The pro-Hamas crazies at Oakland City Council meeting

Frankfurt school oops sorry about this lol. Now you know how whites have been targeted in their own countries. NO love lost.
Americans sitting on city councils don't sacrifice their First Amendment right. Anyone who isn't criticizing the mass murder going on in Gaza today is supporting genocide. The State Department has been ignoring Zionist lies since the IDF murdered 34 Americans 56 years ago.
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49 Years On, Still No "Explanation" for USS Liberty Attack

I didn't say they had no right to make a statement, but it's irrelevant what one city in another country has to say.
We all knew from the start of this, that with all the Jew hate there is around the world, that Israel would have a very limited amount of time to operate. Hopefully they will have enough time to destroy your Hamas buddies.
What did Henry know that you don't?

Fact Check: Did Kissinger say he'd be antisemitic if he wasn't Jewish?

"Kissinger: 'If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.... Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.'"
Interestingly, recently, PBS aired an hour long documentary on the Palestinian and Israeli people, so I watched it and plan to re-watch it again hoping to learn some things. Predictably, they took us inside both the lives of the Israelis and a Palestinian family, and there were no bad guys: both sides have their good and normal people. Genetically, both groups are essentially cousins to each other according to haplogroups, and both sides have both made their mistakes and faux pas in the organization of territory through history, with Israel naturally exploiting any opportunities to take over unused areas for their own expansion.

But what I found most curious in the PBS documentary, was that not once nowhere in the entire hour-long program was the word Hamas ever mentioned, much less any discussion of their existence, activities or history there.
It sounds like liberal PBS is taking the “both sides are equal” approach, which of course requires them to omit the barbaric behavior of baby cooking and toddler beheading on just one side.
We all knew from the start of this, that with all the Jew hate there is around the world, that Israel would have a very limited amount of time to operate. Hopefully they will have enough time to destroy your Hamas buddies.
Gd-willing, we will have a Republican back in the White House 13 months from now, and the funding and support of Jew-hating Muslims will come to a halt. One problem is that by then, Obama/Biden/Jarrett will have organized a mass importation of them into this country.
There is War against Gaza. They attacked and chose War. Your War of words is meaningless Pravda.
The "War" began long before 7 October 2023 or about the time Huj became Sderot
Gaza’s Past and Present Explained

The suffering of Sderot: how its true inhabitants were wiped from

"The inhabitants of Huj were all Palestinian Arab Muslims and, irony of ironies, they got on well with the Jews of Palestine.

"We have to thank the Israeli historian Benny Morris for uncovering their story, which is as grim as it is filled with sorrow.

"Huj’s day of destiny came on 31 May 1948, when the Israeli Negev Brigade’s 7th Battalion, facing an advancing Egyptian army, arrived in the village. In Morris’s words, 'the brigade expelled the villagers of Huj … to the Gaza Strip'"
Map of Israel in the Middle East. Other than 1% of the land mass, the entire area has been rendered Judenfrei. Now the antisemites want to wipe Jews out of the remaining 1% (less really):

Notice in the video, a couple of these fruitcakes are still wearing masks.

A resistance organization they say ? Hmmm, so what kind of resistance organization does what Hamas done on October the 7th ? Answer - NONE who are legitimate resistance organizations, otherwise even if there is such a thing.

One man's right is another man's wrong, but that's why we had the teachings by Jesus and the prophets in order to show the world the error of it's ways. Losing Jesus leads to chaos and anarchy. FACT.

Kicking someone off of a land because they can't live peacefully upon that land, is a world apart from what Hamas done on that horrific day. On that day, they went from this so called resistance title to wearing the title of barbarism, and shamefully becoming a barbaric people that can never be trusted again.

Hopefully the situation will place Israel in charge of it's right to live against those who think otherwise, and prove to the world who the rightful people of the land truly is, and should always be.

The heinous acts of Hamas on October the 7th, destroyed whatever right it thought it had or was gaining by it's actions that it showed within it's true colors now exposed.

