The Press is on the side of the Democrats


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
No deal yet as possible government shutdown looms - Yahoo! News

The press is clearly siding with the Democrats on the Budget show down, reporting as in this report indicating that somehow it is the Republicans fault the Democrats won't get serious about cutting the Budget.

The Democrats don't want any cuts and want to spend us into oblivion. The claim that because they NOW will agree to 33 billion in cuts does not somehow change the fact they won't agree to any meaningful cuts.

Claiming that, as in years past, when the dems did it, one can not bring up issues like the EPA, which Obama has made to powerful illegally, in the budget discussion is a red herring designed to couch the debate in terms the Dems think they can win. The Fact the report indicates Obama thinks he is safe is further proof these people just don't get it.
Ah yes. Just use the budget to destroy everything good about this nation.

The Democrats are failing to fight back enough. They should be on the stump exposing the agenda of these oligarchs night and day.

Yes, there are cuts that have to be made. And there are taxes that have to be raised. Doing one without the other will not solve the problem.

It is the GOP that has been completely dishonest on this. The American Middle Class continues to shrink as the GOP continues the class war at the bidding of oligarchs like the Koch brothers. Wisconson and the other states where the Teabaggers are making war on our teachers and public worker are just a foretaste of the union busting to come if these people are allowed to continue their agenda. Far past time to push back hard.
Dems had all last year to pass a budget for this year and failed to do so. If they don't like the budgets that the House is passing, maybe they should of passed one when they had the chance.
Ah yes. Just use the budget to destroy everything good about this nation.

The Democrats are failing to fight back enough. They should be on the stump exposing the agenda of these oligarchs night and day.

Yes, there are cuts that have to be made. And there are taxes that have to be raised. Doing one without the other will not solve the problem.

It is the GOP that has been completely dishonest on this. The American Middle Class continues to shrink as the GOP continues the class war at the bidding of oligarchs like the Koch brothers. Wisconson and the other states where the Teabaggers are making war on our teachers and public worker are just a foretaste of the union busting to come if these people are allowed to continue their agenda. Far past time to push back hard.

The agenda that needs to be exposed is the liberal agenda being pushed by Obama. You cannot spend your way out of recession. Massive budget cuts are needed to balance the budget. Entitlement spending is the root of our fiscal problems and waiting to do something about it down the road will only perpetuate the problem. Obama's campaign rhetoric stated that he was committed to change and reform. The main things that need to be reformed, Medicare and Social Security, are still draining the nation.

The things that are best about this nation are not free handouts. When America was founded its people valued personal achievement and local charity. When a family was in need it was the individuals and families in the community which came to there aid, not the government. We ran budget surpluses back then. The ideas of people of many backgrounds working together to be successful, people being proud of what they personally accomplished, and people giving back their community are what make America great. Government handouts make people dependent on the government, giving it more power. It destorys the incentive to work hard and achieve beyond expectations.

The Democrats need to wake and realize that their fantasy is over. America has woken up and everyone, Republicans included, need to start being more fiscally responsible. This starts now, not in 5 or 10 years. The hole is deep enough.
No deal yet as possible government shutdown looms - Yahoo! News

The press is clearly siding with the Democrats on the Budget show down, reporting as in this report indicating that somehow it is the Republicans fault the Democrats won't get serious about cutting the Budget.

The Democrats don't want any cuts and want to spend us into oblivion. The claim that because they NOW will agree to 33 billion in cuts does not somehow change the fact they won't agree to any meaningful cuts.

Claiming that, as in years past, when the dems did it, one can not bring up issues like the EPA, which Obama has made to powerful illegally, in the budget discussion is a red herring designed to couch the debate in terms the Dems think they can win. The Fact the report indicates Obama thinks he is safe is further proof these people just don't get it.

Issues like the EPA?

Oh, I forgot. When Sarge sees this, he sees waste:


He sees this as "progress":


Green space and preserved land are essential to the environment and to the continuation of our country in general. This fact does not excuse the overreaching of the EPA. They are a severe roadblock to progress. Yes companies need to be environmentally responsible, but there need not be the level of restrictions that are beginning to be enforced now. America needs to tap some of its easily accessable natural resources. These include natural reserves of oil, natural gas, and rare minerals. Extraction and refinement techniques are becoming cleaner and more efficient as technology progresses. An article in the current issue of Time magazine addresses the availability of natural gas here in the US and throughout the world.

Not only would this decrease our dependence on foreign fuels and cost of imports, it would create thousands of skilled jobs, in the country. This would also inspire more research into cleaner refinement methods and alternate fuel sources.
No deal yet as possible government shutdown looms - Yahoo! News

The press is clearly siding with the Democrats on the Budget show down, reporting as in this report indicating that somehow it is the Republicans fault the Democrats won't get serious about cutting the Budget.

The Democrats don't want any cuts and want to spend us into oblivion. The claim that because they NOW will agree to 33 billion in cuts does not somehow change the fact they won't agree to any meaningful cuts.

Claiming that, as in years past, when the dems did it, one can not bring up issues like the EPA, which Obama has made to powerful illegally, in the budget discussion is a red herring designed to couch the debate in terms the Dems think they can win. The Fact the report indicates Obama thinks he is safe is further proof these people just don't get it.

Issues like the EPA?

Oh, I forgot. When Sarge sees this, he sees waste:


He sees this as "progress":



Why a picture of pollution in China?


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