The President with the lowest overall average approval rating in history is......

Still nonsense.

The average of a poll that was not even considered during the 2016 election is meaningless.

Gallup is an outlier poll btw.

There is not another Polling organization or company once they averaged all their polling data for Trump that would not have Trump at the bottom like Gallup does or at least close to the bottom.
39% is not “the bottom”.

Trump won the election with a 38% approval rating.

His polling data as President is far more relevant in his chances at re-election in 2020. A sitting President with 39% approval is not going to be re-elected.
He doesn’t have a 39% approval rating.

His overall approval rating since becoming President is 39% as the Gallup link shows. That's more important than the latest weekly or daily approval rating that has him at 41%.

The lowest approval rating any President has been re-elected with during the election week is 48%. Trump has never been higher than 45%.

So? You act like that is somehow important, which just proves how much of a dumbass you are!
39% is not “the bottom”.

Trump won the election with a 38% approval rating.

His polling data as President is far more relevant in his chances at re-election in 2020. A sitting President with 39% approval is not going to be re-elected.
And yet a candidate with a 38% approval did. Look, we get that you're looking for closure after the Beast lost, but are you sure this is the way going two years on?

His approval is at 45% anyway, probably more without outliers like Gallup. Short of some kind of cataclysm, his re-election is a given.

HIs approval is a bit lower than that this week. The overall average since being elected is 39%. That will likely go down in the months to come. He has the lowest overall average approval rating of ANY President. That's not good at all. No President has ever been re-elected with an approval rating lower than 48%. Trump is TOAST! If you like him, enjoy it while it last. He does not have much longer. The shrinking Republican Party will not be able to save him in the general election in 2020.

Trump only got 45.8% of the popular vote. He won the electoral college by barely winning states like Wisconsin by 10,000 votes, Michigan by 20,000 votes, and Pennsylvania by only 40,000 votes. Those states are going back to solid Blue in 2020. How is Trump going to replace those losses? He can't! He will lose in 2020 if he makes it to the election and then finally you and others will realize just how much of a fluke his victory in 2016 happened to be.
What do you hope to accomplish by rehashing the same BS?

You lost. That's it. Next time don't run a bitch for president.

This thread is about the overall approval rating of each President since polling began. It shows that Donald Trump is at the very bottom of the list. It is an obvious bad sign for his chances of getting re-elected. UNDERSTAND?

Look up the meaning of the word "irrelevant" and get back to us when you do!
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Great news!!! That's 3 points higher then when he won the Presidency and beat Hillary.

Being President and getting re-elected is a different animal. The lowest approval rating any sitting President has had and still was re-elected was 48%. Donald Trump is well below that.

Yet, the only way he could get about that would be an equal number of days with a job approval rating somewhere north of that. Not likely, which means the stat is irrelevant.
There is not another Polling organization or company once they averaged all their polling data for Trump that would not have Trump at the bottom like Gallup does or at least close to the bottom.
39% is not “the bottom”.

Trump won the election with a 38% approval rating.

His polling data as President is far more relevant in his chances at re-election in 2020. A sitting President with 39% approval is not going to be re-elected.
He doesn’t have a 39% approval rating.

His overall approval rating since becoming President is 39% as the Gallup link shows. That's more important than the latest weekly or daily approval rating that has him at 41%.

The lowest approval rating any President has been re-elected with during the election week is 48%. Trump has never been higher than 45%.

So? You act like that is somehow important, which just proves how much of a dumbass you are!
The share of the public approving of Trump’s job performance is not very different from the share approving of Clinton (42%) or Reagan (44%) 18 months into their administrations.
Trump’s approval ratings so far are unusually stable – and deeply partisan

Clinton didn't get much more than 42% of the vote when he was elected!
So what? There was a third party candidate who garnered a big share of the votes. Perot got some 20 million votes in 1992. That wasn’t the case in 2016.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
That’s what happens when you have a scumbag in the White House....Shocker
Just to give an example of how flawed “disapproval” is, my mother thinks Trump is a disgusting human being for cheating on his wives and for talking about grabbing pussies, but at the same time she literally wept for over an hour when she thought Hillary might win because she voted for him and she hates Hillary.

My mom still thinks Trump is disgusting today and she will vote even more enthusiastically for him in 2020 because of the scum that the Democrats have become.

