The poster boy for toxic masculinity Andrew Tate arrested in Romania, Upset the elites and they will ruin you.

OK. If Andrew Tate is guilty he is guilty. Settled.

Betty Broderick and Aileen Wuornos are the gold standard of Progressive Ethics.
Agree on Andrew Tate, who I just was reading about. Never heard of these women, and not really interested in wasting more time on studying individual case histories.

But how can these women be “the gold standard” of “Progressive Ethics” — whatever that is — if most liberal progressives never even heard of them?

Seems one side is trying hard to make the “official heros” of the other side. How screwy is that?

In my own opinion, most “culture war” heros and popular “influencers” on social and mainstream media are extremists striking poses, in it for the money, or for the fame — to later be turned into money. Some maybe are just victims taken up as heros. In general they all seem a bit nutty, and some are just egomaniacs.

Like some radical “Queer Theory” extremists out to “rebuild society” on some cockamamie transgender basis, or “Toxic Masculinity” grifters like Andrew Tate, few of these types reflect the mainstream of either liberal or conservative thinking.
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leave my bro alone. just because he speaks his mind on twitter, doesn't mean you should go after him

When "speaking his mind" is, trying to get rich by getting stupid people to listen to your drivel, you'll say anything as long as it makes you money.

Same as Trump, Turnip Greene and many, many others.

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