The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

You forgot mention that the top ten percent have almost all the money.

Also if you aren’t aware that the billionaires pay very little in income taxes as a percentage of their wealth, you don’t know anything. For several years Bezos paid nothing in income taxes, thanks to our corrupt tax code.
What part of whatever wealth the top ten percent owns, should be in your pocket if they did not own those businesses?

It is an INCOME TAX, not a wealth tax. What part is not clear to you?

Since 47% of workers pay no Federal Income Tax, how is that a corrupt tax code?
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It is an INCOME TAX, not a wealth tax. What part is not clear to you?

Since 47% of workers pay no Federal Income Tax, how is that a corrupt tax code?
Typical con cop out.

It’s a fact billionaires pay much lower rates than the rest of us. You may think this is fair, but thinking people don’t.
You forgot mention that the top ten percent have almost all the money.

Also if you aren’t aware that the billionaires pay very little in income taxes as a percentage of their wealth, you don’t know anything. For several years Bezos paid nothing in income taxes, thanks to our corrupt tax code.
I don't care what they have, we tax income, not wealth and I could care less how much money anyone has, I covet nothing.
Typical con cop out.

It’s a fact billionaires pay much lower rates than the rest of us. You may think this is fair, but thinking people don’t.
If you want fair, let's implement a flat tax, no dictions, no exemptions, everyone pays the same rate.
It seems to me that answer is incredibly obvious. President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under the leadership of President Trump.
And if he were, we'd not be looking at Belarus fixing to come in as well to bail out Putin.
I don't care what they have, we tax income, not wealth and I could care less how much money anyone has, I covet nothing.
Again, cop out. You don’t understand how the billionaires shelter their wealth. Read these links and get informed.
Again, cop out. You don’t understand how the billionaires shelter their wealth. Read these links and get informed.
Not a cop out, I don't care, they earned it, what they do with it or how much they have is none of my business.

Covetousness is poison.
Not a cop out, I don't care, they earned it, what they do with it or how much they have is none of my business.

Covetousness is poison.
They did not earn it. They set up the tax code to benefit themselves. Stop being a typical conservative dupe. GET INFORMED.

It’s always the same with you guys. Every time this is brought up you revert to the stupid tactic that this is jealousy. Every fucking time. Lol.
."there's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the House alone."
I only swing at the easy ones. The hanging curves. The low fruit.

So......good poster 'mudwhistle', do not fear that my avatar will call yours a 'liar'.
Hell, we don't know what is in your heart. We do not know if you intend to deceive.

You may very well actually believe that there are "100 card carrying Communist" in Congress.

But, poster 'mudwhistle', if you do believe that......well, why?

Your answer is kinda sorta expected. After all, you made the assertion. You made the statement as if it is fact.

So name names. Tell us how you know. Prove it.

It is the way of responsible adult discussion.

It has been ever such.

Show us.
Show us your avatar has veracity and gravitas.

That you are a responsible adult.

Saddle up, cowboy! Your hand has been called.

Show, or go.
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He added $9 trillion to the national debt, and tax cuts have to be paid back. There was nothing significant about it.
Tax cuts paid back? Are you so stupid you think all money velongs ti the Govt?

Oh, and revenues went UP aftert the Trump across the board tax cuts, moron.
It's more imaginative than Grimm's Fairy Tales!

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... most of Washington D.C. out to get him.....
Your weird worship paranoia seriously underestimates.

Over eighty-one million American voters were "out to get him" on November 3, 2020.

Of course, the same paranoid delusion then targets Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, other Republican election officials, Republican judges, auditors, and the Vice President - a paranoia that induced a very ugly Tantrump that savaged outnumbered police defending democracy:

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Are you so stupid you think all money velongs ti the Govt?
Your inability to deny the Loser's having bloated the national debt is not disguised by your pretense that the value of the dollar does not derive from the government's certifying its having value. It even prints as much as it wants.

Of course, you can print and issue all you want as well.
President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under the leadership of President Trump.
For what they are worth respectively, you have your opinion, and someone far more intimately acquainted with the matter, appointed by Trump, has his:


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