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
After nearly 2 years of badgering from the FAKE NEWS, 90% of Republicans still love President Trump and 10% of Democrats say he is doing a great job. Paul Krugman, the liberal economist's math that would make President Trump 100% in favor of...….God you liberals are such stupid people.

Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% -- Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

Oh, and by the way, he still hasn't been impeached, which all you whiney ass liberal have be calling for... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa….

Stay tuned, the mechanisms of impeachment are not in place yet, but will be after early November. The current Republican party is not the Republican party of 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Its much smaller. Right now, only 25% of people in the country identify as Republicans, the lowest ever. Its because so many people have LEFT the Republican party that Trump does so well with those that remain.

Go ahead and impeach him! That will guarantee a second term, just like it did for Clinton!

Dumbfuck... Clinton was impeached in his second term. How the hell did an impeachment in 1998 help Clinton get re-elected in 1996??

The share of the public approving of Trump’s job performance is not very different from the share approving of Clinton (42%) or Reagan (44%) 18 months into their administrations.
Trump’s approval ratings so far are unusually stable – and deeply partisan

Clinton didn't get much more than 42% of the vote when he was elected!
So what? There was a third party candidate who garnered a big share of the votes. Perot got some 20 million votes in 1992. That wasn’t the case in 2016.

Your point is? He started out with a very low approval rating as a candidate and did little to improve on that and got himself impeached.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
After nearly 2 years of badgering from the FAKE NEWS, 90% of Republicans still love President Trump and 10% of Democrats say he is doing a great job. Paul Krugman, the liberal economist's math that would make President Trump 100% in favor of...….God you liberals are such stupid people.

Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% -- Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

Oh, and by the way, he still hasn't been impeached, which all you whiney ass liberal have be calling for... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa….

Stay tuned, the mechanisms of impeachment are not in place yet, but will be after early November. The current Republican party is not the Republican party of 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Its much smaller. Right now, only 25% of people in the country identify as Republicans, the lowest ever. Its because so many people have LEFT the Republican party that Trump does so well with those that remain.

Go ahead and impeach him! That will guarantee a second term, just like it did for Clinton!

Dumbfuck... Clinton was impeached in his second term. How the hell did an impeachment in 1998 help Clinton get re-elected in 1996??


Wow! A libtard must be coming out of their shell and actually paying attention! Mea culpa!

I had a brainfart and then decided to leave it to see if any of you dumbass liberals would pick up on it! Bravo to you sir! There may be hope for you yet!
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
After nearly 2 years of badgering from the FAKE NEWS, 90% of Republicans still love President Trump and 10% of Democrats say he is doing a great job. Paul Krugman, the liberal economist's math that would make President Trump 100% in favor of...….God you liberals are such stupid people.

Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% -- Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

Oh, and by the way, he still hasn't been impeached, which all you whiney ass liberal have be calling for... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa….

Stay tuned, the mechanisms of impeachment are not in place yet, but will be after early November. The current Republican party is not the Republican party of 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Its much smaller. Right now, only 25% of people in the country identify as Republicans, the lowest ever. Its because so many people have LEFT the Republican party that Trump does so well with those that remain.

Go ahead and impeach him! That will guarantee a second term, just like it did for Clinton!

Dumbfuck... Clinton was impeached in his second term. How the hell did an impeachment in 1998 help Clinton get re-elected in 1996??

Try using words next time. They’re far more effective in a written format such as this forum.
notice that all of these polls sample around 1000 people----------out of 330,000,000. anyone who has taken even a first year statistics class knows that a sample that small is virtually meaningless.

I fully understand that the pollsters "claim" that their samples proportionally include every demographic in the country, but come on, use some common sense. there are probably more than 1000 different demographic groups in the 330,000,000, e.g. how many native americans doctors are included? I am quite sure that there are some in this country, how many mixed race Chinese/Africans? How many bed ridden Russian immigrants? I could go on but maybe you understand how ridiculous the polling thing really is.

Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Well you can dispute the polls all you want. You won't be able to dispute the election results in November 2018 or November 2020. What will be your explanation of excuse then?
Democrats are going to lose both elections....

It will be funny to read your explanation in 10 weeks when the Democrats take back the House Of Representatives.

It will be even funnier when you have to explain how the Dems lost seats in both the House and Senate!
After nearly 2 years of badgering from the FAKE NEWS, 90% of Republicans still love President Trump and 10% of Democrats say he is doing a great job. Paul Krugman, the liberal economist's math that would make President Trump 100% in favor of...….God you liberals are such stupid people.

