The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

Can't figure it out even with the clues given by Websters? Call up your favorite doctor and ask them what must function in a human being in order for it to survive.

I don't have to call a doctor, I passed 7th grade science.

organism in MedicineExpand
organism or·gan·ism (ôr'gə-nĭz'əm)
An individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Survival is not a prerequisite for defining life. In this context it literally means maintaining the state of life. Therefore, by using survival as your method of reaching a false criteria, you have inadvertently already admitted the organism does exist as a living being.

Now let me explain some more of your misconception here... NO organisms are immortal. So when you make the "survival on it's own" argument, what you are basically saying is that nothing is really an organism because nothing can perpetually survive forever. Unless it can be immortal, then it will eventually not be able to carry on the process of life and survive on it's own, therefore it's never really an organism.
No unborn human has the ability to give you that right so it is an impossible assertion on your part. You have the right to pronounce and claim that you speak for them but in reality, you do not, and that you make that claim makes you a little full of yourself imo.

I understand. I am sure the same sentiment was held for those who spoke up for the slaves and women back in the day. Animals also can't give me that right and I advocate for their right to not be abused. So I think I am going to just keep on standing up for whoever's rights I feel are being violated, and if you don't like me doing that, you can bring your happy ass to Alabama and try to stop me.

Feel free to stand on your soapbox and spout whatever nonsense you feel like spouting.
Can't figure it out even with the clues given by Websters? Call up your favorite doctor and ask them what must function in a human being in order for it to survive.

I don't have to call a doctor, I passed 7th grade science.

organism in MedicineExpand
organism or·gan·ism (ôr'gə-nĭz'əm)
An individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Survival is not a prerequisite for defining life. In this context it literally means maintaining the state of life. Therefore, by using survival as your method of reaching a false criteria, you have inadvertently already admitted the organism does exist as a living being.

Now let me explain some more of your misconception here... NO organisms are immortal. So when you make the "survival on it's own" argument, what you are basically saying is that nothing is really an organism because nothing can perpetually survive forever. Unless it can be immortal, then it will eventually not be able to carry on the process of life and survive on it's own, therefore it's never really an organism.

Damn and you were so close to the meaning of viability. Keep trying though I have all the confidence in the world that you will get it someday soon.
Well yes, fetuses are babies in the fetal stage of development. If you wish to claim they are not, you need to submit some scientific evidence to support your claim. So far, you haven't done so. I am not concerned with your hate and bigotry toward the religious, or your perverted gay fantasies about having anal sex with them. You don't have the authority to decide who pays for things, so why not shut your pie hole and stop drawing flies?

NO, fetuses aren't babies, they're fetuses.

But, shit if you want to allocate more rights to fetuses than to the women they happen to be in, why stop at Abortions? We should put criminal penalties on women who drink or smoke during pregnancy and have them report to their local indoctrination center to assure they are following the approved diet. Because that Fetus is clearly more important than you are.

At least until it's born. Then you COnservatards truly don't give a fuck about it.
NO, fetuses aren't babies, they're fetuses.

And what are fetuses? Living human organisms in the fetal stage of life. See, you can't escape this with circular reasoning. The fetus is often described as "the baby" as soon as it has developed a detectable heart beat or shows movement on an ultrasound. Doctors refer to it as "the baby" and so do the mothers. So what basis do you argue a fetus is not a baby? That's right, on a semantics basis, because there is no clinical or scientific basis.

As for the rest of your tired rant on conservatives and Christians, it only serves as more evidence to why you're such a myopic bigot who can't have a rational conversation. This really has nothing to do with your total ignorance of biology, it has to do with your political agenda and what you are.
Well yes, fetuses are babies in the fetal stage of development. If you wish to claim they are not, you need to submit some scientific evidence to support your claim. So far, you haven't done so. I am not concerned with your hate and bigotry toward the religious, or your perverted gay fantasies about having anal sex with them. You don't have the authority to decide who pays for things, so why not shut your pie hole and stop drawing flies?

NO, fetuses aren't babies, they're fetuses.

Which is a human being in utero... .

