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The Post-Trump GOP

How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
ROFL! So Trump is reponsible for China stealing all our technology and tread secrets? Trump is responsible for China bullynig its neighbors are trying to take possesion of international waters?

You're a fucking moron.
Trump created a Trade War that did not punish China as much as it punished our farmers and the American consumers.

Who do you think pays for tariffs? It wasn’t China
It punished China quite thoroughly, moron. China's economy is in the tank.
Everyone’s economy is “in the tank”
China's was in the tank before COVID, moron.

So was yours. Hiring had slowed, as the tax cuts hadn't really affected job creation. Corporations were already awash with cash BEFORE Trump cut taxes. Had Trump increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour, it would have unleashed a tidal wave of demand that would have goosed the economy like a shot of steroids. American workers who have watching the buying power of their wages erode to the point workers need to work 53 weeks of the year just to provide the basics of food, shelter and clothing for their families.

I live on a fixed income. If my income shot up by 50%, I'd travel more, take my grandchildren to plays and museums, preferring to give experiences over toys. I'd put all of that money right back into the service and entertainment economy. I'd go out to restaurants more, once the vaccine kicks in. Young families would do the same, assuming they didn't have to work 60 hour weeks just to make ends meet. Young people would buy houses, cars, and furnishings if they weren't living at home to pay off their student loans.

Working people need a raise and it will do way more for economic growth than another tax cut for billionaires.
Your economic theories are pure Voo-Doo. Everything you claim is false and downright absurd.

Well that's a well reasoned rebuttal. NOT. You just deny what others are saying. You're too stupid or too lazy to even post information to refute what I posted.
Hey, it's your own fault for even TRYING :laugh:
It's her fault for being a stupid lying piece of shit. Nothing she ever posts is true. Why bother with a substantive post when she can spew lies in a matter of seconds?

You've never proven one of my posts are false. You calling me a liar doesn't mean it's true, or that what I'm posting didn't really happen. You've never posted anything of substance in your entire posting career. Other than name and calling slavishly praise Trump, you post nothing.
Remember the Trumpster rule: If you don't echo what they are fed in their universe, you are a commie and a liar. And a lying commie.
Killing a military leader of a nation that is waging war against US is something only an extreme anti-American could have a problem with.

You can’t reply to my main point that there were no new wars or need for war when TrumpQ took command. So he gets no credit for not starting a war because there were no opportunities made available that he turned down.

He did start a new war with Iran and Iran fired back injuring US trooops. So you are a liar once again when you claim TrumpQ did not start a war.

And your Republican warmongering stench eeks through when you call an antiwar American anti-American for objecting to the assassination of a foreign high ranking official by military strike by the President of the United States when there was zero threat to our national security from that official’s acts.
I was going to reply but your post is so dumb on second thought I am not going to bother.
The birth rate had been declining ever since the peak of the baby boom years. When Roe v. Wade was decided, the birth rate flattened out and then even had a short rise starting in 1985.

The birth rate has been declining since the introduction and wide availability of birth control pills in the 1960s
Exactly what I said, dumbass:

Abortion restrictions save many vulnerable unborn babies.

So you feel Americans are incapable of having babies and we must rely on foreigners to have kids??

Abortion restrictions save no one. When abortion was legalized in America, the birth rate was unchanged. It didn't go down at all, which says that women were getting already getting abortions. What changed was there were no deaths from illegal botched, back alley abortions or women bleeding out in emergency rooms. Overnight that ended. The abortion restrictions don't save babies, they kill women.

You want to save babies - mandated maternity leave and universal health care.

Americans aren't incapable of having babies, but they are refusing to do it. The American birth rate is declining, because working Americans can't afford to have babies. No universal health care, no maternity leave, no child care before public school. Public schools being replaced by charter schools.

Americans have the most expensive health care in the world, as well as the most expensive education in the world, and you're really not getting much for your money.
Trump avoided new wars and again in 2020 he won support.

There were no new wars to avoid. if there were it’s up to Congress to declare war and Democrats are much more opposed to starting new ground wars. So it is meaningless to credit Trump for not starting something that was not going to happen.

anyway Trump may be opposed to starting a war overseas, but his behavior since his election loss is getting worse each day with his open desire to declare war on Americans who constitutionally voted him out of office.

So thats the difference between you and me. I oppose starting wars abroad and home. I wish Trump supporters opposed Trump starting a war against Americans where they live.
Wow. You can't even give him credit for avoiding new wars.

You are completely irrational.

