The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

You'll be shown the way.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?

I'd say you never attended any biology classes. This is not advanced stuff.

Follow the links I provided.

Meiosis and Formation of Eggs and Sperm

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception
Thanks but I saw nothing there to refute what I wrote. Selected quotes are interesting but unconvincing. Now a poll of biologists would be more convincing but I couldn't find any.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.

Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?

It's the only one that will turn into a doctor, or a construction worker, or a writer.
That is not science and most likely now or in the near future, untrue
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.

Now go look up something else that won't mean anything :)
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.
Not where I come from but I have some small, mobile homes in my back yard you can buy.
Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

Dear BlindBoo
Hell is relative for each person, just like Heaven.

Heaven is where there is love, forgiveness, healing and equal inclusion and security/peace for oneself and all others as one.
This can be found internally in the mind, it can be established externally in relations. It can exist collectively for all humanity somewhere in time and space, and some people can already be living at that energy level of existence, while others aren't.

Hell is where there is suffering from unforgiven conflicts, projected instead of healed.
this goes in a vicious cycle to cause "eternal hell"
collectively, the suffering of all humanity on all levels of spirit and whatever levels of life and consciousness or energy
exists, becomes this greater hell.

War is hell.
Drug addiction that leads to endless drive toward self destruction is hell.

It depends on the person what is their part of hell and process of experiencing or overcoming the forces of hell.

BlindBoo if you want to get scientific about it
we could start measuring the energy and brainwaves when someone is at peace
and the energy/brain waves when someone has demonic obsessions that are a living hell.

So we could distinguish these two, and agree what we are talking about.

One is positive life giving energy that facilitates healing and productive good will and good faith in relations.
And that energy will show up as one form or level.

The other is negative energy of retribution and ill will, that kills the spirit,
blocks healing of the mind and body, destroys relations and leads to abuse, crime, violence, bullying etc.

If you want to scientifically prove
that one is positive and the other is negative
that isn't impossible to do.

So one leads to peace and collectively what people call the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth
by healing and maximizing relations and resources we share with others

And the other leads to diminished health, destroying relations and wasting resources
on war, crime, violence abuse and unresolved conflicts creating negative cycles.

One aligns with the path to heaven by forgiveness correction healing and inclusion.
One aligns with the path to hell by unforgiveness retribution ill will and divisive bullying by coercion or exclusion.

These two are clearly distinct from each other.
And attract the respective consequences by cause and effect or the laws of justice.

Heaven and Hell are symbolic terms for the COLLECTIVE level
but they can refer to someone's personal process and experience on an individual level.

either positive toward life and healing, or negative toward death and destruction.
Not rocket science, but so simple a child can understand.
I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.

Now go look up something else that won't mean anything :)

Oh goody!

You finally figured out that your posts are utterly meaningless!

Have a cookie.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.
Not where I come from but I have some small, mobile homes in my back yard you can buy.
Those aren't mobile homes. They aren't big enough.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

No, it is still just a brick.

Now go look up something else that won't mean anything :)

Oh goody!

You finally figured out that your posts are utterly meaningless!

Have a cookie.

I said you! HAHA! You're even more stupid than before!

Win :D
Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

You'll be shown the way.

That is merely a belief. Not an absolute. There is no known location for Heaven or Hell is there? That is an absolute.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

BZZZT Wrong!

According to your own link "human development" begins at conception.

However it is not yet a human being at conception, merely a potential human being.
That's a value judgment. The very fact that it multiplies, specializes, and creates a human form through no other force of will but it's own is a compelling indicator of humanity that can't be set aside.

Abracadabra, spooky magic stuff for those who believe in stone age superstitions.


"Force of will" is utter nonsense when applied to cell division which a biochemical process controlled via DNA.

You might as claim that the app running on your cell phone has a "force of will" because it was programmed to send out your tweets.
Science is mystified by the force of life. The great philosophers have exalted its inscrutability. You don't even know that classes are held on it. How pathetic is that?
Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

Dear BlindBoo
Hell is relative for each person, just like Heaven.

Heaven is where there is love, forgiveness, healing and equal inclusion and security/peace for oneself and all others as one.
This can be found internally in the mind, it can be established externally in relations. It can exist collectively for all humanity somewhere in time and space, and some people can already be living at that energy level of existence, while others aren't.

Hell is where there is suffering from unforgiven conflicts, projected instead of healed.
this goes in a vicious cycle to cause "eternal hell"
collectively, the suffering of all humanity on all levels of spirit and whatever levels of life and consciousness or energy
exists, becomes this greater hell.

War is hell.
Drug addiction that leads to endless drive toward self destruction is hell.

It depends on the person what is their part of hell and process of experiencing or overcoming the forces of hell.

BlindBoo if you want to get scientific about it
we could start measuring the energy and brainwaves when someone is at peace
and the energy/brain waves when someone has demonic obsessions that are a living hell.

So we could distinguish these two, and agree what we are talking about.

One is positive life giving energy that facilitates healing and productive good will and good faith in relations.
And that energy will show up as one form or level.

The other is negative energy of retribution and ill will, that kills the spirit,
blocks healing of the mind and body, destroys relations and leads to abuse, crime, violence, bullying etc.

If you want to scientifically prove
that one is positive and the other is negative
that isn't impossible to do.

So one leads to peace and collectively what people call the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth
by healing and maximizing relations and resources we share with others

And the other leads to diminished health, destroying relations and wasting resources
on war, crime, violence abuse and unresolved conflicts creating negative cycles.

One aligns with the path to heaven by forgiveness correction healing and inclusion.
One aligns with the path to hell by unforgiveness retribution ill will and divisive bullying by coercion or exclusion.

These two are clearly distinct from each other.
And attract the respective consequences by cause and effect or the laws of justice.

Heaven and Hell are symbolic terms for the COLLECTIVE level
but they can refer to someone's personal process and experience on an individual level.

either positive toward life and healing, or negative toward death and destruction.
Not rocket science, but so simple a child can understand.
^^^^^ what he said
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

You'll be shown the way.

That is merely a belief. Not an absolute. There is no known location for Heaven or Hell is there? That is an absolute.
Hell's existence is not predicated on my ability to tell you where it is. Your argument is falling apart faster than Ikea furniture.

Now go look up something else that won't mean anything :)

Oh goody!

You finally figured out that your posts are utterly meaningless!

Have a cookie.

I said you! HAHA! You're even more stupid than before!

Win :D

Don't strain yourself patting yourself on the back and yes, everyone is a "winner" on your short bus.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?

You'll be shown the way.

That is merely a belief. Not an absolute. There is no known location for Heaven or Hell is there? That is an absolute.
Much like a "belief" of the exact moment a "fetus" becomes a "human being." Even if that is your belief, the concept itself has been driven backwards by science and technology. The instant of viability has become a shorter amount of time in the womb. Your beliefs have caused the....what is the word that means murder but offends no one? Oh yes, abortion. Your beliefs have caused the abortion of millions of viable....what is the word that means not human? Oh yes, embryo. Your beliefs have caused the abortion of millions of viable embryos.

Now go look up something else that won't mean anything :)

Oh goody!

You finally figured out that your posts are utterly meaningless!

Have a cookie.

I said you! HAHA! You're even more stupid than before!

Win :D

Don't strain yourself patting yourself on the back and yes, everyone is a "winner" on your short bus.

Too many yourself's in one sentence fail. :)
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.
Not where I come from but I have some small, mobile homes in my back yard you can buy.
I'm American Indian. No shortage of mobile homes in my world.

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