ROFL! MAN that has GOT to suck. Facts... they're stubborn things.
Can't figure it out even with the clues given by Websters? Call up your favorite doctor and ask them what must function in a human being in order for it to survive.

I don't have to call a doctor, I passed 7th grade science.

organism in MedicineExpand
organism or·gan·ism (ôr'gə-nĭz'əm)
An individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Survival is not a prerequisite for defining life. In this context it literally means maintaining the state of life. Therefore, by using survival as your method of reaching a false criteria, you have inadvertently already admitted the organism does exist as a living being.

Now let me explain some more of your misconception here... NO organisms are immortal. So when you make the "survival on it's own" argument, what you are basically saying is that nothing is really an organism because nothing can perpetually survive forever. Unless it can be immortal, then it will eventually not be able to carry on the process of life and survive on it's own, therefore it's never really an organism.

Damn and you were so close to the meaning of viability. Keep trying though I have all the confidence in the world that you will get it someday soon.

Again, if we are discussing the "viability" of something, it already exists. Viability does not define when a human organism begins to exist. The question of viability already acknowledges existence. Regardless of where you arbitrarily set the parameters for "viability" the human life is already there.
Can't figure it out even with the clues given by Websters? Call up your favorite doctor and ask them what must function in a human being in order for it to survive.

I don't have to call a doctor, I passed 7th grade science.

organism in MedicineExpand
organism or·gan·ism (ôr'gə-nĭz'əm)
An individual form of life, such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Survival is not a prerequisite for defining life. In this context it literally means maintaining the state of life. Therefore, by using survival as your method of reaching a false criteria, you have inadvertently already admitted the organism does exist as a living being.

Now let me explain some more of your misconception here... NO organisms are immortal. So when you make the "survival on it's own" argument, what you are basically saying is that nothing is really an organism because nothing can perpetually survive forever. Unless it can be immortal, then it will eventually not be able to carry on the process of life and survive on it's own, therefore it's never really an organism.

Damn and you were so close to the meaning of viability. Keep trying though I have all the confidence in the world that you will get it someday soon.

Again, if we are discussing the "viability" of something, it already exists. Viability does not define when a human organism begins to exist. The question of viability already acknowledges existence. Regardless of where you arbitrarily set the parameters for "viability" the human life is already there.

You might note that the ideological Leftists, such as your opposition there... are no 'viable'. Such individuals would be dead within a month of the break down of the supply chain
And what are fetuses? Living human organisms in the fetal stage of life. See, you can't escape this with circular reasoning. The fetus is often described as "the baby" as soon as it has developed a detectable heart beat or shows movement on an ultrasound.

Well, no, the fetus is described as "the baby" when the mother wants it. It's described as "that problem I have to take care of next Tuesday" if she doesn't. I'm sorry you don't get this.

But isn't it silly for a bunch of men to be here talking about what women should do with their uteri?

As for the rest of your tired rant on conservatives and Christians, it only serves as more evidence to why you're such a myopic bigot who can't have a rational conversation. This really has nothing to do with your total ignorance of biology, it has to do with your political agenda and what you are.

I'm having a totally rational conversation. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the right. Of course, people like you keep voting Republican hoping some day , little Timmy, they'll get around to banning abortion.

Instead they give tax cuts to the rich, screw working people, take benefits away from the poor and then you all scratch you big monkey craniums wondering why women are still aborting fetuses they can't afford to bring into the world.
And what are fetuses? Living human organisms in the fetal stage of life. See, you can't escape this with circular reasoning. The fetus is often described as "the baby" as soon as it has developed a detectable heart beat or shows movement on an ultrasound.

Well, no, the fetus is described as "the baby" when the mother wants it. It's described as "that problem I have to take care of next Tuesday" if she doesn't. I'm sorry you don't get this.

But isn't it silly for a bunch of men to be here talking about what women should do with their uteri?

As for the rest of your tired rant on conservatives and Christians, it only serves as more evidence to why you're such a myopic bigot who can't have a rational conversation. This really has nothing to do with your total ignorance of biology, it has to do with your political agenda and what you are.

I'm having a totally rational conversation. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the right. Of course, people like you keep voting Republican hoping some day , little Timmy, they'll get around to banning abortion.

