The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

I'd tell you how that has more to do with W. and the do-nothing congress, but you wouldn't understand.

That's great, but its still a fact that Obama has the worst average unemployment rate of any US President since the end of World War II. Debate why that is, but its not going to change that fact.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Why "since WWII"?

Because FDR also inherited a depression from a clueless Republican.

No, its because the Bureau of labor statistics did not start to compile monthly unemployment rates until January 1948 which is what the above statistics are based on. There are annual rates before 1948, but those are more difficult to find and not on the Bureau's website, plus they are not available for all years.

But The Bureau of labor statistics does have monthly unemployment rates listed for every month from January 1948 to December 2014. The average for the Presidents above come from the Bureau's chart which only goes back to January 1948.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Why "since WWII"?

Because FDR also inherited a depression from a clueless Republican.

No, its because the Bureau of labor statistics did not start to compile monthly unemployment rates until January 1948 which is what the above statistics are based on. There are annual rates before 1948, but those are more difficult to find and not on the Bureau's website, plus they are not available for all years.

But The Bureau of labor statistics does have monthly unemployment rates listed for every month from January 1948 to December 2014. The average for the Presidents above come from the Bureau's chart which only goes back to January 1948.
Explain why Ford's and Reagan's are so high, absent a depression, or even a recession anywhere close to what Obama inherited.
But government sure can eliminate jobs:

Public sector jobs -- positions in federal, state and local government -- have declined by 718,000 jobs since Obama took office, according to the economics blog Calculated Risk.

Under his Republican predecessor, President George W. Bush, the number of public sector jobs swelled by 1.75 million, the blog found.

There's a big caveat with the findings, though. Most of the public sector jobs lost during Obama's tenure are due to cutbacks at the state and local level, the study notes. While reductions in federal spending might have affected state and local employment, the decisions to reduce headcount would have been made at those local levels.
Big government under Obama? Not so much- MSN Money

Does Obama get blamed because Rick Scott or Scott Walker decide to fire thousands of state employees?
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%


What is "average unemployment rate"?

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

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The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%


What is "average unemployment rate"?

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

Oh, you mean a wingnut lied?

It must be a day just like every other day.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54% <-------------------should be 10.8%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

Oh, you mean a wingnut lied?

It must be a day just like every other day.

Seems to be the case.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

You conveniently leave out the fact that Obama has pulled us out of the W induced worst recession since the great depression. W left this country on the edge of ruin.

He did nothing of the sort. All recessions end. Normally, the sharper the recession, the more dramatic the rebound. This recession has been an exception to that rule. It's the slowest recovery we've had since the Great Depression. You can blame Obama for that. If he had just stayed out of the way, the economy would have been booming 2 years ago.

This is how the cons con America. They cause a total economic collapse, then obstruct all efforts to bring the economy back, and blame Obama. The GOP is Al Qaeda's best weapon.
Why "since WWII"?

Because FDR also inherited a depression from a clueless Republican.

No, its because the Bureau of labor statistics did not start to compile monthly unemployment rates until January 1948 which is what the above statistics are based on. There are annual rates before 1948, but those are more difficult to find and not on the Bureau's website, plus they are not available for all years.

But The Bureau of labor statistics does have monthly unemployment rates listed for every month from January 1948 to December 2014. The average for the Presidents above come from the Bureau's chart which only goes back to January 1948.
Explain why Ford's and Reagan's are so high, absent a depression, or even a recession anywhere close to what Obama inherited.

Many would argue that the 1981-1982 recession was worse than the 2008-2009 recession. The monthly unemployment rate got up to 10.8% in November 1982, higher than the 10% it reached under Obama. The rates continued to be high for some time.

Ford was not President for a long time, and during the months he was in office, the unemployment rate did reach 9% during one month.
No, its because the Bureau of labor statistics did not start to compile monthly unemployment rates until January 1948 which is what the above statistics are based on. There are annual rates before 1948, but those are more difficult to find and not on the Bureau's website, plus they are not available for all years.

But The Bureau of labor statistics does have monthly unemployment rates listed for every month from January 1948 to December 2014. The average for the Presidents above come from the Bureau's chart which only goes back to January 1948.
Explain why Ford's and Reagan's are so high, absent a depression, or even a recession anywhere close to what Obama inherited.

Many would argue that the 1981-1982 recession was worse than the 2008-2009 recession. The monthly unemployment rate got up to 10.8% in November 1982, higher than the 10% it reached under Obama. The rates continued to be high for some time.

Ford was not President for a long time, and during the months he was in office, the unemployment rate did reach 9% during one month.

Nobody with half a brain would argue that.

Name someone who takes that position.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%


What is "average unemployment rate"?

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

The 10.8% figure under Reagan was the monthly unemployment rate for November and December 1982. Its NOT an average!

The average unemployment rate for each of the Presidents in the list is obtained by adding up all the monthly unemployment numbers for each month that the President was in office and then dividing that number by the number of months they were in office. That is how you find out what the average unemployment rate was for the WHOLE time that President was in the White House.

Were not looking at a single month or a particular year. Were looking at the average for the whole time they were in office!
Explain why Ford's and Reagan's are so high, absent a depression, or even a recession anywhere close to what Obama inherited.

Many would argue that the 1981-1982 recession was worse than the 2008-2009 recession. The monthly unemployment rate got up to 10.8% in November 1982, higher than the 10% it reached under Obama. The rates continued to be high for some time.

Ford was not President for a long time, and during the months he was in office, the unemployment rate did reach 9% during one month.

Nobody with half a brain would argue that.

Name someone who takes that position.

