The President with the lowest overall average approval rating in history is......

The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
After nearly 2 years of badgering from the FAKE NEWS, 90% of Republicans still love President Trump and 10% of Democrats say he is doing a great job. Paul Krugman, the liberal economist's math that would make President Trump 100% in favor of...….God you liberals are such stupid people.

Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% -- Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

Oh, and by the way, he still hasn't been impeached, which all you whiney ass liberal have be calling for... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa….

Nope, not even close on the post.

Trump's Approval Nose-Dives, Dem Blue Wave Might Be Building: IBD/TIPP Poll

Approval rating at 36% and falling.

76% of republics and falling

40% among men and 32% with women.

Try again.

You do realize that you post just undercut the OP's post? You are saying he is wrong.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
What kind of dumbass question is that??

They’re polling job approval now, among other subjects. What does that have to do with election polls in 2016?

Various libtard polls show Trump slipping like crazy because Manfort got convicted and Cohen pled guilty to non-crimes. Guess what? No one cares about crimes and non-crimes that Trump did not commit!

It's all smoke and mirrors and fake poll results to back up their wishful thinking.

Many Republicans aren't too keen on Trump's handling of Jeff Sessions right now and why some of the criminals in the FBI and DOJ are still getting a paycheck! They (like me) think he is actually being too soft right now and needs to fire lots of people!

That being said, I will still vote for him 100 times out of a 100 if he is running against a libtard!
Seems like everyone who hates the nitwits has an agenda Can't you just live with the thought that trump is low class garbage?

I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.
And pray tell how do you consider this object of misery in our WH now ? Seems your big mouth has enough to spout out upon Dems

As I said many times before, he is a bull in a China shop, Bill Clinton without the filter, he needs to close his Twitter account, he also needs to shut up and quit antagonizing. I haven’t changed my opinion of Trump since 2015.
All well and good I guess, but I'm of the opinion your critique of Obama and Hillary is far more pointed when imo it should be the other way around

It’s all opinion and eveyone has one. My opinion, Sanders was a better choice over either Trump or Clinton.

Yeah, but you think Lenin and Stalin were just misunderstood Democrats.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Actually, he didn't.

We don't count the votes of illegal aliens that Obama told to go and vote.

You didn't know that?

The left are so butthurt over the Trump beat down they invent fantasy popular vote elections that never took place. No popular vote campaign strategies, campaign stops, no popular vote ads, nobody ran to win a popular vote yet they claim Trump somehow lost the popular vote its hilarious. Whenever a leftard starts in about the popular vote just point and laugh.

You have to win the popular vote in each state to win that states electoral college votes. So yes, everyone does run to win popular votes.

No, dumbass. Go back to school and learn to read.
Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

yes, that is how winning is defined---------------306 EC votes, 270 needed. the entire PV vote delta was in California, it means absolutely nothing.

His victory in the 3 states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were so narrow that he won't be able to repeat victory's in those states again. Trump is less popular now than he was on election night. Those states will be blue in 2020. Without them, Trump can't win re-election.

Wrong again they were HUGE victories. Trump had to take a bunch of votes from Hillary then pile some more votes on top to win. Do you know what a blue state is? :itsok:

1. Ok, in that sense you might be able to say its a major accomplishment.
2. But, the margin of victory is still tiny in these three states despite whatever the level of accomplishment you think it took to win them.
3. Because the margin of victory is so tiny, the probability of winning these three states in 2020 is virtually nil given that Trump is less popular today than he was in 2016.

Do you know what they called the guy who won one state by 455 votes?

President George W, Bush
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
What kind of dumbass question is that??

They’re polling job approval now, among other subjects. What does that have to do with election polls in 2016?

Various libtard polls show Trump slipping like crazy because Manfort got convicted and Cohen pled guilty to non-crimes. Guess what? No one cares about crimes and non-crimes that Trump did not commit!

It's all smoke and mirrors and fake poll results to back up their wishful thinking.

Many Republicans aren't too keen on Trump's handling of Jeff Sessions right now and why some of the criminals in the FBI and DOJ are still getting a paycheck! They (like me) think he is actually being too soft right now and needs to fire lots of people!

That being said, I will still vote for him 100 times out of a 100 if he is running against a libtard!
”Various libtard polls...

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!


I haven't seen a valid argument posted by you yet! Your hate-filled screeds are well known for being incredibly vapid.

There! I gave you a few words to look up!
You still havent realized Trump's 2 percent drop in the past week?
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
What kind of dumbass question is that??

They’re polling job approval now, among other subjects. What does that have to do with election polls in 2016?
2016 was one of the most important elections in this nation’s history. Why did they stay out of it?
We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!


I haven't seen a valid argument posted by you yet! Your hate-filled screeds are well known for being incredibly vapid.

There! I gave you a few words to look up!
You still havent realized Trump's 2 percent drop in the past week?
That is literally impossible.

The only thing that happened last week was McCain’s death, and the Democrats hurt themselves there.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.

"A new Gallup survey released on Tuesday found that 32 percent of respondents think that Trump possesses the personality and leadership qualities necessary for someone to be president, compared to 51 percent for Clinton. “Voters rate Trump worse than any other presidential candidate in Gallup's records on having the personality and leadership qualities a president should have,” said Gallup. The organization first polled on this question in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush, who both got significantly better numbers—59 percent and 57 percent, respectively—than Trump."

