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The prez, shrub, didn't throw away his medal or did he?

Just as I figured, Psycho. You complain about the replies, but then when someone tries to engage you in a serious discussion you disappear and/or avoid the questions.

My advice: Take 3 Advil and a tall glass of water, it'll help avoid the headache in the morning.
Ok the guy drinks Busch, we are not talking Rhodes Scholar here.

How many so far tonight Psycho?
'Scuse me. I had to go get another case of Busch. I made a certain statement or two. Others here have chosen to attack me rather than comment on the statements. I can dig that. It's avoidance in the first degree, but that's a common ploy by ignoramces, don't you agree?

Seriously, SE, ocassionally we do have serious and thoughtful discussions here, don't you think? Sorry to single you out here, Bud, but you make more sense than anyone else I've seen in this conversation, and I thank you for it.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
'Scuse me. I had to go get another case of Busch. I made a certain statement or two. Others here have chosen to attack me rather than comment on the statements. I can dig that. It's avoidance in the first degree, but that's a common ploy by ignoramces, don't you agree?

Seriously, SE, ocassionally we do have serious and thoughtful discussions here, don't you think? Sorry to single you out here, Bud, but you make more sense than anyone else I've seen in this conversation, and I thank you for it.

Another part of the Dem SOP. Project your own flaws onto your opponent. Where has anyone avoided your assinine open ended lie? Where have you responded to Jim's question?

:alco: :trolls:
When a woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost, she lowered altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me Sir, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am!"

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon approximately 30 feet above sea level. You are 48 degrees 14.97 minutes North latitude and 100 degrees 49.09 minutes West longitude."

She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a Conservative." "I am," replied the man. "How did you guess?" Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."

The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Liberal." "I am," replied the balloonist. How did you know?" "Well" said the man, "You don't know where you are, or where you're going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You've made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect ME to solve your problem. You're in EXACTLY the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's MY fault"
Proof, PROOF? The fuckin' Republicans spent $100,000,000, that's one hundred million dollars of our tax money to prove a $40,000, that's forty thousand dollars, real estate windfall for Bill Clinton only to find that he actually lost money on that business endeavor but persued anyway until they found out that he got a blow job from an intern that went to Washington intent on giveing the prez a nob job. But now you ask me for PROOF?

I can post here and comment as I see the big picture. You have to go get the "proof" that you're looking for on your own. I'm convinced and that's good enough for me. On the other hand, I have posted verified factual evidence that has been likewise ridiculed and discounted by idiots that refuse to research or intelligently refute but the question remains. Go figure?

I look for and desire information that I can make a qualified discernment. I get some of that infrequently here, but I do sometimes get it. That's my game, what's yours?
WTF are you talking about and what does that have to do with Bush? You started a thread on Bush and now you deflect to the 90's. Clinton was a corrupt mother f'er that has cost this nation a great deal. The media won't cover it, the left ignores it and now America has to pay for it.

The GOP knew the damage he was doing to the country so they tried to get him however they could. There was enough shit in Whitewater and all the other scandals surrounding Clinton. However, the media never would cover it. Clinton should be in prison frankly (his admin jailed many people for lying under oath in civil cases). Hell, beyond that, he was a loser because of all the other shit he did to this country and that have been plaguing us for the last four years; that the Media blames on Bush. Clinton screwed us bad and we are paying for it. Look past your partisan nose and see the light brother! We have a major hill ahead of us and Bush is the right man to lead the charge up that hill. We would not be facing the problems we have been over the last four years if it were not for Clinton.

1. Clinton ignored terrorism cuz he didn't want to disrupt the economy - which was keeping him in power.

2. He drove us into an energy crisis that finally collapsed right after Bush took office.

3. He let the economy get out of control - again, to keep his poll numbers up and himself in office.

I could go on and on and on......
Please do, freeandfun1. As if you haven't already gone on and on. Everything you said is shallowminded propagadised bullshit, so please do, go on and on. You expose yourself with every word.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Please do, freeandfun1. As if you haven't already gone on and on. Everything you said is shallow minded propagandized bullshit, so please do, go on and on. You expose yourself with every word.

Dude, when did all the corporate corruption take place?
When was it exposed?
Why did California build no energy plants during the 90's?
Why did Clinton not get bin Laden when he had the chance?
Why did Clinton do nothing after being attacked several times?
Why didn't Clinton go to jail for perjury?
Tell us about Global X-ing

He was corrupt. I can prove it and you just ignore it. There is so much documentation of Clinton being involved with very shady characters.

He is buddies with George Soros, who takes credit for overthrowing several Eastern bloc governments through his monetary power. Soros broke the back of the working men and women of England when he shorted the pound in 1992 driving England into a recession. He nearly bankrupted several Asian countries shorting their currencies while buddying up to Clinton in the late 90's. (the collapse of the Asian economy is what directly ended up affecting our economy in 2001. As long as the Asians had $$ they were buying US products and services to upgrade their countries. Soros shorted their currencies, driving them into deep recessions and they stopped buying US products and services).

Soros is a nasty man and one of Clinton's buddies. Look at Marc Rich, c'mon man, who was corrupt? Clinton! Who put this country into a recession? Clinton!

It is not propaganda, it is the truth and you can't handle it.

