The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

Abortion is not murder.
Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

You cannot prove that your "absolute truth" even exists.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?
Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

You cannot prove that your "absolute truth" even exists.
It's a good thing I'm a patient man.
Abortion is not murder.
Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.

Your belief has no effect on the reality, except as far as it will convict way or the other.

The reality of a fairy tale? Say no more, say no more.
Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

You cannot prove that your "absolute truth" even exists.
It's a good thing I'm a patient man.

The term gullible is what springs to mind.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

BZZZT Wrong!

According to your own link "human development" begins at conception.

However it is not yet a human being at conception, merely a potential human being.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?
That's not what you said, is it? Now you're just lying.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?

I'd say you never attended any biology classes. This is not advanced stuff.

Follow the links I provided.

Meiosis and Formation of Eggs and Sperm

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?

It's the only one that will turn into a doctor, or a construction worker, or a writer.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

BZZZT Wrong!

According to your own link "human development" begins at conception.

However it is not yet a human being at conception, merely a potential human being.
That's a value judgment. The very fact that it multiplies, specializes, and creates a human form through no other force of will but it's own is a compelling indicator of humanity that can't be set aside.
Abortion is not murder.
Hell awaits.

Except that is doesn't exist.
That's the funny thing about the absolute nature of truth. Your disbelief won't save you from hell. Only repentence will. All persons who commit, comission, or advocate abortion will be condemned unless they repent.

That last part was the good news.

Oh I'd love to believe in the fairy tale that sends all the bad people to a place for eternal punishment for their deeds, unless they repent but, I don't.
Absolute truth doesn't care what you believe.

Nor the Greek, Romans or Egytians, nor the current brand of popular poly-theism either.

The absolute truth is you cannot tell me where the mythical place called Hell is can you?
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
6. The views that include abortion, harvesting organs, eugenics, and other ways of disposing of human beings, evolved in several directions, first substituting the image of a self-creating dynamo for the universe, operating by automatic, undirected physical forces: never mind the contradictory nature of the concept, it served the need of eliminating a Creator. And with very little tweaking, both nature and the body became “ essentially amoral mechanisms to be used to whatever private ends we have.” Roger Lundin, “The Culture of Interpretation: Christian Faith and the Postmodern World,” p. 102.

    1. This takes us in the direction of a mechanistic, value-free view of nature. We can call this view ‘liberalism,’ as defined by the self-identified liberal philosopher Peter Berkowitz: “Each generation of liberal thinkers [focuses on] dimensions of life previously regarded as fixed by nature,” then seeks to show that in reality they are “subject to human will and remaking." Sex Lies and Secularism - Christian Research Institute
So much for the sanctity of life.

b. And we see this view idea of the malleability of human nature as prominent in every totalitarian philosophy. “Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.” New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

c. A large segment of those known as scientists have been trained in the value-free concepts. The transhumanism movement holds that human life has no value, or dignity, and that it must be perfected through gene modification. Dr. Nick Bostrom finds that human nature, itself, “is a work in progress, a half-baked beginning that we can learn to remold in desirable ways.” Transhumanist Values

Their utopia is created through technology.
what do you want, the government to have jurisdiction in regulating your every sperm..?
I want you to answer my questions. :)

would you consider regulating PCs every sperm progressive totalitarianism...?
Here are two questions, both of which are worded so that you can answer with a simple yes or no. Feel free to explain your yes or no answers:

1. Do you agree with every single law?

2. If the court reversed itself, would you change your position on abortion?
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

BZZZT Wrong!

According to your own link "human development" begins at conception.

However it is not yet a human being at conception, merely a potential human being.
That's a value judgment. The very fact that it multiplies, specializes, and creates a human form through no other force of will but it's own is a compelling indicator of humanity that can't be set aside.
Yes everyone who is alive today began life as a simple fertilized egg. That doesn't mean every fertilized egg is a human life. Many never implant and simply get flushed away.
Sorry but life doesn’t begin at conception, it began billions of years ago (or 6,000 if you prefer). Someone saying they are pro-life is meaningless, they destroy life daily, every microbe, cow, and carrot is alive.
What the pro-lifers really mean is that they are pro-HUMAN life and imply they know for certain when life is a human being. They don’t claim a sperm or egg is human but do claim a combination of the two is. Is it biology that marks the change or some supernatural belief?
To me, a fertilized egg contains the blueprint of a human being but is not itself human. Any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Both the blueprint and the DNA are incapable of building anything, they require external actors to read and follow the plans. To say a blueprint is a house and should be treated as such is obviously absurd. What pro-lifers need to understand is that to say to many of us that to destroy a fertilized egg is murder is the same in our minds as saying burning a blueprint is the same as tearing down a house.

Er..yes, we know what we mean when we say "pro-life". And the term has a specific meaning, though it is fun to watch you loons play with it..

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈlīf\
: opposed to abortion"

Pro-life - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And it doesn't matter what a fertilized egg is to recognizes it as a human, not a blueprint. It is a living organism from day 1.

Science recognizes the fertilized egg as human life in the same way it recognizes a sperm or cancer cell as human life.
It doesn't recognize sperm cells as human life, nor does it equate a deviation from the blueprint (cancer) with the blueprint. You really suck at this, don't you?

I must have missed that is my high school biology class. Exactly where science equate an fertilized human egg cell as being different from any other human cell?
That's not what you said, is it? Now you're just lying.
I'll stand behind what I've written.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

BZZZT Wrong!

According to your own link "human development" begins at conception.

However it is not yet a human being at conception, merely a potential human being.
That's a value judgment. The very fact that it multiplies, specializes, and creates a human form through no other force of will but it's own is a compelling indicator of humanity that can't be set aside.

Abracadabra, spooky magic stuff for those who believe in stone age superstitions.


"Force of will" is utter nonsense when applied to cell division which a biochemical process controlled via DNA.

You might as claim that the app running on your cell phone has a "force of will" because it was programmed to send out your tweets.
Life does begin at conception (scientifically speaking):

""Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception)."

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo s Conception

I would agree with you as to when human development begins. If all goes well that development will eventually lead to a human being. Building a house may begin with a the laying of a single brick but that doesn't make that brick a house. It is impossible to say when the construction of a house results in a "house" just as it is impossible to say when biological development results in a human being. The line will be arbitrary and different people will view where that line lies differently. None of them are wrong but they have no basis to say that everyone else must accept their line as the only correct view.
A single brick can be considered a tiny house.

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