The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

Yeah that’s a good example of how ignorant he is.

Do you think that’s what our government should do?
Whether he would do so is another question. Don’t play so stupid.

But if he said it and if he was considered as being just maybe random enough to possibly do it, might that not be a consideration in the mind of scumbags like Putin?
Yeah that’s a good example of how ignorant he is.

Do you think that’s what our government should do?
I know we shouldn't tell Putin we aren't going to attack him if he invades Walk-Away Joe did.
I also think that being unpredictable is a good thing rather than giving our enemies a target list of our strategic interests like Diaper Joe did.
I know we shouldn't tell Putin we aren't going to attack him if he invades Walk-Away Joe did.
I also think that being unpredictable is a good thing rather than giving our enemies a target list of our strategic interests like Diaper Joe did.
Another damn warmongering neocon. This board is full of these crazy people. You want a nuclear holocaust over a nation most Americans couldn’t find on a map nor give a shit about.

You must consume Fox News 24/7.
The difficult thing to discern is whether the anti-Ukraine/pro-Putin posts are coming from the people comprising The Following (Trump's minions) or Russian bots.
You missed something. During Trump Russia hadn’t invaded. Had they, what would Dumb Don done do you think?
What he said he would do. Bomb Russia.

Thats why Putin waited until your Vegetable Messiah was in office, and invaded Crimea while his cuck Barry was in office.
One of the continuing ironies of the current political moment is the extent to which it is now the norm for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), despite her name, to break with her party on a number of issues, especially to critique Trumpian lines of thinking from the far-right faction.

Today she went after Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), criticizing the QAnon congresswoman for giving fresh air to the stale Kremlin talking points about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Putin is targeting and slaughtering civilians in a brutal unprovoked war against Ukraine, a sovereign democratic nation,” Cheney tweeted this morning, pointing to a video that Greene posted on Facebook Wednesday. “Only the Kremlin and their useful idiots would call that ‘a conflict in which peace agreements have been violated by both sides.’”

Whether he would do so is another question. Don’t play so stupid.

But if he said it and if he was considered as being just maybe random enough to possibly do it, might that not be a consideration in the mind of scumbags like Putin?
Thinking our president should threaten another nuclear armed nation with destruction, isn’t smart.

Imagine my poor boy, if after our criminal government’s invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen (oh BTW, none of these nations border the US…look at map for confirmation), Putin said he’d bomb DC. Now just imagine the outrage my son…and you most certainly would be outraged.

What he said he would do. Bomb Russia.

Thats why Putin waited until your Vegetable Messiah was in office, and invaded Crimea while his cuck Barry was in office.
Will than thank god he’s not potus. I never thought I’d be happy slow Joe is potus. Thanks.

We might all be dead if dumb Don were potus, but you’d be so proud.

Can’t fix stupid.
I am not detecting any masterplan. If he "wins" what has he won ? Can Russia afford to rebuild Ukraine or will it be left to rot ?
The longer it goes on the more likely he is to invent some face saving ruse and head for home.

Same question BACK to you. This thread started out to be about a couple GOP that were DOUBTING if Ukraine could win. That's the ACTUAL TOPIC and for 12 pages all there was juvenile name calling and NOBODY DEFINED "winning". Putin is not winning. The Ukrainians are not winning. Whether they can EJECT Russian forces is really doubtful given the fact that Putin is willing to LEVEL Ukrainian cities COMPLETELY.

So what are these "winning" Ukrainians gonna come back to after Putin's hissy fits? Where are they gonna live "if they win"? Their economy and infrastructure is completely disappearing.

MTGreene simply stated a more "based on reality" statement that MANY US military commanders agree with... Because too many western people are focused on how valiantly they fight for nationalism and freedom and EQUATE that to winning, but it's not. The liberty and nationalism stuff that your commie left attacks every day. Get the REAL message here. Those things are WORTH fighting for.
But as the atrocities mount up it will becme harder and harder to defend this behaviour. Putin has been a poster boy for the right for years but even his mini mes in Hungary and Poland have drawn the line.
But as the atrocities mount up it will becme harder and harder to defend this behaviour. Putin has been a poster boy for the right for years but even his mini mes in Hungary and Poland have drawn the line.

TWENTY EIGHT pages now. And you're still telling us about those voices in your head.

WHO in the US govt is "defending Putin's behavior? OUT THEM HERE AND NOW.

WHO in this thread (other than 1 possible I can think of) is "DEFENDING PUTIN"? GIVE US THE LIST before we hit 30 pages.

The left is really acting like mentally unstable people wandering around SCREAMING AT PEOPLE and accusing them of things they never said. They put WORDS AND INTENTIONS on people that do not exist. But WORSE - they TARGET their victims without THINKING about the decisions THAT NEED TO MADE TODAY - to make the problems better.

You wanna look like this?

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There are photos of Trump doing it.

Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials

President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.

The intelligence, shared at a meeting last week with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, was supplied by a U.S. ally in the fight against the militant group, both officials with knowledge of the situation said.

One of the officials said the intelligence discussed by Trump in his meeting with Lavrov was classified “Top Secret” and held in a secure “compartment” to which only a handful of intelligence officials have access.

After Trump’s disclosure of the information, which one of the officials described as spontaneous, officials immediately called the CIA and the National Security Agency, both of which have agreements with a number of allied intelligence services around the world, and informed them what had happened.

Lemme get this straight -- you're upset because Russia and the US were BOTH fighting Islamic State in Syria (and N. Iraq) and had BEEN cooperating on de-confliction and the like and the PRESIDENT decided to use some Intel to make a point to Russia about COOPERATING in that effort?? How insane is that??

It's HIS PEROGATIVE.. He violated no law. The only trouble he caused was that PART of the conversation did NOT COME from US intel, but was recieved from Israeli Intel. Rookie error. And relations with Israel did not suffer.

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