The Potemkin Grocery Store

Obviously, you haven't read any of Political Chic's threads where she is vehemently opposed to Islam and roasts muslims relentlessly, and I take her to task for being Islamophobic, and her support of the terrorist state of Israel. ... :cool:
Yeah, it is a sign of the times, Sunni. Within 20 years Republicans will welcome native born and raised Muslims as quickly as they came to accept most blacks and Hispanics, other than the hardcore nitwits, of course.

We all live at the mercy of the Creator, whether we know Him by Allah, Jehovah or Yahweh.
So your claim is that I hate Jews/Israel?
I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think?
Now you're running from your claim that I hate Jews and Israel.

You're pretty much of a weasel, huh?
I made no such claim. Can you quote me?

What I did was to point out your hypocrisy in calling someone who does hate Jews and Israel, the "best". I might also remind you of the many times you've taken Obama to task for doing just what you do. His association with Farrakhan is no different from your association with Sunni Man.

You said this, you lying scum:

"I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think? "

Seems that revealing what a low-life you are has become our Punch and Judy show.
You said this, you lying scum:

"I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think? "
I do believe I said that. Which part do you think is a lie or incorrect?
  1. You and Sunni Man complimented each other in the thread showing you two have views in common.
  2. Sunni Man has posted anti-Jewish things in the past and has a holocaust-denier site linked to his signature.
What I never said was that YOU hate Jews/Israel. I did note later that, had I made that accusation, it would have been exactly what you have done in many of your posts that linked Obama with Farrakhan or Wright.
You said this, you lying scum:

"I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think? "
I do believe I said that. Which part do you think is a lie or incorrect?
  1. You and Sunni Man complimented each other in the thread showing you two have views in common.
  2. Sunni Man has posted anti-Jewish things in the past and has a holocaust-denier site linked to his signature.
What I never said was that YOU hate Jews/Israel. I did note later that, had I made that accusation, it would have been exactly what you have done in many of your posts that linked Obama with Farrakhan or Wright.

You blow more smoke than a Rastafarian's death rattle.

"I made no such claim. Can you quote me? "

I quoted you.

Now it is time for you to creep back under the rock.
You said this, you lying scum:

"I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think? "
I do believe I said that. Which part do you think is a lie or incorrect?
  1. You and Sunni Man complimented each other in the thread showing you two have views in common.
  2. Sunni Man has posted anti-Jewish things in the past and has a holocaust-denier site linked to his signature.
What I never said was that YOU hate Jews/Israel. I did note later that, had I made that accusation, it would have been exactly what you have done in many of your posts that linked Obama with Farrakhan or Wright.

You blow more smoke than a Rastafarian's death rattle.

"I made no such claim. Can you quote me? "

I quoted you.

Now it is time for you to creep back under the rock.
My quote did not say what you claimed it said and I note you do not dispute anything I actually did write. Maybe there is hope for you yet.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.
9. Our government schools are, essentially, Potemkin Villages.

They prepare children to be good socialists….

The 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

10. The schools marginalize religion and teach global warming and evolution as though they were facts.

Religion and evolution are not taught in public schools. You are full of shit and a bald-faced liar!
9. Our government schools are, essentially, Potemkin Villages.

They prepare children to be good socialists….

The 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

10. The schools marginalize religion and teach global warming and evolution as though they were facts.

Religion is not taught in public schools. Global warming is given its due as a crackpot theory. What would you have them teach other than evolution? You are full of shit and a bald-faced liar!
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.
9. Our government schools are, essentially, Potemkin Villages.

They prepare children to be good socialists….

The 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

10. The schools marginalize religion and teach global warming and evolution as though they were facts.

Religion and evolution are not taught in public schools. You are full of shit and a bald-faced liar!

No low-class matter how deeply my posts wound you.

BTW.....The schools marginalize religion and teach global warming and evolution as though they were facts.
The term 'Potemkin Village' predates Soviet Communism by more than a century.

It refers to an effort by Russain General Grigory Potemkin to impress Catherine the Great on her tour of Crimea in 1787
The term 'Potemkin Village' predates Soviet Communism by more than a century.

It refers to an effort by Russain General Grigory Potemkin to impress Catherine the Great on her tour of Crimea in 1787

Actually, I did know that....and revealed same in the video at the bottom. I guess you didn't read that far.

How about "Potemkin Grocery."

It appears you missed the point of the post.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.

The only dupe is you. Have you ever read any of those books? The real reason Dewey is hated was because he actually got teachers to unionize.
The term 'Potemkin Village' predates Soviet Communism by more than a century.

