The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

Biden apparently beat you so badly, you're still too scared to even say his name.

Do what we liberals do. Just say it. Say "Fuck Joe Biden". We say it all the time. Don't worry, the big bad Biden won't hurt you if you say it.

Nobody's making you push idiot alt-RightRussian propaganda. You're doing it of your own free will. Why?

Wow., Destroyed all 4 of your posts about the right wanting 6000 US Veteran volunteers to Ukraine to die and THIS is ALL of your response? Did I miss the REAL punch-back or are you down for count on that one? :auiqs.jpg:
Another damn warmongering neocon. This board is full of these crazy people. You want a nuclear holocaust over a nation most Americans couldn’t find on a map nor give a shit about.

You must consume Fox News 24/7.
No.....this what your problem is.
Acting weak to your enemies only encourages them to take and to take and to take.
They like being bullies......and limp-wrist-ed faggots like you only makes them laugh and stomp on your face.

Trump knew how to keep Putin in line. Biden only wants his 10% of the bribe money the situation offers.
He'll sell us out and all of our allies for a buck.
First of all, Assad not only is extremely popular in Syria, but is the ONLY possible choice.
The rebels are so infiltrated with SISI and al Qaeda, that they are much worse than Assad.
Second is that Iran claims the Russians just refueled, in Iran, and it was allowed for a few days.
Third is that Assad was bombing Aleppo with massive oil drum bombs pushed out of cargo planes, so was much worse than Russian precision attacks.

But the rebels would never have been able to hold out at all, much less win, if not for illegal US weapons that Ambassador Stevens was giving to the Syrian rebels through a warehouse in Benghazi.

I opposed any idea of OUR removing of Assad on the principle that USUALLY Arab countries REQUIRE tyrannical strongmen to keep the bloodshed down. And after a century of us meddling, we SHOULD have learned that. Wasn't an Assad fan,. But what STARTED as a Civil War -- became a proxy war between at LEAST 27 different Arab factions. I APPROVED of Trump's limited incursion to go SOLELY after ISIS(L) which we accomplished. And it gets complicated because flying Russian bombers out of Iran is problematic when IRAN WAS FUNDING TWO of the biggest factions AGAINST ASSAD..

Problematic for us a bit. EXTREMELY problematic for Putin.

But Russia wasn't DEPENDING on Iran airbases just for "refueling". Russia has "in-air" refueling and could have made it to Syria to refuel. About the time Aleppo was being leveled, Russia had brought a carrier and a missile fleet to bomb Syrian targets from the Eastern Med. And with cruise missiles as well as planes. Suffice it say, Russian GREATLY helped to level at LEAST eastern Aleppo.

Putin says not right time to resume Aleppo strikes

Moscow (AFP) - The Kremlin said Friday that President Vladimir Putin did not think it was time to resume air strikes on Aleppo after the defence ministry requested that a moratorium on bombing be lifted.

"The Russian president considers it inappropriate at the current moment to resume strikes on Aleppo," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, adding that Putin thought it was necessary to "continue the humanitarian pause" in the war-ravaged city.

The announcement came shortly after the defence ministry said in a surprise statement that it had asked Putin to allow the Russian air force to resume air strikes in Aleppo after a 10-day halt in bombing.

It also followed the launch by Syrian rebels of an assault on government forces to break a months-long siege of rebel-held eastern Aleppo.

Russian jets resumed heavy bombing of rebel-held eastern Aleppo Tuesday after several days of relative calm, a rebel official and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

Air strikes mostly hit the Bustan al-Qasr neighbourhood, Zakaria Malhifji of the Aleppo-based Fastaqim rebel group told Reuters.

"There is renewed bombardment and it is heavy," he said.

That "halt" to bombing Aleppo roughly coincides with the arrival of the Russian navy assets. Perhaps Putin realized that flying out of Iran when THEY were also a combatant ON THE FUCKING REBEL side -- wasn't really smart.
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Thinking our president should threaten another nuclear armed nation with destruction, isn’t smart.

Imagine my poor boy, if after our criminal government’s invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen (oh BTW, none of these nations border the US…look at map for confirmation), Putin said he’d bomb DC. Now just imagine the outrage my son…and you most certainly would be outraged.

Whether you think it’s smart or not is a personal opinion. We used to have “MAD” or mutually assured destruction. Not my definition of brilliant. But it maybe did work. I dunno.

In any event, your self serving but false claim about my alleged “hyporcrisy” is clearly without merit. You’re a putz.
You forgot mention that the top ten percent have almost all the money.