Trust is earned, and the Palastinian's will have a long long time getting back that trust, if it ever does.
A resistance organization they say ? Hmmm, so what kind of resistance organization does what Hamas done on October the 7th ? Answer - NONE who are legitimate resistance organizations, otherwise even if there is such a thing.

One man's right is another man's wrong, but that's why we had the teachings by Jesus and the prophets in order to show the world the error of it's ways. Losing Jesus leads to chaos and anarchy. FACT.

Kicking someone off of a land because they can't live peacefully upon that land, is a world apart from what Hamas done on that horrific day. On that day, they went from this so called resistance title to wearing the title of barbarism, and shamefully becoming a barbaric people that can never be trusted again.

Hopefully the situation will place Israel in charge of it's right to live against those who think otherwise, and prove to the world who the rightful people of the land truly is, and should always be.

The heinous acts of Hamas on October the 7th, destroyed whatever right it thought it had or was gaining by it's actions that it showed within it's true colors now exposed.

Trust is earned, and the Palastinian's will have a long long time getting back that trust, if it ever does.
And yet, we have leftists on this thread diverting from what the HAMAS barbarians did and instead condemning Israel, blaming it for the savagery (saying the Jews “provoked” it), and saying what Israel needs to do in order to solve the problem.

With some people, it’s ALWAYS the Jews’ fault. Never mind that the Gazans have been offered peace deals in the past, and they always rejected them because they required acceptance of Israel’s right to exist.
Great to see the US war effort involving the Isrsaeli terrorists as their proxy has been thwarted .
The Israeli economy is battered and they are spending over $260 million a day to pursue their Child Killing plans

Now the world sees who the real Child Killers are and how it took a planned False flag on October 7 th to allow the Nutty Yahoo extremists off- leash .

Stupid US is walking into another humiliation .
I lived in Oaktown for about a decade. My son became such a target of racial abuse in schools that we uprooted our lives and moved 600 miles away.
What a shame.... Trust me I know what being targeted because of my skin color is all about. After the desegregation of the public school's in the 60s, we became a rural minority of white's that were forced to go to a majority black school, and this was due to the lines being redrawn according to ones residence or address, and also because of desegregation being done in a very lopsided way when it came to the implementation of the civil rights agenda going forward back then.

It was tough, but it never made me a racist. You gotta be a complete idiot to judge anyone on their skin color, and not upon the content of their character.

Martin Luther King got it exactly right when he said that the nation longed to see the day that a person is judged "NOT" upon the basis of their skin color, but upon the basis of the contents of their Character. AMEN.

Sad you had to move your family like that, but it's understood totally.

Hell black's are moving to get away from bad black's. Think about that one. It's truly madness or derelict to not profile one's character or even a groups character if they are being bad as an individual or as a group (bad gangs for example in the group analogy).
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I lived in Oaktown for about a decade. My son became such a target of racial abuse in schools that we uprooted our lives and moved 600 miles away.
What a shame.... Trust me I know what being targeted because of my skin color is all about. After the desegregation of the public school's in the 60s, we became a rural minority of white's that were forced to go to a majority black school, and this was due to the lines being redrawn according to ones residence or address, and also because of desegregation being done in a very lopsided way when it came to the implementation of the civil rights agenda going forward back then.

It was tough, but it never made me a racist. You gotta be a complete idiot to judge anyone on their skin color, and not upon the content of their character.

Martin Luther King got it exactly right when he said that the nation longed to see the day that a person is judged "NOT" on the basis of their skin color, but upon the basis of the contents of their Character. AMEN.
Yep in the late 70s thru the 90s The Far Right JBS & Kluxers & Haters of Joooos used the USS Liberty incident to bludgeon Israel , now the American Far Left & Left have Been passed the Tiki Torch
It's always been the left, they just were experts at blaming it all on the Union troops that whooped their ace's back in the day. 😂

After the civil war, the propaganda leading up to where we are as a nation today, was put into full motion by the butt hurt leftist who lost that war.

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