Instead they give tax cuts to the rich, screw working people, take benefits away from the poor and then you all scratch you big monkey craniums wondering why women are still aborting fetuses they can't afford to bring into the world.

Got it... You support killing the unborn because you are a proud Democrat!
Well, no, the fetus is described as "the baby" when the mother wants it. It's described as "that problem I have to take care of next Tuesday" if she doesn't. I'm sorry you don't get this.

But isn't it silly for a bunch of men to be here talking about what women should do with their uteri?

So does a woman have the power to change a baby into something non-human by her desires? Unless that is what you are now arguing, you haven't made any rational point. Sorry you don't get this.

I don't care about her uterus, I care about the unborn human being inside it. And I, along with millions of other men and women, will continue to speak out and demand we be civilized. I'm not intimidated or dissuaded in the least by your hyped rhetoric and insults. It only serves to show you have no argument and are on the wrong side of this issue. The pro-life movement is not going away.
Got it... You support killing the unborn because you are a proud Democrat!

I support a woman's right to chose because a society where we make women have babies they don't want would be all manner of fucked up.

Maybe you need to read about what happened in the 1960's and 1970's when Romania tried to ban abortion as their crazy dictator wanted to double the population.
So does a woman have the power to change a baby into something non-human by her desires? Unless that is what you are now arguing, you haven't made any rational point. Sorry you don't get this.

Actually, her desires turn it into "Medical Waste". Which is where they end up.

I don't care about her uterus, I care about the unborn human being inside it. And I, along with millions of other men and women, will continue to speak out and demand we be civilized. I'm not intimidated or dissuaded in the least by your hyped rhetoric and insults. It only serves to show you have no argument and are on the wrong side of this issue. The pro-life movement is not going away.

No, but it can be marginalized and ridiculed at every oppurtunity.

I feel we are a very civilized society. We only have children who are WANTED.
Got it... You support killing the unborn because you are a proud Democrat!

I support a woman's right to chose because a society where we make women have babies they don't want would be all manner of fucked up.

Maybe you need to read about what happened in the 1960's and 1970's when Romania tried to ban abortion as their crazy dictator wanted to double the population.

Maybe you need to try and comprehend that I haven't suggested we ban all abortion. A society where women have no more regard for human life than to kill their unborn babies needs to change. I also support a woman's right to choose, but I don't support unlimited choices to avoid the consequences of your actions. Especially when it means the life of another human.
So does a woman have the power to change a baby into something non-human by her desires? Unless that is what you are now arguing, you haven't made any rational point. Sorry you don't get this.

Actually, her desires turn it into "Medical Waste". Which is where they end up.

I don't care about her uterus, I care about the unborn human being inside it. And I, along with millions of other men and women, will continue to speak out and demand we be civilized. I'm not intimidated or dissuaded in the least by your hyped rhetoric and insults. It only serves to show you have no argument and are on the wrong side of this issue. The pro-life movement is not going away.

No, but it can be marginalized and ridiculed at every oppurtunity.

I feel we are a very civilized society. We only have children who are WANTED.

Again, the woman can't change what is already a biological human life. It is the medical procedure which terminates the life of a human and converts them to medical waste. You want to argue this is civilized but it is actually a form of genocide.

If you don't want children, don't engage in the activity which causes pregnancy and you won't have children. That would be responsible and civilized. You seem to think people can't control their sexual urges and we shouldn't even expect them to. I believe we have more self control than zoo animals and I think we should hold each other to a higher standard in society.

Now you can take every opportunity you like to ridicule me, but you can never marginalize me. In fact, the ridicule serves to prove that you have no argument on merit. It actually solidifies my points.
Maybe you need to try and comprehend that I haven't suggested we ban all abortion. A society where women have no more regard for human life than to kill their unborn babies needs to change. I also support a woman's right to choose, but I don't support unlimited choices to avoid the consequences of your actions. Especially when it means the life of another human.

Well, guy, you are trying to weasel word you way out of your contradictions.