Also if you aren’t aware that the billionaires pay very little in income taxes as a percentage of their wealth, you don’t know anything. For several years Bezos paid nothing in income taxes, thanks to our corrupt tax code.

The "corrupt" tax code that Bezos took advantage has to do "re-investment". Doesn't lift a DIME out of your pocket. Because it ENCOURAGES growth and innovation instead of "sitting on" just "profits" which ARE "money".

This links to your faulty assertion that the top 10% "have most of the money". Their wealth in NOWHERE NEAR "cash heavy". Their wealth is in INVESTMENTS that can tank or change in value. It's all "at risk" money not something "stolen" from you.

The Left whines about the "income gap" by using the ratio of CEO to employee pay., MOST LARGE CEOs take a salary not too many times larger than a President or Tony Fauci get. The REST is in stock and other corporate equity which STEALS NOTHING from you or a company's employees. Most large companies now offer 401K options to GET company stock put into their portfolios. MANY -- dont want to TAKE THAT RISK !!!!

Imagine the US Govt making investments to provide goods and services. You think there wouldn't be incessant loud screaming about WHERE and WHAT to allocate?
Will than thank god he’s not potus. I never thought I’d be happy slow Joe is potus. Thanks.

We might all be dead if dumb Don were potus, but you’d be so proud.

Can’t fix stupid.
It worked, Dumbass.

Putin didn't invade anyone under Trump, unlike while Barry Hussein and your Vegetable Messiah were/are in office.
The "corrupt" tax code that Bezos took advantage has to do "re-investment". Doesn't lift a DIME out of your pocket. Because it ENCOURAGES growth and innovation instead of "sitting on" just "profits" which ARE "money".

This links to your faulty assertion that the top 10% "have most of the money". Their wealth in NOWHERE NEAR "cash heavy". Their wealth is in INVESTMENTS that can tank or change in value. It's all "at risk" money not something "stolen" from you.

The Left whines about the "income gap" by using the ratio of CEO to employee pay., MOST LARGE CEOs take a salary not too many times larger than a President or Tony Fauci get. The REST is in stock and other corporate equity which STEALS NOTHING from you or a company's employees. Most large companies now offer 401K options to GET company stock put into their portfolios. MANY -- dont want to TAKE THAT RISK !!!!

Imagine the US Govt making investments to provide goods and services. You think there wouldn't be incessant loud screaming about WHERE and WHAT to allocate?
There were several years when Bezos paid nothing in income taxes, yet his companies made hundreds of millions.

Nice tax code if you’re a billionaire.
Whether you think it’s smart or not is a personal opinion. We used to have “MAD” or mutually assured destruction. Not my definition of brilliant. But it maybe did work. I dunno.

In any event, your self serving but false claim about my alleged “hyporcrisy” is clearly without merit. You’re a putz.
Oh you are a major hypocrite, like so many dumb Americans. You condemn Putin as a war criminal and his invasion as a war crime, but you’re cool with the US military invading nations and killing civilians whenever it so choses.
No.....this what your problem is.
Acting weak to your enemies only encourages them to take and to take and to take.
They like being bullies......and limp-wrist-ed faggots like you only makes them laugh and stomp on your face.

Trump knew how to keep Putin in line. Biden only wants his 10% of the bribe money the situation offers.
He'll sell us out and all of our allies for a buck.
Silly. It’s not weak to avoid nuclear war over a nation of zero interest to the American people.

Try thinking smarter. Don’t be a dupe of Fox News.
Oh you are a major hypocrite, like so many dumb Americans. You condemn Putin as a war criminal and his invasion as a war crime, but you’re cool with the US military invading nations and killing civilians whenever it so choses.
Oh, you’re a douche who presumes baseless shit as fact. Here’s an actual fact: Neither of us can undo history. But Putin is a war criminal here and now.
Again, cop out. You don’t understand how the billionaires shelter their wealth. Read these links and get informed.
You simply refuse to accept facts, right?
Hitting re-wind for just a bit.....let us see if we can get those questions answered.
Let us measure the gravitas of those who make declarations that they then refuse to substantiate.

Once again we ask good poster 'mudwhistle' if he has done any research, performed his due diligence.

"......there's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the House alone."
So......good poster 'mudwhistle', do not fear that my avatar will call yours a 'liar'.
You may very well actually believe that there are "100 card carrying Communist" in Congress. ....... if you do believe that......well, why?
Tell us how you know.
Prove it.
Your hand has been called.

Batter up, good poster Mudwhistle.

Show or go.

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