Trump Approval with GOP Voters Hits 90% -- Overall Approval Still Higher Than Obama at Same Time in His Presidency

Oh, and by the way, he still hasn't been impeached, which all you whiney ass liberal have be calling for... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa….

Stay tuned, the mechanisms of impeachment are not in place yet, but will be after early November. The current Republican party is not the Republican party of 10, 20, or 30 years ago. Its much smaller. Right now, only 25% of people in the country identify as Republicans, the lowest ever. Its because so many people have LEFT the Republican party that Trump does so well with those that remain.

Go ahead and impeach him! That will guarantee a second term, just like it did for Clinton!

Dumbfuck... Clinton was impeached in his second term. How the hell did an impeachment in 1998 help Clinton get re-elected in 1996??

Try using words next time. They’re far more effective in a written format such as this forum.

I don't know what happened there. My words didn't make it! The applicable post is right above yours.
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.
not sure bout this poll, Nixon over Obama?
clinton at 55% while never getting more than 48% of the vote
Bush 41 ahead of Reagan whose coat tails he rode into the white house for one term and then losing to clinton who he is ranked ahead of and in turn is/are ranked ahead of Reagan
and then there is jimmy carter, a man who was so unpopular he probably envied Nixons resignation
Just to give an example of how flawed “disapproval” is, my mother thinks Trump is a disgusting human being for cheating on his wives and for talking about grabbing pussies, but at the same time she literally wept for over an hour when she thought Hillary might win because she voted for him and she hates Hillary.

My mom still thinks Trump is disgusting today and she will vote even more enthusiastically for him in 2020 because of the scum that the Democrats have become.

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!

If you would concentrate on the success of his policies, and how they've benefited the nation, and the world, you'd have no trouble in using glowing terms.
Uncouth ,uncaring ,inhumane, uneducated braggart who needs lost of attention are some glowing terms I can come up with

President, commander in chief, your daddy.
If you're happy with that dunce being your commander in chief so be it

Right, a man who became a multi billionaire, defeated over a dozen GOP candidates in the primary, then whooped Hillary's ass in the general is a dunce? Do you realize how stupid that sounds. You don't like Trump that's fine, but don't be stupid about it.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million votes. He narrowly won the electoral college due to VERY narrow margins of victory in 3 states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

How many votes did he lose California and New York by? Was it more than 3 million?

Thank you Founding Fathers for an Electoral College that works as designed!
Just to give an example of how flawed “disapproval” is, my mother thinks Trump is a disgusting human being for cheating on his wives and for talking about grabbing pussies, but at the same time she literally wept for over an hour when she thought Hillary might win because she voted for him and she hates Hillary.

My mom still thinks Trump is disgusting today and she will vote even more enthusiastically for him in 2020 because of the scum that the Democrats have become.

excellent point, we don't elect presidents to become pope (might be a bad analogy), we elect them to get the job done, keep the country safe, and preserve our rights and freedoms. Trump is a brash, crude talking New Yorker, millions of New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Bostonians talk exactly the same way. It actually means nothing.

We on the Right do....but for the Left/Democrats, it's cultish fascination....hence, Obama was their god, Jesus, and messiah.
We never anoint our candidates.

"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
Obama never had an equivalent to QAnon. QAnon is a textbook definition of a cult; and many Trump supporters are suckers.

Especially from those still hanging on while Trump has 60 percent disapproval.

You have yet to contribute anything I have ever read that would even resemble intelligent thought. Goodbye libtard!


I haven't seen a valid argument posted by you yet! Your hate-filled screeds are well known for being incredibly vapid.

There! I gave you a few words to look up!
The gallup poll has been measuring Presidential approval ratings since the 1940s, longer than any other company or organization involved in polling. Here is how the Presidents rank:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 39%

After nearly 2 years as President, having an overall approval rating of 39% is not a good place to be at. It may go up or down from here, but as time goes back, its likely to solidify around this number of 39%. Donald Trump has never had even a daily or weekly approval rating above 45%. There has never been a President with such a low probability of being re-elected based on the latest data.

Would that be the very same "data" that gave Trump no chance of being elected in the first place? I hate to point out the obvious here, U2...but the voters don't seem to care about your "data"!
No, it wouldn’t as Gallup made no such prediction in the 2016 election.
So why are they polling now?
What kind of dumbass question is that??

They’re polling job approval now, among other subjects. What does that have to do with election polls in 2016?

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