That was Gallop on November 1st, 2016. That's the kind of "data" I was referring to, Faun.
Just to give an example of how flawed “disapproval” is, my mother thinks Trump is a disgusting human being for cheating on his wives and for talking about grabbing pussies, but at the same time she literally wept for over an hour when she thought Hillary might win because she voted for him and she hates Hillary.

My mom still thinks Trump is disgusting today and she will vote even more enthusiastically for him in 2020 because of the scum that the Democrats have become.

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!


By 'Trump supporter' you mean supporter of the United States?

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trump….

2.“U.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of May’s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,” Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.” US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

3. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,” @POTUS says

CBS News on Twitter

Sooo....why do you hate this country?
Uncouth ,uncaring ,inhumane, uneducated braggart who needs lost of attention are some glowing terms I can come up with

President, commander in chief, your daddy.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

How many votes did he lose California and New York by? Was it more than 3 million?

Thank you Founding Fathers for an Electoral College that works as designed!

Of course, if illegal alien votes were not counted, it wouldn't appear he lost at all.
I considered Clinton low class Arkansas garbage, and Teddy Kennedy a lowclass murderer.

She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

Ike was certainly right about Clinton and Obama. Whether that applies to Trump also is yet to be seen. so far the military loves Trump because he supports them 100%.
President, commander in chief, your daddy.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

How many votes did he lose California and New York by? Was it more than 3 million?

Thank you Founding Fathers for an Electoral College that works as designed!

Of course, if illegal alien votes were not counted, it wouldn't appear he lost at all.

don't forget the dead voters and the voters who voted multiple times in multiple states.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
What kind of dumbass question is that??

They’re polling job approval now, among other subjects. What does that have to do with election polls in 2016?
2016 was one of the most important elections in this nation’s history. Why did they stay out of it?
They posted their reasoning for staying out on their website. You’re welcome to go look for it.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

How many votes did he lose California and New York by? Was it more than 3 million?

Thank you Founding Fathers for an Electoral College that works as designed!

Of course, if illegal alien votes were not counted, it wouldn't appear he lost at all.

don't forget the dead voters and the voters who voted multiple times in multiple states.

"The progressive game plan to re-acquire power in Washington and make it permanent has been shockingly obvious for some time:

Import millions of illegal immigrants, hook them on government aid, and turn them into voters – legally or illegally.

Two Democrats running for Congress in Texas have come out for decriminalizing illegal immigration, along with Beta O’Rourke, who is running for Ted Cruz’s U.S. Senate seat. Virtually all Democrat office holders oppose voter ID laws. "
As Progressives Move Left, They Must Replace the American Electorate
She's from Chicago actually. Even still has the accent.
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

Ike was certainly right about Clinton and Obama. Whether that applies to Trump also is yet to be seen. so far the military loves Trump because he supports them 100%.

Lip Service
The man you belittle kept our ass from a world war with Russia No wonder a sick trumpanzi wouldn't get it
John F, could of kept US out of Viet Nam, when Ho Chi just wanted to have his country free from French Rule. But instead he sent an expeditionary force in to help the French, got US bogged down and when French left, we were then the bad guys. 14 years later Nixon got US out, yet you lefties hated him. Dumbass liberals and their Camelot.

France left Vietnam in 1954. JFK was not known to have a time machine that would enable him to run the country seven years before taking office. That would only be developed later when O'bama retroactively caused the economic collapse that ensured he'd get elected. Of course FDR had a prototype that he used in 1929 for the same purpose but that was a primitive time machine and he got the collapse done sooner than he needed it. But JFK didn't have access to it.

Eisenhower got us into Vietnam because he couldn't control his Dulleses. Free history lesson. But only the first one is free.

As Redfish correctly notes Nixon inherited it. But so did LBJ and so did JFK. You want to know who's responsible for Vietnam I got three names for ya: "John Foster Dulles".

For a visual aid here's the Diego Rivera mural he's describing.... Dulles is that scowling face front and centre. Kinda looks like The Dick Cheney (and he should; they're virtually twins).


--- and I forgot to mention, since Eisenhower was brought up, his prophetic statement: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".

I guess we could add the corollary "but we're really fucked when somebody sits at that desk who not only has no clue about the military but claims to know more than the generals".

Ike was certainly right about Clinton and Obama. Whether that applies to Trump also is yet to be seen. so far the military loves Trump because he supports them 100%.

Lip Service

really? what did Clinton and Obama do for the military? Why did marines have to be assigned to white house duty during their terms when there were no volunteers? Why did hundreds volunteer for that duty under trump?

so how is stating facts giving lip service?
President, commander in chief, your daddy.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

yes, that is how winning is defined---------------306 EC votes, 270 needed. the entire PV vote delta was in California, it means absolutely nothing.

His victory in the 3 states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were so narrow that he won't be able to repeat victory's in those states again. Trump is less popular now than he was on election night. Those states will be blue in 2020. Without them, Trump can't win re-election.

why are you so sure about that? the workers in those states have bigger paychecks and better jobs due to Trump's policies. Its very likely that his margin of victory in those states will be greater in 2020. those blue collar American workers are smarter than the lib dems think they are. Even the union leaders are now supporting Trump because their members are making more and paying more union dues.

democrat liberalism has failed the people it claims to be for.
excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!


By 'Trump supporter' you mean supporter of the United States?

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trump….

2.“U.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of May’s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,” Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.” US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

3. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,” @POTUS says

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Sooo....why do you hate this country?
When the only redeeming factor you cite is the economy. Currently nearly half the country cant meet their basic needs.

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