The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

its about to happen, senile Joe sent patriot missiles with US soldiers to operate them......can you say LBJ and Viet Nam?
So it looks like we only need to send a million more troops and your LBJ analogy will have merit
its about to happen, senile Joe sent patriot missiles with US soldiers to operate them......can you say LBJ and Viet Nam?
Even if you're right about the Vietnam analogy... which you are not... Viet Nam was nowhere near the Core of the West... our own peeps... however, Ukraine is.
Opposition parties made illegal? Check
Religious persecution? Check
Press freedoms denied? Check
The UkroNazi wonder boy is such a pillar of democracy.
Someone is lying to you.
Opposition parties? Pro-Russian parties should be illegal.
Religious persecution? They were investigating the Russian Orthodox Church for spying for the Russians.
Press freedoms? Pro-Russian press should be denied.
UkroNazi? Did you make that up all on your own? He's Jewish, dumbass!
its about to happen, senile Joe sent patriot missiles with US soldiers to operate them......can you say LBJ and Viet Nam?
Someone is lying to you. There is only one patriot battery and it takes only a few soldiers to train the Ukrainians how to use them, and that will likely be done in Poland. They are mobile you know!

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

They love their murdering, autocratic leader.
Yep. There is a Middle Ground between Isolationism and Interventionalism... and we see that Middle Ground unfolding in our aid to Ukraine.
Interesting but I believe you’ll be proven wrong. We seem to love sacrificing our kids for stupid causes.
"Being the World’s police hasn’t either, it has cost us thousands and thousands of American lives."
But....being a leader in this world, arguably THE leader comes with incurred costs. That's a given.
Sure, deaths are a bitter bitter price. Most especially for family and loved ones. But settling big consequential differences between adversarial nations a coin-flip ain't an option. Putin ...and the wrongful aggressor here. A coin-flip ain't in the cards.

As you will promptly note poster Admiral....other posters, for example, JWBooth, do NOT possess your command of the language. Or coherent thought process. So be it. It is what it is. The forum is free qualifications and screening is kinda wide-open. And there are pros and cons for that.
But....being a leader in this world, arguably THE leader comes with incurred costs. That's a given.
Sure, deaths are a bitter bitter price. Most especially for family and loved ones. But settling big consequential differences between adversarial nations a coin-flip ain't an option. Putin ...and the wrongful aggressor here. A coin-flip ain't in the cards.

As you will promptly note poster Admiral....other posters, for example, JWBooth, do NOT possess your command of the language. Or coherent thought process. So be it. It is what it is. The forum is free qualifications and screening is kinda wide-open. And there are pros and cons for that.
Let the good people of Europe lead in the fight and send their money. We don’t need to sacrifice where we don’t belong.
So now you are lying?
But....being a leader in this world, arguably THE leader comes with incurred costs. That's a given.
Sure, deaths are a bitter bitter price. Most especially for family and loved ones. But settling big consequential differences between adversarial nations a coin-flip ain't an option. Putin ...and the wrongful aggressor here. A coin-flip ain't in the cards.

As you will promptly note poster Admiral....other posters, for example, JWBooth, do NOT possess your command of the language. Or coherent thought process. So be it. It is what it is. The forum is free qualifications and screening is kinda wide-open. And there are pros and cons for that.
Not so odd that individuals whose takes and observations are standard MSM level disinformation would be incapable of deciphering a monosyllabic dismissal of ignorance.
So it looks like we only need to send a million more troops and your LBJ analogy will have merit
Viet Nam started with less than 100 american troops, then Johnson and Kennedy upped it to 500,000 and 58,000 died there for nothing. We will never learn and seem doomed to repeat past failures.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

You stupid Eurotrash don't know jackshit about American politics.

Actually living in a very pro Republican area I know a whole lot more Republicans than you do and i don't know one that is "pro Putin". You are talking out your ass.

Stop posting ignorant hate shit. It just makes you look like an idiot.
Viet Nam started with less than 100 american troops, then Johnson and Kennedy upped it to 500,000 and 58,000 died there for nothing. We will never learn and seem doomed to repeat past failures.

So have dozens of other military engagements where we sent a few advisors.
Does not mean they all turned into Vietnam

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