Many economist do and if you were to just go by peak monthly unemployment, the 1982 recession was worse in that sense.

Another thing that made 1982 worse was INFLATION. The late 70s and early 80s saw very high inflation. If there is one thing that Obama has done well with the economy vs other Presidents its inflation. The inflation rates under Obama have been lower than most other Presidents.

So the 1982 recession had very high rates of unemployment, but in addition to that very high rates of inflation.

The "Misery Index" which is unemployment plus inflation, was far worse in 1981-1982 than in any year under Obama.

But there are other ways and metrics for measuring economic distress.

I'm not saying definitively that one recession was worse than the other, just that there is definitely a basis for arguing either way, as well as explaining why unemployment rates were high in the Reagan and Ford years.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%


What is "average unemployment rate"?

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

The 10.8% figure under Reagan was the monthly unemployment rate for November and December 1982. Its NOT an average!

The average unemployment rate for each of the Presidents in the list is obtained by adding up all the monthly unemployment numbers for each month that the President was in office and then dividing that number by the number of months they were in office. That is how you find out what the average unemployment rate was for the WHOLE time that President was in the White House.

Were not looking at a single month or a particular year. Were looking at the average for the whole time they were in office!

See the bottom graph? That is the BLS yearly rate.

Who made up this "average rate definition?"

If I came up with a measure, and found that the BLS didn't use such a thing, my first reaction would be to figure out what is wrong with my measure. Labor statistics is, after all, their job. And I don't see no numbers matching yours. So, without doing the calculations myself, I gotta go with the BLS.
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Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%


What is "average unemployment rate"?

The maximum yearly rate is still 1982 at 9.7%

The 10.8% figure under Reagan was the monthly unemployment rate for November and December 1982. Its NOT an average!

The average unemployment rate for each of the Presidents in the list is obtained by adding up all the monthly unemployment numbers for each month that the President was in office and then dividing that number by the number of months they were in office. That is how you find out what the average unemployment rate was for the WHOLE time that President was in the White House.

Were not looking at a single month or a particular year. Were looking at the average for the whole time they were in office!

See the bottom graph? That is the BLS yearly rate.

Who made up this "average rate definition?"

If I came up with a measure, and found that the BLS didn't use such a thing, my first reaction would be to figure out what is wrong with my measure. Labor statistics is, after all, their job. And I don't see no numbers matching yours. So, without doing the calculations myself, I gotta go with the BLS.

I'm using the BLS figures to come up with the average rate for the time period that each President spent in office. The BLS simply reports the monthly figure every month. It appears that have done averages for 12 month calander years as well. But you can do averages for any time period.

The time period I used was the average monthly rate for each President in office. It is the BLS data for each month added together and then divided by the number of months to produce the average rate.

If you think I got my math wrong, you can check it yourself. Its all BLS data right from the site.

The BLS does not list the unemployment rate averaged for individual decades, but you can find that out yourself with a little math work, in the same way they calculate the average rate for individual years. I've done precisely the same thing, the BLS has done with the average for individual years, except the time frame that I am using is the time in office for each President instead of an individual year.

All the BLS figures for each individual year are simply the 12 monthly rates added together and then divided by 12. Bush average unemployment rate while he was in office is simply the 96 months of unemployment rates added together and then divided by 96. Its the same process and uses the same DATA!
Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%
Another consequence of the Raygun White House. Along with tripling the national debt, after promising to balance the budget in his first four years.(one of many con lies) And selling chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, smuggling weapons to the Contras from the profits of cocaine deals with Noriega, and wasting a trillion dollars on the Star Wars fantasy. And then blaming it all on his Alzheimers. Now there's a con hero.

All that plus the two Shrubs destruction, really makes the whining the cons do about Benghazi and Obama care look really trivial and perverse. I guess their strategy is to try to demonize that, so maybe the country will forget how bad things are when cons are in power.
Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%
Another consequence of the Raygun White House. Along with tripling the national debt, after promising to balance the budget in his first four years.(one of many con lies) And selling chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, smuggling weapons to the Contras from the profits of cocaine deals with Noriega, and wasting a trillion dollars on the Star Wars fantasy. And then blaming it all on his Alzheimers. Now there's a con hero.

All that plus the two Shrubs destruction, really makes the whining the cons do about Benghazi and Obama care look really trivial and perverse. I guess their strategy is to try to demonize that, so maybe the country will forget how bad things are when cons are in power.

Are you drinking now or merely hung over?
Many would argue that the 1981-1982 recession was worse than the 2008-2009 recession. The monthly unemployment rate got up to 10.8% in November 1982, higher than the 10% it reached under Obama. The rates continued to be high for some time.

Ford was not President for a long time, and during the months he was in office, the unemployment rate did reach 9% during one month.

Nobody with half a brain would argue that.

Name someone who takes that position.

Many economist do and if you were to just go by peak monthly unemployment, the 1982 recession was worse in that sense.

Then you should have no trouble coming up with a link.
Odd, the BLS shows it to have been in 1982 at 10.8%
Another consequence of the Raygun White House. Along with tripling the national debt, after promising to balance the budget in his first four years.(one of many con lies) And selling chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, smuggling weapons to the Contras from the profits of cocaine deals with Noriega, and wasting a trillion dollars on the Star Wars fantasy. And then blaming it all on his Alzheimers. Now there's a con hero.

All that plus the two Shrubs destruction, really makes the whining the cons do about Benghazi and Obama care look really trivial and perverse. I guess their strategy is to try to demonize that, so maybe the country will forget how bad things are when cons are in power.

Also including the deaths of 241 U.S. service personnel in the 1983 Beirut bombing due to Reagan's security negligence.

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