The Power of Prayer Ultimate Challenge


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
SOMEONE politely requested the Rabbis and Priest duel it out on the football field to see who's prayers for touchdowns would win out.
So as the Rabbis and Priest agree to the game the 2 sides took the field.
Rabbis prayed to HaShem for strength and touchdowns while the priests prayed to the Pope and Jesus and Saint Butkiss the Saint of football blessings.
The game started slow because the Rabbis had to keep explaining to the priests that they didn't have to keep their hands between the centers hind legs to hike the football, that this was street ball & the QB could set back & they could toss it back instead. Priests QB's however insisted keeping their hands deep inside the centers private zones and using awfully long snap counts in doing so.
It was a tight game at first, a little uncomfortable for the Rabbis to be covered so close by the defenders, until the priests touchy feely hands on coverage drew many pass interferances and by the end of the 4th quarter the Rabbis were up 77-7 and the pointless last play by the Priests was you guessed it, a hail mary that failed to hit the target receiver who triped over his own robe and poked himself in the eye with his cross medalion. Disgraced by the loss and lack of support by Jesus the Priests were embarrassed by the outcome and how it would be received, so they called uncle Vinny who in turn wipped out all the Rabbis with his machine gun.
His Cousin Sal Vito cleaned up the crime scene and it's as the game never happened as the challenge was never spoken about ever again. The End!
So they brought in the "wise guys" i mean the "wise men" to even the score.....Capishe.....heh What's a matter for you a....the rabbi's didnt give us their protection money so they were fair game and the priests of baal invoked the name of the "Don" to even out the score in a hail of bullets instead of prayers..Interesting results but predictable..i would have thought though that the priests would have scored 3 points for the trinity scam and their ability to kick their ball right through the two posts dead center.....
really...i understand that in the vatican there is a telephone that has a direct line to isnt used very often because it is a long distance call and costs twenty thousand dollars a minute.... in israel they have a similiar telephone line but it doesnt cost anything it is free because it is a local call.....

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