The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

what are you talking about? he reversed the obama policy and sent deadly weapons to help Ukraine. Putin was keep at bay, in only the land he took during the obama admin. It wasn’t until Xiden took office, and after xiden froze military aid, did putin invade further.

putin knew xiden was weak, but after he surrendered to he taliban, and strained. our relationship with europe allies he knew it was the perfect time to invade

ByeDon sooooooo weak he is helping Ukraine whip the shit out of Vlad, tRumps dad while tRump the beta did nothing to get back the already captured portions of Ukraine you believe Obama should have went to war to help retrieve. Y didn't ultimate beta tRump get it back.
ByeDon sooooooo weak he is helping Ukraine whip the shit out of Vlad, tRumps dad while tRump the beta did nothing to get back the already captured portions of Ukraine you believe Obama should have went to war to help retrieve. Y didn't ultimate beta tRump get it back.
haha there is only a war because putin knew xiden was weak and invaded

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

Looks like I have to remind you that it was Ronald Reagan who won the cold war against the Soviet Union and that Russia annexed Crimea under Obama, nothing under Trump, and they have now invaded Ukraine under Biden after Biden showed Russia that we would just let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. We shouldn't be having to help Ukraine now if we had done things the Republican way.
Looks like I have to remind you that it was Ronald Reagan who won the cold war against the Soviet Union and that Russia annexed Crimea under Obama, nothing under Trump, and they have now invaded Ukraine under Biden after Biden showed Russia that we would just let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. We shouldn't be having to help Ukraine now if we had done things the Republican way.
dembot cultist like to rewrite history
Looks like I have to remind you that it was Ronald Reagan who won the cold war against the Soviet Union and that Russia annexed Crimea under Obama, nothing under Trump, and they have now invaded Ukraine under Biden after Biden showed Russia that we would just let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. We shouldn't be having to help Ukraine now if we had done things the Republican way.

Done it the Rethugikkkons way. How would more tax cuts for the uber wealthy and corporations done any of that?
So weak he is absolutely cleaning Vlad, tRump's dad's clock. It just doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!!!
haha xiden isn’t doing anything but continuing trips policy of sending lethal weapons…and that’s after reversing course from when he froze aid right before he invasion
haha xiden isn’t doing anything but continuing trips policy of sending lethal weapons…and that’s after reversing course from when he froze aid right before he invasion

Except for the fact he is aiding in the ASS kicking Vlad, tRump's dad is taking right now. So MAGA!
Except for the fact he is aiding in the ASS kicking Vlad, tRump's dad is taking right now. So MAGA!
trump was able to keep putin from invading beyond where obama let him. Xiden is putin’s bitch…that’s when he invaded and xiden bent over for him ans handed him his Merchant of Death
trump was able to keep putin from invading beyond where obama let him. Xiden is putin’s bitch…that’s when he invaded and xiden bent over for him ans handed him his Merchant of Death

Vlad, tRump's dad didn't have to do anything. He had tRump do all he could to help undercut NATO. Biden is aiding in Ukraine kicking the shit out of Vlad, tRump's dad's military! It is getting embarrassing for Vlad, tRump's dad and you!!!!
Vlad, tRump's dad didn't have to do anything. He had tRump do all he could to help undercut NATO. Biden is aiding in Ukraine kicking the shit out of Vlad, tRump's dad's military! It is getting embarrassing for Vlad, tRump's dad and you!!!!
hahahab according to NATO trump made it stronger.

Putin knew not to invade during the trump admin. He knew it would be the end of his reign.

xiden’s betrayal of our allies in Afghanistan, lifting sanctions against his pipeline with germany, freezing aid, putin knew ir was the perfect time to strike..putin’s puppets that’s all you dembots have been since. 2012
hahahab according to NATO trump made it stronger.

Putin knew not to invade during the trump admin. He knew it would be the end of his reign.

xiden’s betrayal of our allies in Afghanistan, lifting sanctions against his pipeline with germany, freezing aid, putin knew ir was the perfect time to strike..putin’s puppets that’s all you dembots have been since. 2012

No, NATO knew tRump was a detriment to the because Vlad was his dad. ByeDon is now aiding in handing Vlad, tRump's dad his ASS!!!!
And that is what is happening bye a much smaller and underfunded military. Vlad, tRump's dad and tRump himself are being exposed as paper tigers 🐅 and the world is laughing 😃 at them!

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