The president says it's time for serious tax reform


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Which means that the wealthy will get massively wealthier, anyway The poor old and sick don't need that money they just use it to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Just think of the jobs that can be produced by tax cuts for the ungodly wealthy. Don't come in here with the argument that the last two biggest increases in our economy where both right after a tax increase. That just gets in the way of Scum ball reason. He says fuck the poor they are way over rated , you give me all that money and you will be amazed what I'll do with it.
WE pay 1/2 of the worlds investment in the military and with our allies we spend 3 out of every 4 dollars that is spent in the world on the military.. But billions more is logical for Scum Bag thinkers.
I'll give the idiot response just to stay one step ahead of them, tax cuts take years for their effect to be realised. Tax increases right before a big increase in our economy means nothing. So all the tax cuts that the hate party implemented were the reasons for the increase in our economy numbers during the Democrats presidency. You get the drift. There is no relationship between tax cuts and jobs. The promised jobs is the lie to get people to allow the hate party to steal from the poor and middle class and hand it over to the wealthy. For instance since 1981 , when the trickle down lie was implemented By the worst president in our history. Well one of them anyway. . no one has gained anything as far as their wages other then a few at the top , exactly how Reagan expected it to work. It won't change but the hate party says I want more, more more. Everyone gets zero of the increase wealth in this country except the Hate parties chozen few but that's not fast enough they want to do it faster.

Tell me what it means when no one gets any of the increased wealth of this country , except the Golden few . but everyone since 81 have increased their debt massively. So who owns you now. Tell me also why we should do hand flips over business when there has never been a time in history were they have done better. They need no help.
Which means that the wealthy will get massively wealthier, anyway The poor old and sick don't need that money they just use it to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Just think of the jobs that can be produced by tax cuts for the ungodly wealthy. Don't come in here with the argument that the last two biggest increases in our economy where both right after a tax increase. That just gets in the way of Scum ball reason. He says fuck the poor they are way over rated , you give me all that money and you will be amazed what I'll do with it.
WE pay 1/2 of the worlds investment in the military and with our allies we spend 3 out of every 4 dollars that is spent in the world on the military.. But billions more is logical for Scum Bag thinkers.
I'll give the idiot response just to stay one step ahead of them, tax cuts take years for their effect to be realised. Tax increases right before a big increase in our economy means nothing. So all the tax cuts that the hate party implemented were the reasons for the increase in our economy numbers during the Democrats presidency. You get the drift. There is no relationship between tax cuts and jobs. The promised jobs is the lie to get people to allow the hate party to steal from the poor and middle class and hand it over to the wealthy. For instance since 1981 , when the trickle down lie was implemented By the worst president in our history. Well one of them anyway. . no one has gained anything as far as their wages other then a few at the top , exactly how Reagan expected it to work. It won't change but the hate party says I want more, more more. Everyone gets zero of the increase wealth in this country except the Hate parties chozen few but that's not fast enough they want to do it faster.

Tell me what it means when no one gets any of the increased wealth of this country , except the Golden few . but everyone since 81 have increased their debt massively. So who owns you now. Tell me also why we should do hand flips over business when there has never been a time in history were they have done better. They need no help.
The President says lots of things. Don't worry, most people have realized it's all bluffing and nonsense.
Congress does well
I Just Realized Something:

My dog has his food prepared for him. His meals are provided at no cost to him.

He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.

He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free.

He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living.

I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me ~

Reform will worthwhile if congress has the nerve to stand up to Intuit and other tax preparers and tell them new tax laws will do away with the needless numbers crunching. Preparing a tax return these days is simply adding insult to injury. I find it worse today than when I used income averaging to deal with inflation back in the 70's.
Nice rant. Have another shot.
Here we go again, I listed piles of facts, the cartoon responses will be brilliant. And the Your dumb , I don't like you crowd will be well represented. I listed multiple reasons why the right is mindless and they come back with mindless responses/
Which means that the wealthy will get massively wealthier, anyway The poor old and sick don't need that money they just use it to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Just think of the jobs that can be produced by tax cuts for the ungodly wealthy. Don't come in here with the argument that the last two biggest increases in our economy where both right after a tax increase. That just gets in the way of Scum ball reason. He says fuck the poor they are way over rated , you give me all that money and you will be amazed what I'll do with it.
WE pay 1/2 of the worlds investment in the military and with our allies we spend 3 out of every 4 dollars that is spent in the world on the military.. But billions more is logical for Scum Bag thinkers.
I'll give the idiot response just to stay one step ahead of them, tax cuts take years for their effect to be realised. Tax increases right before a big increase in our economy means nothing. So all the tax cuts that the hate party implemented were the reasons for the increase in our economy numbers during the Democrats presidency. You get the drift. There is no relationship between tax cuts and jobs. The promised jobs is the lie to get people to allow the hate party to steal from the poor and middle class and hand it over to the wealthy. For instance since 1981 , when the trickle down lie was implemented By the worst president in our history. Well one of them anyway. . no one has gained anything as far as their wages other then a few at the top , exactly how Reagan expected it to work. It won't change but the hate party says I want more, more more. Everyone gets zero of the increase wealth in this country except the Hate parties chozen few but that's not fast enough they want to do it faster.

Tell me what it means when no one gets any of the increased wealth of this country , except the Golden few . but everyone since 81 have increased their debt massively. So who owns you now. Tell me also why we should do hand flips over business when there has never been a time in history were they have done better. They need no help.
As I said another cartoon. So this mean I'm right but he/she doesn't care, this is what this hate group want for this country.
Funny point, as time goes on less people are republicans and less and less people voted for the Scum Bag, as in the words of wisdom this person has at the bottom of the page. I would be embarrassed also
Reform will worthwhile if congress has the nerve to stand up to Intuit and other tax preparers and tell them new tax laws will do away with the needless numbers crunching. Preparing a tax return these days is simply adding insult to injury. I find it worse today than when I used income averaging to deal with inflation back in the 70's.
If you think they are talking about making the tax preparations easier , your blind , it's simple to find out what they want with Ryans budget proposals over the years, Or what comes from the mouth of the scum bag. They want more wealth distributed into the hands of the people who are the only reason that the party exists for. 1% of the hate party that gain and 99% that are nothing but drones and puppets usually voting against their best interest. Not a very bright group of people
They have achieved a level, that now, all the new wealth of this country has gone into the hands of that 1% for the last 35 years, they want it done faster though. The real loss though is not the fact that for 35years none of the massive increased wealth has gone into the hands of only the 1% but the debt increase of the middle class and poor have increased massively over that time. So what they do get paid goes a lot less further then it did in the past, everyday everyone gets deeper in debt, except the golden few they get gold plated. This is what the hate party wants for this country a guarantee that everyone will lose except the only people they exist for the, the 1%

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