Bush should be getting way more credit for what he has accomplished than he is. Sure, the war is a no win situation. I truly believe that. But I don't view Iraq as the War. I view the WOT as the WOT and Iraq as just a battle in the WOT. Do you realize that D-Day was just one battle? That is what Iraq is. It is major battle of the WOT just like Afghanistan was, just like the battles in the Philippines are, and just like the battles against other countries in the future will be. This is a never ending war I am afraid, but that is what we were dealt. We didn't attack them first. A matter-of-fact, Clinton ignored em. Now Bush is having to confront it. He confronted the shit economy Clinton left us and he has done a hell of a job. He is trying to confront the energy crisis Clinton left us, but he is having a harder time with that because the environmentalists are fighting him on it. If the environmentalists that supported Clinton so much had been paying attention, they would have conceded that 1980's technology was not enough to support the growing demand being caused through immigration and natural domestic growth.

Clinton was in office for eight years..... answer this one question....

What did Clinton do to alleviate the developing problems being created by a demand that was, or was soon going to be, far exceeding the capability of our national energy program to support?
SE, Clinton was not and is not "profit oriented to the expense of the ignorant". Now, I don't pretend that you might give that statement a just consideration, but just in the event you do, consider that Bill Clinton had no serious national or international business interests prior to his very credible and positive election. Consider the present. And consider all that has transpired since Jan. 20, 2001. I think the business interests are undeniable and to hell with us pions that must strive for a living.

But, my thoughts and opinions have been formulated in the recollection and activities of over 30 years in the political process. I've voted Republican, Democratic, even independent on occasion. I find the Democratic Party, although flawed, more to the benefit of living, breathing Americans and the Republican Party rather sacrosanct and detrimental to anything that I might appreciate and to working people in general. But that's my experience as a worker, a voter, an elected politician, a veteran and as an American. I can certainly understand any opposing view provided the opposition is qualified beyond personal bashing and clear attacks of me and not the subjects that I propose for discussion.

Those attackers are just silly, at least in my opinion.
Clinton failed more due to inaction than anything. He has profited dearly from his activities in the 90's. Go ahead and ignore them. The difference is that Bush and Co. have never hid the fact that they are businessmen. Hell, that is what the conservative movement is about. The founding fathers wanted the country to be run by business and legal leaders and not career politicians.
You can't debate on facts so you have ignored specific points that I have outlined. Why are facts silly? Because they don't support your view?

Debate me on any one of the FACTS that I outlined. If you feel I have said anything I cannot support with FACTS, let me know.
I've seen your outlines. I haven't seen any facts that you've backed up with sourses or any sense of realities. Do you care to expound on your ridiculous assertions?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I've seen your outlines. I haven't seen any facts that you've backed up with sourses or any sense of realities. Do you care to expound on your ridiculous assertions?

You arent really in a position to be demanding that people back up what they say with facts. The fact is, we wouldnt even be talking about Clinton if you just got off your lazy behind and backed up what you were saying about Bush with facts rather than trying to deflect it onto Clinton. And im sure tommorrow youll be saying "You Neocons cant get over Clinton" When you brought him up to begin with.

The fact is Clinton screwed this country. And heck he is still trying to screw this country.

Two points that havent been mentioned about the Clinton administration.

Sale of Nuclear tech. to the Chinese

That horrendous "peace" accord with North Korea where we build them power plants and give them food if the promise not to build nuclear weapons. Well we all saw where that got us didnt we?
Good. now that we've got all the personal shit resolved, would you care to comment on the substance of the ideology I propose? Or will you just continue your personal attacks and ignore facts, perceived or not?
Damnit, Avatar, I didn't bring up Clinton. I NEVER bring up Clinton. I can't imagine why anyone might want to bring up Clinton except for his all-encompassing penis. These right-wing extremists always bring up Clinton. I guess they have no other obsession. I only respond occassionally. As it entertains me, don't you dig it? In this case, I did NOT bring his name up. That came from the bowels of the jerks that like to diminish the importance of the conversations on this board and genuine American Politic. NOT ME!!!!!!

OK, I'll calm down now. Really, will the wannabees ever forgive Clinton for not making them filthy rich? Can't we just expect a respectable living?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Damnit, Avatar, I didn't bring up Clinton. I NEVER bring up Clinton. I can't imagine why anyone might want to bring up Clinton except for his all-encompassing penis. These right-wing extremists always bring up Clinton. I guess they have no other obsession. I only respond occassionally. As it entertains me, don't you dig it? In this case, I did NOT bring his name up. That came from the bowels of the jerks that like to diminish the importance of the conversations on this board and genuine American Politic. NOT ME!!!!!!

OK, I'll calm down now. Really, will the wannabees ever forgive Clinton for not making them filthy rich? Can't we just expect a respectable living?
We bring up Clinton because idiots like you blame everything on Bush. Therefore, we have to point out to you that he was left a hell of a mess to clean up.

You have not brought up one legitimate topic. I really have to believe that either a) you are just here to start crap cuz that is how you get your jollies or b) you are just really stupid.

What point would you like to discuss? The economy? Bush has done an excellent job on the economy, so you can't go there.

So how about defense? Well, Bush is doing the best he can with the shit pile that he was left so you can't go there.

How about education? Again, Clinton paid off the unions by hiring more teachers and administrators but did nothing for real education, so now Bush is having to clean that up....

I made a boat load of money in the 90's so for that I am happy. But so what? The world is fucked and our country is fucked all because Billy Bob did nothing.

If you want to debate some issues, bring something up. Oh, wait, if you did that, you would have to face facts.

Okay, now go ahead and blab some BS about how I can't debate while you continue to offer nothing to discuss but rhetoric that once proven wrong, you will continue to spew.

You must be one ignorant f'n fool.

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