The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

100% Wrong.

This is why you shouldn't get your news from the lobotomozed retard Ron Johnson.

50% tax credit for employers against employment taxes, up to $25,000 in ONLY the first year.

In years 2-5, it maxes at 30%/$15,000

Year 6: 0

This is a subsidy for local news outlets to exist. That is not "government collusion with the media". Ron Johnson is a fucking moron.

You're so pathetic and dishonest when you spin. Here's your trophy.


So -- I was 100% wrong? NO!!!!!! The original committee bill was double that amount. And the fact is -- the Brandonites tried to loot the treasury to the tune of $1.7BILLION to pay-back their pathetic, lying, dishonest Baghdad Bobs for the GREAT JOB of taking bullets for the devious Dems.

Giving THEM a tax break that other businesses could only dream of -- IF ONLY they were as LOYAL and evil as a newsroom full of progressive liars.

Corp/Govt collusion dude. I was 100% RIGHT about that. And even if they CAUGHT and trimmed the loot -- I was only 50% wrong about the final number.
Wow., Destroyed all 4 of your posts about the right wanting 6000 US Veteran volunteers to Ukraine to die and THIS is ALL of your response?
Yep, I was wrong. More like 3000. Not being a narcissist manchild, I have no problem admitting to a mistake. The one source I used was wrong. It happens. Now you? You're emotionally incapable of admitting to any error of any sort, and thus you'll keep doubling down on "stupid and awful", no matter how crazy it makes you look.

So, tell us more about how Ukraine is "losing".

Ramble on about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Lie big and often about how corrupt Ukraine and Biden are. Moscow approves, after all.

And make sure you keep on doing some version of this:

"Sure, I indicate my tepid disapproval of the constant ongoing disgusting actions of the Republicans, but since I've just made up some strawman about how awful the Democrats are, the right looks really good in comparison."

Please proceed. Alt-right fascists, whether here or in Russia, are counting on you keep running interference for them.
Here's yer great ukrainian hero of democracy for ya.

Here's where our damn money is going to this dick's aid, when Americans are in need.

you're being fed a line of BS. This guy is no hero and Putin is not the utter devil you think he is either.
Here's yer great ukrainian hero of democracy for ya.

Here's where our damn money is going to this dick's aid, when Americans are in need.

you're being fed a line of BS. This guy is no hero and Putin is not the utter devil you think he is either.
Meh. Not my countries, not my war. We shouldn't send any money and NATO shouldn't be supporting either. Ukraine is not a NATO member. We have no horse in the race.
...We have no horse in the race.
And that is where you are wrong. As goes Ukraine, so goes Eastern Europe. It is in our best interest to give the Ukrainians what they need.

America has indulged in both Isolationism and Appeasement in its own past, and neither of those approaches work worth a damn in the long run.

Best to dig deep in the wallet now rather than having the wallet taken away from us at a later date because we lacked the balls to take a timely stand.
And that is where you are wrong. As goes Ukraine, so goes Eastern Europe. It is in our best interest to give the Ukrainians what they need.

America has indulged in both Isolationism and Appeasement in its own past, and neither of those approaches work worth a damn in the long run.

Best to dig deep in the wallet now rather than having the wallet taken away from us at a later date because we lacked the balls to take a timely stand.
The rest of Eastern Europe is in NATO.
so goes Eastern Europe.
Most of E. Europe are NATO members. We didn't help Georgia or Chechnya and I seriously doubt that we'll get embroiled in Kazakhstan when that one comes to a boil either. Ukraine had as much opportunity to join NATO as Poland did. Biden and Obama are up to their necks with some shit in Ukraine--need I remind you that when Putin wanted to annex Crimea--Obama said "C'mon Down." I've fallen for that domino theory bullshit before and I'd wager that this one ends the same way--Everything E. of the Denipro R. including Crimea will go to Russia and everything W. of it will go to the shell of Ukraine that is left -- AND US taxpayers will pay more to rebuild it.
Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.
They just have this incredible attraction to strongman figures. It's not a stretch to wonder if it's because they know they're weak, and somehow lining up behind a strongman makes them feel strong.

The most ironic thing of all is that these people who are so desperate for a strongman have sold their souls to a guy who is as weak, sensitive and needy as anyone.
And that is where you are wrong. As goes Ukraine, so goes Eastern Europe. It is in our best interest to give the Ukrainians what they need.

America has indulged in both Isolationism and Appeasement in its own past, and neither of those approaches work worth a damn in the long run.

Best to dig deep in the wallet now rather than having the wallet taken away from us at a later date because we lacked the balls to take a timely stand.
Isolationism is a moronic construct.
And that is where you are wrong. As goes Ukraine, so goes Eastern Europe. It is in our best interest to give the Ukrainians what they need.

America has indulged in both Isolationism and Appeasement in its own past, and neither of those approaches work worth a damn in the long run.

Best to dig deep in the wallet now rather than having the wallet taken away from us at a later date because we lacked the balls to take a timely stand.
Being the World’s police hasn’t either, it has cost us thousands and thousands of American lives.
They just have this incredible attraction to strongman figures. It's not a stretch to wonder if it's because they know they're weak, and somehow lining up behind a strongman makes them feel strong.

The most ironic thing of all is that these people who are so desperate for a strongman have sold their souls to a guy who is as weak, sensitive and needy as anyone.
They do seem to need idols. It undermines any judgement they have.
Here's yer great ukrainian hero of democracy for ya.

Here's where our damn money is going to this dick's aid, when Americans are in need.

you're being fed a line of BS. This guy is no hero and Putin is not the utter devil you think he is either.
Opposition parties made illegal? Check
Religious persecution? Check
Press freedoms denied? Check
The UkroNazi wonder boy is such a pillar of democracy.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

being against sending our money and kids to Ukraine is not being pro-Putin. you are an idiot.
And that is where you are wrong. As goes Ukraine, so goes Eastern Europe. It is in our best interest to give the Ukrainians what they need.

America has indulged in both Isolationism and Appeasement in its own past, and neither of those approaches work worth a damn in the long run.

Best to dig deep in the wallet now rather than having the wallet taken away from us at a later date because we lacked the balls to take a timely stand.
you idiots said the same things about Viet Nam, then 58,000 good americans died for nothing.
being against sending our money and kids to Ukraine is not being pro-Putin. you are an idiot.
What about the $2 trillion we spent on building an Afghanistan government and a military to protect them?

It lasted two weeks after we left

And Conservatives Bitch about supporting Ukraine….who is actually winning
What about the $2 trillion we spent on building an Afghanistan government and a military to protect them?

It lasted two weeks after we left

And Conservatives Bitch about supporting Ukraine….who is actually winning
we should not have been in Afghanistan for 20 years, both parties are responsible for that fiasco, and when we left we should have taken our allies, troops, and equipment instead of leaving it for the taliban as senile joe did.

we have no national interest in supporting corrupt Ukraine. Let Putin have it. it was part of Russia for decades.

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