Trump has been trying to start a war with Iran since he came into office. The only reason he hasn't is because the Mullahs showed more restraint than Trump. Imagine that. The Mullahs are more reasonable than the President of the United States.

Anyone who continutes to vote for and support Donald Trump, the worst President in American history, is irrational.
You are wrong about abortion and birth rates.


Abortionists kill women: Back-Alley Abortion Never Ended (4/19/13)

Why are birth rates so low in countries with universal health care?

A lot of money is wasted by the educational establishment. That’s why we need school choice.

If Trump was trying to start a war with Iran why no war? Any president could start a war in five minutes if they really wanted to!
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
Trump did not run as a Republican. He ran as a populist. He won the nomination by winning primaries with a plurality from a narrowing slate of people who ostensibly called themselves traditional republicans. But the gop stopped being Reagan Republicans (or Eisenhower Republicans) under W. They abandoned fiscal conservatism for expanded and unpaid for Medicare drug expansion, and they embraced the notion of elective war to nationbuild and obtain natural resources.

And McConnell's mission was to make Obama a one termer and then elect a supreme court that will prevent any further move towards entitlements mandatory for all.

"fiscal conservatism" is now a code word for taxcuts aimed at stimulating growth, even when it's proven both under W and Trump that the additional growth doesn't occur - both Clinton and Obama saw larger increases in GNP. Trump had to fire Mattis and Esper to get troops out of Afghan.

The reason why republican officials are scared of Trump is that he's got between 200 and 400 million already to primary them.

The problem with Trump is simply that he doesn't have any values beyond Trump. There's no history of public service. His only foray into politics beyond finding out the NY won't elect him is rasicst shit like the Central Park 5. BUT he is the only Republican Populist. And the closest the dems have is a hippie who never did jack shit in Bernie and a bat shit crazy young woman of Puerto Rican descent … which isn't cutting it with Trump's base of confederate dead enders.

Trump won in 16 because the FBI made their investitation of Hillary public fodder for the election. Hillary's supporters delegitimized Trump from the get go by returning the favor.

So here we are.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role they played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House, so this hasn't gone away.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role it played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
You fucking SJW turds have been spouting this narrative for 4 years now. It's utter horseshit.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role it played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
You fucking SJW turds have been spouting this narrative for 4 years now. It's utter horseshit.
How old are you? Seriously?
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role it played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
You fucking SJW turds have been spouting this narrative for 4 years now. It's utter horseshit.
How old are you? Seriously?
I'm old enough to recognize a liar spewing horseshit.
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
ROFL! So Trump is reponsible for China stealing all our technology and tread secrets? Trump is responsible for China bullynig its neighbors are trying to take possesion of international waters?

You're a fucking moron.
Trump created a Trade War that did not punish China as much as it punished our farmers and the American consumers.

Who do you think pays for tariffs? It wasn’t China
It punished China quite thoroughly, moron. China's economy is in the tank.
Everyone’s economy is “in the tank”
China's was in the tank before COVID, moron.

So was yours. Hiring had slowed, as the tax cuts hadn't really affected job creation. Corporations were already awash with cash BEFORE Trump cut taxes. Had Trump increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour, it would have unleashed a tidal wave of demand that would have goosed the economy like a shot of steroids. American workers who have watching the buying power of their wages erode to the point workers need to work 53 weeks of the year just to provide the basics of food, shelter and clothing for their families.

I live on a fixed income. If my income shot up by 50%, I'd travel more, take my grandchildren to plays and museums, preferring to give experiences over toys. I'd put all of that money right back into the service and entertainment economy. I'd go out to restaurants more, once the vaccine kicks in. Young families would do the same, assuming they didn't have to work 60 hour weeks just to make ends meet. Young people would buy houses, cars, and furnishings if they weren't living at home to pay off their student loans.

Working people need a raise and it will do way more for economic growth than another tax cut for billionaires.
Your economic theories are pure Voo-Doo. Everything you claim is false and downright absurd.

Well that's a well reasoned rebuttal. NOT. You just deny what others are saying. You're too stupid or too lazy to even post information to refute what I posted.
Hey, it's your own fault for even TRYING :laugh:
It's her fault for being a stupid lying piece of shit. Nothing she ever posts is true. Why bother with a substantive post when she can spew lies in a matter of seconds?

