The poster boy for toxic masculinity Andrew Tate arrested in Romania, Upset the elites and they will ruin you.

In his butthurt response video to Greta, a pizza box with name of the local pizza chain on it was visible. That led Romanian police to Andrew Tate, human trafficker.

That is, Greta helped put away a human trafficker.

Needless to say, that will make some conservatives hate her even more.

Liberals, we're enjoying seeing a human trafficker put away, and enjoying the irony of how Tate getting triggered by Greta is what led to his downfall.
When's Biden, The Human Trafficker, going to be put away?
Never heard of him till Greta beat him up last week. He is guilty though. Why the fuck would anyone be in a shit hole like Romania if they werent up to something dirty ?
leave my bro alone. just because he speaks his mind on twitter, doesn't mean you should go after him

Are you fucking stupid or something? Or just a really lousy Troll?
He was arrested for human trafficking, and apparently providing forced prostitution (also known as sex slaves) and even paid for police protection.
Never heard of him till Greta beat him up last week. He is guilty though. Why the fuck would anyone be in a shit hole like Romania if they werent up to something dirty ?

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

What a way to end the year.
My favorite piece of trivia about Romania is that their version of the Bell Super Cobra attack helicopter is called the 'Dracula.'

"Take cover, men; there are a half dozen Draculas coming over that ridge, and you don't them to catch you out in the open."
You zeroed in on Men ( But left out “ White Men” for some reason
As I have mentioned elsewhere, men in modern Society do suffer significant discrimination:

Man of Ethics said:
1) Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. 2) Men get 61% more prison time for the same offense. Here. 3) Men accused of Sexual Misconduct lose their careers without any investigation. 4) On all Liberal Mainstream Media and Social Media, men are viewed as the class of oppressors.

Minority men suffer more discrimination then white men.

Nevertheless, if Andrew Tate is guilty then he is guilty.
well this guy was going after the elites, so they went after him. he took on Greta, who is beloved by the elites, and all of a sudden he is arrested? SUSPICIOUS at best!

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