The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

And you have a comprehension problem, like most dems.
Do you need help on English grammar ?
/——-/ Breaking News, moron.
compared to the ruling on the Trump secrete material…..any special master involved
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/——-/ No, that was Fauci, your hero.
Obviously, anyone who devotes their life to medical science should be a hero to mankind. Just wonder why he isn’t one of yours. I know. Just like all the scientist who spend their in science that you don’t understand, you find it easier to criticize then educate yourself. Being ignorant is easier. It takes no effort.
Obviously, anyone who devotes their life to medical science should be a hero to mankind. Just wonder why he isn’t one of yours. I know. Just like all the scientist who spend their in science that you don’t understand, you find it easier to criticize then educate yourself. Being ignorant is easier. It takes no effort.
/——/ Trump got the Covid info from Fauci, you dumbass.
/——/ Trump got the Covid info from Fauci, you dumbass.
That’s hilarious. Fauci never recommended looking into drinking industrial surface cleaners.
Fauci never said civil would be gone two years ago without vaccinations. .fausi is nonwhere in the picture...just super idiot Trump.
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That’s hilarious. Fauci never recommended looking into drinking industrial surface cleaners.
Fauci never said civil would be gone two years ago without vaccinations. .fausi is nonwhere in the picture...just super idiot Trump.

/——-/ I stopped reading at your first lie. Neither President Trump or Fauci recommended looking into drinking industrial surface cleaners.

Hillary never got Covid.

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