You've never proven one of my posts are false. You calling me a liar doesn't mean it's true, or that what I'm posting didn't really happen. You've never posted anything of substance in your entire posting career. Other than name and calling slavishly praise Trump, you post nothing.
Remember the Trumpster rule: If you don't echo what they are fed in their universe, you are a commie and a liar. And a lying commie.
Yes indeed

Mac1958 is a reliable mouthpiece for the democrat party
Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it.
Lets assume you are right

that sounds like representative democracy to me

did you bitch about the nominating process when republicans selected mccain or romney?

did they get your approval first?
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role they played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House, so this hasn't gone away.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
imo Trump is sincere in believing that int'l alliances and trade agreements - beyond his brand of individual franchises granted from for countries - don't help America. He's wrong in part, as shown by his China Trade War failure to bring manftring job growth faster than that under Obama and having to keep the farms afloat with welfare.

But if the gop under Reagan had never reconciled with the Saudies and even Iran to an extent, and if we'd have reduced our need for oil and expanded the non-Arab supplies … we wouldn't have had the neocons.

So he's not all wrong.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
Trump did not run as a Republican. He ran as a populist. He won the nomination by winning primaries with a plurality from a narrowing slate of people who ostensibly called themselves traditional republicans. But the gop stopped being Reagan Republicans (or Eisenhower Republicans) under W. They abandoned fiscal conservatism for expanded and unpaid for Medicare drug expansion, and they embraced the notion of elective war to nationbuild and obtain natural resources.

And McConnell's mission was to make Obama a one termer and then elect a supreme court that will prevent any further move towards entitlements mandatory for all.

"fiscal conservatism" is now a code word for taxcuts aimed at stimulating growth, even when it's proven both under W and Trump that the additional growth doesn't occur - both Clinton and Obama saw larger increases in GNP. Trump had to fire Mattis and Esper to get troops out of Afghan.

The reason why republican officials are scared of Trump is that he's got between 200 and 400 million already to primary them.

The problem with Trump is simply that he doesn't have any values beyond Trump. There's no history of public service. His only foray into politics beyond finding out the NY won't elect him is rasicst shit like the Central Park 5. BUT he is the only Republican Populist. And the closest the dems have is a hippie who never did jack shit in Bernie and a bat shit crazy young woman of Puerto Rican descent … which isn't cutting it with Trump's base of confederate dead enders.

Trump won in 16 because the FBI made their investitation of Hillary public fodder for the election. Hillary's supporters delegitimized Trump from the get go by returning the favor.

So here we are.

None of what you said explains the incredible, mindless devotion of Trump's supporters or the extreme lack of any reasonable dissent from the Republican Senate.

You can analyze his support from a typical political perspective, but it doesn't account for the level of devotion he gets.

There's something more to it.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
I agree with that completely, but I do think it's bigger than that.

Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it. That's just marketing. He doesn't give two shits about many of the issues that are near and dear to their hearts, but he DID know what to say and how to say it. That's all that matters. It's not as if he's a principled man. The party never had a chance once talk radio adopted him (Scott Walker was their darling before Escalator Day).

But we also have to look at two other things; A Democratic Party that had repulsed and alienated a shitload of Americans, and an overall American culture whose standards have fallen so far as to even CONSIDER this person for the White House. The Democrats never looked into the mirror and asked itself what role they played in this. And look at 2020 - the party badly underperformed outside the White House, so this hasn't gone away.

This would take a huge, careful, patient, honest examination. I don't think that we have the capacity for that right now.
imo Trump is sincere in believing that int'l alliances and trade agreements - beyond his brand of individual franchises granted from for countries - don't help America. He's wrong in part, as shown by his China Trade War failure to bring manftring job growth faster than that under Obama and having to keep the farms afloat with welfare.

But if the gop under Reagan had never reconciled with the Saudies and even Iran to an extent, and if we'd have reduced our need for oil and expanded the non-Arab supplies … we wouldn't have had the neocons.

So he's not all wrong.
Manufacturing grew far faster under Trump than under Obama.

You're an idiot.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
Trump did not run as a Republican. He ran as a populist. He won the nomination by winning primaries with a plurality from a narrowing slate of people who ostensibly called themselves traditional republicans. But the gop stopped being Reagan Republicans (or Eisenhower Republicans) under W. They abandoned fiscal conservatism for expanded and unpaid for Medicare drug expansion, and they embraced the notion of elective war to nationbuild and obtain natural resources.

And McConnell's mission was to make Obama a one termer and then elect a supreme court that will prevent any further move towards entitlements mandatory for all.

"fiscal conservatism" is now a code word for taxcuts aimed at stimulating growth, even when it's proven both under W and Trump that the additional growth doesn't occur - both Clinton and Obama saw larger increases in GNP. Trump had to fire Mattis and Esper to get troops out of Afghan.

