

vs. those who are not.

There are morons who have been convinced by the Left that property owners are perfectly happy to destroy their own property,breathe polluted air, and drink dirty water....and business are about poisoning their own customers.

Clearly you are one of those morons.

So you want to argue that no corporation or other for profit business interest has ever polluted the environment because not polluting it would have cut into profits?

Go ahead, let's hear that argument.
Playing the Marxism card in the environmental debate is done for lack of a GOOD argument.
So wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot, but the Soviet Union was notorious for neglect of the environment.

How odd.
The issue of the environment really only boils down to one adversarial relationship.

Those who are willing to destroy the environment for profit or other benefit,

vs. those who are not.

There are morons who have been convinced by the Left that property owners are perfectly happy to destroy their own property,breathe polluted air, and drink dirty water....and business are about poisoning their own customers.

Clearly you are one of those morons.

So you want to argue that no corporation or other for profit business interest has ever polluted the environment because not polluting it would have cut into profits?

Go ahead, let's hear that argument.

Possibly you missed the subtlety of the post...

There are morons who have been convinced by the Left that property owners are perfectly happy to destroy their own property,breathe polluted air, and drink dirty water....and business are about poisoning their own customers.

Clearly you are one of those morons.
So wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot, but the Soviet Union was notorious for neglect of the environment.

How odd.

"wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot,"
Since that was never stated, you are back at your default position: lying.
So wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot, but the Soviet Union was notorious for neglect of the environment.

How odd.

"wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot,"
Since that was never stated, you are back at your default position: lying.

So now you're going to deny you've tried to associate the environmentalist movement with Marxism.

lol you're a fucking loon. Make yourself useful. Go back to bed.
So wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot, but the Soviet Union was notorious for neglect of the environment.

How odd.

"wanting to protect the environment is a Communist plot,"
Since that was never stated, you are back at your default position: lying.

Does ANYONE here want to join PC in making her new argument that she has never tried to associate environmentalism with Marxism?

PLEASE, step up and show your support for her.

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