The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

You still have the hots for Hillary ?

Yes, after a bottle or two of Stoli, Hillary very hot.

Like hot babushka!!


So hot!
/——-/ Wrong again, Spanky.
You idiot. Ultraviolet light is not INJECTED foolish. That’s his own BS appointee CYA. So you actually believe. First you said it NEVER HAPPENED, NOW YOU SAY ITS TRUE. What a BS artist you are.
Let’s look at your responses.
first, he didn’t say it,
secomd, he was right, if he did say it,
now, after finding out he didn’t mean it and backs off having said it and was really being sarcastic, what say you now ?

Hilarious. You Humpers tie yourselves up in knots trying to defend the indefensible, the liar in chief.
/——-/ I shot holes your TDS rant with medical facts. So suck it up Sparky.
And the sun was responsible for the uranium being here.
Yup…you posted that several times. You keep saying it collapsed into the earth and sun….your words, not mine…..
Why, because all energy here on earth comes from the sun.
Bet your ass. We don’t exist without it. Kind of stupid to think otherwise. How ignorant do you have to be ?
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Yup…you posted that several times. You keep saying it collapsed into the earth and sun….your words, not mine…..

Bet your ass. We don’t exist without it. Kind of stupid to think otherwise. How ignorant do you have to be ?

You keep saying it collapsed into the earth and sun….your words, not mine…..

You think there was no uranium in the cloud of gas and dust?

Tell me, how did the Sun's energy or the Sun's gravity give Earth uranium?

Maybe when you sober up you can explain?
You keep saying it collapsed into the earth and sun….your words, not mine…..

You think there was no uranium in the cloud of gas and dust?

Tell me, how did the Sun's energy or the Sun's gravity give Earth uranium?

Maybe when you sober up you can explain?
Tell me what you mean by collapse…..

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