The reason why republican officials are scared of Trump is that he's got between 200 and 400 million already to primary them.

The problem with Trump is simply that he doesn't have any values beyond Trump. There's no history of public service. His only foray into politics beyond finding out the NY won't elect him is rasicst shit like the Central Park 5. BUT he is the only Republican Populist. And the closest the dems have is a hippie who never did jack shit in Bernie and a bat shit crazy young woman of Puerto Rican descent … which isn't cutting it with Trump's base of confederate dead enders.

Trump won in 16 because the FBI made their investitation of Hillary public fodder for the election. Hillary's supporters delegitimized Trump from the get go by returning the favor.

So here we are.

None of what you said explains the incredible, mindless devotion of Trump's supporters or the extreme lack of any reasonable dissent from the Republican Senate.

You can analyze his support from a typical political perspective, but it doesn't account for the level of devotion he gets.

There's something more to it.
There's nothing "mindless" about it. We've seen the alternative, after all. Why should Republicans dissent from the Senate so long as they are doing what we want?

You're a fucking moron.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

What's next for America is to do an analysis to figure out why and how Trump ever got this grip on the Republican party.

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong in the GOP.

My guess is that Trump's popularity is rooted in his (and his associates) wealth - never before has a Presidential candidate had so many people (employees) dependent upon him for their livelihood. Any of them that weren't politically active Trumpbots had their jobs and careers on the line.

Secondly, the fear of Trump by Senators and congressmen is extremely suspicious - it's like he's blackmailing them. It should be investigated.
Trump did not run as a Republican. He ran as a populist. He won the nomination by winning primaries with a plurality from a narrowing slate of people who ostensibly called themselves traditional republicans. But the gop stopped being Reagan Republicans (or Eisenhower Republicans) under W. They abandoned fiscal conservatism for expanded and unpaid for Medicare drug expansion, and they embraced the notion of elective war to nationbuild and obtain natural resources.

And McConnell's mission was to make Obama a one termer and then elect a supreme court that will prevent any further move towards entitlements mandatory for all.

"fiscal conservatism" is now a code word for taxcuts aimed at stimulating growth, even when it's proven both under W and Trump that the additional growth doesn't occur - both Clinton and Obama saw larger increases in GNP. Trump had to fire Mattis and Esper to get troops out of Afghan.

The reason why republican officials are scared of Trump is that he's got between 200 and 400 million already to primary them.

The problem with Trump is simply that he doesn't have any values beyond Trump. There's no history of public service. His only foray into politics beyond finding out the NY won't elect him is rasicst shit like the Central Park 5. BUT he is the only Republican Populist. And the closest the dems have is a hippie who never did jack shit in Bernie and a bat shit crazy young woman of Puerto Rican descent … which isn't cutting it with Trump's base of confederate dead enders.

Trump won in 16 because the FBI made their investitation of Hillary public fodder for the election. Hillary's supporters delegitimized Trump from the get go by returning the favor.

So here we are.

None of what you said explains the incredible, mindless devotion of Trump's supporters or the extreme lack of any reasonable dissent from the Republican Senate.

You can analyze his support from a typical political perspective, but it doesn't account for the level of devotion he gets.

There's something more to it.
Trump supporters are bound to him for lack of options. He's got more power to get money than anyone else. Even the dems' fundraising is tied to him. So the only gopers who can be independent are those who don't need him because of quirkey state politics (Alaska Utah) or those not running for reelection. That's why Trump continues his insane hatred towards the dead McCain.

imo it'll be interesting to see how much influence he has with Collins Rubio Portman Lankford
Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it.
Lets assume you are right

that sounds like representative democracy to me

did you bitch about the nominating process when republicans selected mccain or romney?

did they get your approval first?
Why would I bitch about a nominating process? Why does anyone need my approval? Is this Silly Question Day?

I wonder why I'm so far up in your head. I'm not asking, of course, because I can't trust anything you say.

But I do wonder.
Regarding the GOP, Trump swooped in, identified the market he needed to get the nomination (talk radio listeners) and ran with it.
Lets assume you are right

that sounds like representative democracy to me

did you bitch about the nominating process when republicans selected mccain or romney?

did they get your approval first?
Why would I bitch about a nominating process? Why does anyone need my approval? Is this Silly Question Day?

I wonder why I'm so far up in your head. I'm not asking, of course, because I can't trust anything you say.

But I do wonder.
The gop market in 2016 was much different than in 2000. The gop is no longer the party of Reagan, let alone Ike/Nixon

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