The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

Well Zelensky is just a mini-Putin.
A less "savvy genius"?

Only inveterate Weird Worshipers attempt to demean the Ukrainian hero as if he were an outnumbered police officer defending democracy against a Trump goon attack.

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Greene and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona spoke at the America First Political Action Conference (Gosar addressed the gathering of white nationalists in a prerecorded video). The organizer, Nicholas Fuentes, a white nationalist activist who, before introducing Greene, urged support for Putin in the war with Ukraine. The crowd then chanted
“Putin! Putin!”

A less "savvy genius"?

Only inveterate Weird Worshipers attempt to demean the Ukrainian hero as if he were an outnumbered police officer defending democracy against a Trump goon attack.

Greene and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona spoke at the America First Political Action Conference (Gosar addressed the gathering of white nationalists in a prerecorded video). The organizer, Nicholas Fuentes, a white nationalist activist who, before introducing Greene, urged support for Putin in the war with Ukraine. The crowd then chanted
“Putin! Putin!”

Zelensky has performed well during this crisis, prior to this Ukrainian's gave him a 28% approval rating and a 57% disapproval rating. Let's hope he can continue the strong leadership that is needed. I believe Russia is sorry they messed with him.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

Lord you just peddle bullshit.
Zelensky has performed well during this crisis, prior to this Ukrainian's gave him a 28% approval rating and a 57% disapproval rating. Let's hope he can continue the strong leadership that is needed. I believe Russia is sorry they messed with him.
Some have greatness thrust upon them.

Some diehard Trumpers view Zenenskyy as prime vendetta material because he refused to contrive criminal charges against Biden when Trump pressured him to do so by withholding desperately-needed military aid to Ukraine.

He is now making Trump's "savvy genius" look like anything but.
A less "savvy genius"?

Only inveterate Weird Worshipers attempt to demean the Ukrainian hero as if he were an outnumbered police officer defending democracy against a Trump goon attack.

Greene and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona spoke at the America First Political Action Conference (Gosar addressed the gathering of white nationalists in a prerecorded video). The organizer, Nicholas Fuentes, a white nationalist activist who, before introducing Greene, urged support for Putin in the war with Ukraine. The crowd then chanted
“Putin! Putin!”

Yes we know, J6 is your Reichstag fire, to be used to take away freedoms and turn the government into a one-party state.
Some have greatness thrust upon them.

Some diehard Trumpers view Zenenskyy as prime vendetta material because he refused to contrive criminal charges against Biden when Trump pressured him to do so by withholding desperately-needed military aid to Ukraine.

He is now making Trump's "savvy genius" look like anything but.
I don't care about your Trump obsession, I am over him, I am more worried about the Ukrainian people, they are going through a war that is destroying their homes and lives, the don't give two shits about you or Trump, Biden or American politics. They are focusing on what is important in life, life, death, family and surviving. Maybe that is the same things we should focus on in our country.
“informed opinion “. Thats praise. Say that about Hitler and it’s has about the same effect.
^ Silliness. Saying that someone has an “informed opinion” is absolutely and obviously not the same as offering praise.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

How about THE OP back up his lying claims on this Troll Bait Thread with some actual stats?

Nope, can't do that, propaganda doesn't rely on accurate stats.
^ Silliness. Saying that someone has an “informed opinion” is absolutely and obviously not the same as offering praise.

Hitler had informed opinions…see?

probably not, you’re slow.

Hitler had informed opinions…see?

probably not, you’re slow.
So your contention is that because he had some opinions that were informed, that means you just praised him. You’re a veteran of the short bus, no question about it.
I don't care about your Trump obsession, I am over him, I am more worried about the Ukrainian people, they are going through a war that is destroying their homes and lives, the don't give two shits about you or Trump, Biden or American politics. They are focusing on what is important in life, life, death, family and surviving. Maybe that is the same things we should focus on in our country.
Ukraine is fortunate to have an ally that is leading a coalition of NATO and other advanced democracies in defence of its independence..

Zelenskyy's integrity when he refused to contrive fake criminal charges despite military aid being withheld is being rewarded.
Your agenda is noted. Don't project to contrive credibility.
There is little difference between dumb Don and mass murderer Bolton. Don would likely have us in this dumb war, with Bolton’s full approval.

Bombs away!
There is little difference between dumb Don and mass murderer Bolton. Don would likely have us in this dumb war, with Bolton’s full approval.
One is free to speculate in whatever ways comport with one's biases, of course.
There is little difference between dumb Don and mass murderer Bolton. Don would likely have us in this dumb war, with Bolton’s full approval.

Bombs away!
When did the Donald ever do what Bolton wanted? He kept that neocon close so he would know exactly what NOT to do. Bolton wanted war in Syria and Iran, the Donald told him to go pound sand.
Billionaires and their corporations pay almost nothing in income taxes in this country. Money is power in our corrupt quasi Fascist crony capitalist system. As such the billionaires their corporations and think tanks control the government.

Again, you're forgetting that without Congress passing out Green Credits or Infrastructure Credits or "Invest in America" credits --- THIS WOULD NOT BE. It's COLLUSION. Payback in many cases for political DONATIONS.

Very interesting shit in the pummeled to death BuildBackBroke brain fart. They wanted up to $50K/YEAR TAX CREDITS for "journalists".. THATS HOW BLATANT THIS CORRUPTION IS.. It's bribery money to the progressive supporting media.

Blame them for TAKING IT? Sure -- knock yourself out. The reason there's so much corporate BLAME on taxes is that NEITHER PARTY WANTS TO ACKNOWLEDGE OR FIX IT..

There's you "problem".. Embrace it,

By the WAY -- Corporations dont WANT ARMIES of lobbyists and that hassle. They DO IT because their competition can WIPE THEM OUT if THEY obtain favorable credits.

So Gipper -- WHO RUNS this clusterfuck? Yup -- politicians making it rain special treatment tax credits and favorable regulations.
They wanted up to $50K/YEAR TAX CREDITS for "journalists".
100% Wrong.

This is why you shouldn't get your news from the lobotomozed retard Ron Johnson.

50% tax credit for employers against employment taxes, up to $25,000 in ONLY the first year.

In years 2-5, it maxes at 30%/$15,000

Year 6: 0

This is a subsidy for local news outlets to exist. That is not "government collusion with the media". Ron Johnson is a fucking moron.


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