The Potemkin Grocery Store

It's like my support of our wonderful Pres.Trump.
I agree with him on every conservative issue, except his stance on Israel moving their capital to Jerusalem and backing the fascist Nuttyahoo's land theft annexation plans. ... :cool:
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?
Got it. Hate is fine but only if they hate what you hate.
When the socialists are in charge, one must believe…and agree….with every lie. least pretend to.
To survive and thrive, it is best to go even beyond the propaganda. believe every lie Don and his right wing media propagandists tell so........................

If you didn't, you wouldn't still be spewing lies about Obama's conversation w/ Medvedev.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?
Got it. Hate is fine but only if they hate what you hate.

So your claim is that I hate Jews/Israel?
When the socialists are in charge, one must believe…and agree….with every lie. least pretend to.
To survive and thrive, it is best to go even beyond the propaganda. believe every lie Don and his right wing media propagandists tell so........................

If you didn't, you wouldn't still be spewing lies about Obama's conversation w/ Medvedev.

You're here for your daily spanking?

von Sacher-Masoch would be so proud of you.

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

3. Obama prevented the DEA from stopping Hezbollah from selling cocaine in the US. The money was used for IED's to kill American soldiers.
Clear and evident obstruction of justice.

And here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo:

I've read The Unknown Story by Chang. I'll have to check out Wild Swans. There's another book that details the depravity of the north korean regime that just astounds the mind. The Aquariums of Pyongyang.
But you have to admit, Kims sister is hot, very hot.
^^^^ message brought to you on behalf of average Dimocrat Dopers.

View attachment 329279
So your claim is that I hate Jews/Israel?
I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think?

Now you're running from your claim that I hate Jews and Israel.

You're pretty much of a weasel, huh?
9. Our government schools are, essentially, Potemkin Villages.

They prepare children to be good socialists….

The 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff
; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

10. The schools marginalize religion and teach global warming and evolution as though they were facts.
So your claim is that I hate Jews/Israel?
I claim that you share many of your views with someone who does hate Jews/Israel. Kind of hard to claim the moral high ground with someone like that by your side don't you think?
Now you're running from your claim that I hate Jews and Israel.

You're pretty much of a weasel, huh?
I made no such claim. Can you quote me?

What I did was to point out your hypocrisy in calling someone who does hate Jews and Israel, the "best". I might also remind you of the many times you've taken Obama to task for doing just what you do. His association with Farrakhan is no different from your association with Sunni Man.
BS. What does either have to do with being a holocaust denier? I seem to recall you previously had signature quotes from fabricated, anti-Jewish texts, including, I believe, the Elders of Zion.
You are taking Political Chic's thread way off topic. So I'm going to stop responding to your baseless personal attacks.
If you want to start a thread about who on the board is allegedly anti-semitic and what the term actually means? I would be happy to participate. ... :cool:
BS. What does either have to do with being a holocaust denier? I seem to recall you previously had signature quotes from fabricated, anti-Jewish texts, including, I believe, the Elders of Zion.
You are taking Political Chic's thread way off topic. So I'm going to stop responding to your baseless personal attacks.
If you want to start a thread about who on the board is allegedly anti-semitic and what the term actually means? I would be happy to participate. ... :cool:
Funny, I thought hate and hypocrisy was spot on Political Chic's thread topic.
I thought hate and hypocrisy was spot on Political Chic's thread topic.
Nope, that would be found in your hate Trump, conservatives, and his supporters postings. ... :cool:
I'm fine with people who disagree with me. The only people I'd admit to disliking, 'hate' is too strong a word, are racists, hypocrites, liars, criminals, and, of course, anti-semites.

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