It refers to an effort by Russain General Grigory Potemkin to impress Catherine the Great on her tour of Crimea in 1787

Actually, I did know that....and revealed same in the video at the bottom. I guess you didn't read that far.

How about "Potemkin Grocery."

It appears you missed the point of the post.

I got the point, just being pedantic.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.

The only dupe is you. Have you ever read any of those books? The real reason Dewey is hated was because he actually got teachers to unionize.

I don't mind trying to educate thankless and impossible as it is.....

As you are stupid enough to idolize this communist,'s another who controls the education industry.

" At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian [Marxist] educator Paulo Freire.

This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs....Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

...Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students.

This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies.

The pedagogical point of Freire’s thesis is its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society."
Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

".... its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content,..."

It is any wonder why American schools do such an awful job at educating students?
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.

The only dupe is you. Have you ever read any of those books? The real reason Dewey is hated was because he actually got teachers to unionize.

I don't mind trying to educate thankless and impossible as it is.....

As you are stupid enough to idolize this communist,'s another who controls the education industry.

" At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian [Marxist] educator Paulo Freire.

This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs....Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

...Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students.

This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies.

The pedagogical point of Freire’s thesis is its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society."
Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

".... its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content,..."

It is any wonder why American schools do such an awful job at educating students?

Once again, you prove yourself to be a dumbass of incredible proportions. Where did I say that I idolized him? I merely pointed out your "Google-fu" fails you yet again. Get a Master's degree in education before you pontificate on something you readily prove you know nothing about. I know that GED was hard, but you could do more.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.

The only dupe is you. Have you ever read any of those books? The real reason Dewey is hated was because he actually got teachers to unionize.

I don't mind trying to educate thankless and impossible as it is.....

As you are stupid enough to idolize this communist,'s another who controls the education industry.

" At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian [Marxist] educator Paulo Freire.

This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs....Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

...Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students.

This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies.

The pedagogical point of Freire’s thesis is its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society."
Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

".... its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content,..."

It is any wonder why American schools do such an awful job at educating students?

Once again, you prove yourself to be a dumbass of incredible proportions. Where did I say that I idolized him? I merely pointed out your "Google-fu" fails you yet again. Get a Master's degree in education before you pontificate on something you readily prove you know nothing about. I know that GED was hard, but you could do more.

Every time i force you to default to that sort of language, I know you are chagrined at how I am never wrong.

The education industry is owned and operated by neo-Marxist, and chock full of their apologists, like you.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

I am sorry that you managed to slip through and graduated while still a dumbass.

If you knew anything about John Dewey, you would know he supported changes to education that were never realized that you would have supported.

You're referring to John Dewey, Communist dupe?

You dupes certainly do hang together......and the sooner the better.

The only dupe is you. Have you ever read any of those books? The real reason Dewey is hated was because he actually got teachers to unionize.

I don't mind trying to educate thankless and impossible as it is.....

As you are stupid enough to idolize this communist,'s another who controls the education industry.

" At a recent meeting of the New York Teaching Fellows program (“Teach for America”: provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually) , Sol Stern found the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian [Marxist] educator Paulo Freire.

This book has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs....Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses.

...Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students.

This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies.

The pedagogical point of Freire’s thesis is its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society."
Pedagogy of the Oppressor by Sol Stern City Journal Spring 2009

".... its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content,..."

It is any wonder why American schools do such an awful job at educating students?

Once again, you prove yourself to be a dumbass of incredible proportions. Where did I say that I idolized him? I merely pointed out your "Google-fu" fails you yet again. Get a Master's degree in education before you pontificate on something you readily prove you know nothing about. I know that GED was hard, but you could do more.

Every time i force you to default to that sort of language, I know you are chagrined at how I am never wrong.

The education industry is owned and operated by neo-Marxist, and chock full of their apologists, like you.

No, you are ever right, That is the problem. If you want to get into a battle of wits you best have more than your Google ability because it fails you time after time.

Your best bet is to stop posting about education because all it does is showcase how truly ignorant and arrogant you are!
Every time i force you to default to that sort of language, I know you are chagrined at how I am never wrong.
The education industry is owned and operated by neo-Marxist, and chock full of their apologists, like you.
Woketards are forever asking us to ignore them.

So I do.
Every time i force you to default to that sort of language, I know you are chagrined at how I am never wrong.
The education industry is owned and operated by neo-Marxist, and chock full of their apologists, like you.
Woketards are forever asking us to ignore them.

So I do.

For's an invitation.

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