If you really think spooge should have all the same rights as people, then dammit, we need to lock these murdering bitches up!!!! How dare they not fulfill their sacred, God-given duties to propogate the species!!! And heck, let's not stop with abortion. We need the state to totally regulate their habits to make sure the baby is healthy.
Again, the woman can't change what is already a biological human life. It is the medical procedure which terminates the life of a human and converts them to medical waste. You want to argue this is civilized but it is actually a form of genocide.

Don't be ridiculous. It's a form of population control. Here's the thing. Abortion makes up for the fact that through most of human history, the Infant Mortality rate was north of 50%. People would have six kids because only one or two would make it to adult hood.

If you don't want children, don't engage in the activity which causes pregnancy and you won't have children. That would be responsible and civilized. You seem to think people can't control their sexual urges and we shouldn't even expect them to. I believe we have more self control than zoo animals and I think we should hold each other to a higher standard in society.

Animals don't make wars, they don't make up magic sky fairies that demand murder, they don't rape... Frankly, zoo animals are real princes compared to homo sapiens.

Now you can take every opportunity you like to ridicule me, but you can never marginalize me. In fact, the ridicule serves to prove that you have no argument on merit. It actually solidifies my points.

Guy, you marginilize yourself. Thankfully, we aren't going to tell women to have babies they don't want because of your sexual hangups.
You are way beyond a moron. You have a VERY serious cognitive illness. Have a competent adult read what you just wrote and explain why you need to be institutionalized for the remainder of your natural life.
  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
USMB Rules and Guidelines US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you need to have an adult read you the rules to USMB posting so you'll stop violating them. This makes two days in a row you have come here and flagrantly violated this rule, and I am not going to ignore it any longer. You are old enough to know how to play by the rules. If you post again without including subject-relative content, I will report you and encourage others to do the same.

In keeping with the rules, I will add that fetuses are still human beings, your vapid little retort didn't change that fact one iota.

You are way beyond a moron. You have a VERY serious cognitive illness. Have a competent adult read what you just wrote and explain why you need to be institutionalized for the remainder of your natural life.
  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
USMB Rules and Guidelines US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you need to have an adult read you the rules to USMB posting so you'll stop violating them. This makes two days in a row you have come here and flagrantly violated this rule, and I am not going to ignore it any longer. You are old enough to know how to play by the rules. If you post again without including subject-relative content, I will report you and encourage others to do the same.

In keeping with the rules, I will add that fetuses are still human beings, your vapid little retort didn't change that fact one iota.

Add anal retentive to you psychological profile.

You want to IGNORE murder, attempted murder, violence, bombings, arson, death threats, kidnappings, assault, disruptions, bomb threats and harassment by your ilk.

Let's see...murder, attempted murder, violence, bombings, arson, death threats, kidnappings, assault, disruptions, bomb threats and harassment by religious zealots who kill in God's name. Sound familiar??

Where have we seen that before?
Maybe you need to try and comprehend that I haven't suggested we ban all abortion. A society where women have no more regard for human life than to kill their unborn babies needs to change. I also support a woman's right to choose, but I don't support unlimited choices to avoid the consequences of your actions. Especially when it means the life of another human.

Well, guy, you are trying to weasel word you way out of your contradictions.

If you really think spooge should have all the same rights as people, then dammit, we need to lock these murdering bitches up!!!! How dare they not fulfill their sacred, God-given duties to propogate the species!!! And heck, let's not stop with abortion. We need the state to totally regulate their habits to make sure the baby is healthy.

I don't think spooge deserves any rights. It's not a living human being. We'e already gone through the biological definition of when a living human organism begins and when human life exists. This happens once the fused egg and sperm cells generate a new cell. When that happens, the egg and sperm cell pop the champagne cork and celebrate because, along with their newly-produced offspring, they officially met the criteria for a functioning human organism. The organism will remain a living human being until it expires.
I am all for ending abortion, on the following conditions:

- Every child born must have an education, a job and a 'life like ours' guaranteed on birth.
- No one born into this world will suffer poverty or severe illness.
- Every child will have a home and a family to care for them.
- No child will be forced into crime, drugs or prostitution by their economic circumstances.

Fix that, and then abortion will cease to be necessary.

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