The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

You mentioned them in response to my comment that "Neither home schooling nor social distancing require any businesses to shutdown, moron." Given the context you implied schools were businesses. Now you're trying to change the subject.


Nah, you're just a fucking moron.

Tell me again how shutting down schools all across the nation didn't cost anyone their job.

That was hysterical. :lmao:
Science does not address gender at all, it is not a term of science, but of literature.
/——-/ Biology is science, moron.
  • Gender is determined by two biological factors: hormones and chromosomes. Hormones are chemical substances secreted by glands throughout the body and carried in the bloodstream. The same sex hormones occur in both men and women, but differ in amounts and in the effect that they have upon different parts of the body.

Biological Theories of Gender | Simply Psychology

/——-/ Biology is science, moron.
  • Gender is determined by two biological factors: hormones and chromosomes. Hormones are chemical substances secreted by glands throughout the body and carried in the bloodstream. The same sex hormones occur in both men and women, but differ in amounts and in the effect that they have upon different parts of the body.

Biological Theories of Gender | Simply Psychology

Thanks for the link proving my point...

People often get confused between the terms sex and gender. Sex refers to biological differences between males and females. For example, chromosomes (female XX, male XY), reproductive organs (ovaries, testes), hormones (oestrogen, testosterone).

Gender refers to the cultural differences expected (by society / culture) of men and women according to their sex.
How about Poopeypants killing all those people even though he had the vaccine?
The people who died at the highest rates were the idiots who refused to take the vaccine….the Humpers and deniers.

They were the vast majority who had to be hospitalized. Are you through making up shit, or will this continue till Trump is wearing an Orange jump suit.
Trump was responsible for disseminating false information leading to deaths and sicknesses that were totally unnecessary. You’re actually excusing a moron for lying every-time he opened his mouth during a pandemic.
Fauci, Biden and Pelosi spewed far more false information

when the president took bold and decisive action closing the border to China early on in late January, Joe Biden lambasted the decision and called him “xenophobic” for blocking travel to the United States despite China being a known hotspot for the deadly virus. In March, Biden was still unwilling to admit the president made the right call in closing the border. He tweeted: “Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.”
In February, Nancy Pelosi also downplayed the virus by going shopping in San Francisco’s Chinatown area — without a mask — urging fellow Americans on television to do the same. When will the media ask Pelosi how many citizens may have contracted the disease and/or died from it as a result of her incautious advice?
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Fauci, Biden and Pelosi spewed far more false information
We know Trump lied about Covid being gone two years ago without vaccinations. We know he tried to scam false un proven meds. Give us ONE LIE FAUCI SAID IN A FULL QUOTE…not shit you made up or got from Fix News, but one actual quote with a reference to the full article. Just one….can’t do it can you ?
We know Trump lied about Covid being gone two years ago without vaccinations. We know he tried to scam false un proven meds. Give us ONE LIE FAUCI SAID IN A FULL QUOTE…not shit you made up or got from Fix News, but one actual quote with a reference to the full article. Just one….can’t do it can you ?
We know you spew nothing but horseshit.
All you have to do is post one quote from Fauci, and you can’t do it. That means you’re FOS. That’s short hand for…….
Be a man. Go ahead. Post just one full quote of Fauci.
I don't waste my time posting substantive responses to douchebags who do nothing but lie.
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