The Problem With Susan Rice and Manufactured Outrage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
If you want to understand this so-called “problem” by Ambassador Rice, I highly suggest you read this blog post by JAMES BRUNO @ DIPLO DENIZEN: The Problem With Susan Rice and Manufactured Outrage

"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," Senator John McCain told reporters following an hour-and-a-half meeting with Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the UN and reputed Obama favorite to succeed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Troubled by what answers exactly? Whether the lethal attack on Consulate Benghazi was sparked by a mob enraged over an anti-Islamic film, or by an organized terrorist action? Who had removed a talking point during an interagency clearance process?

Nister Bruno goes on to explain the process as one who was there and did that.

<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.
Deflection that doesn't address the important questions. Who left our people unprotected and why? Who failed (refused?) to send aid and why? Was the military told to stand down? What is being treated as a minor miscalculation is in fact a case of multiple murder and needs to be investigated with the seriousness it deserves. Those were Americans who were murdered and Americans deserve to know whose negligence allowed that to happen and that they are punished accordingly. We're still waiting.
Here's what bugs me about this whole episode...

Our embassies and consulates are the responsibility of the State Department, headed by Hillary Clinton. On the organization chart of the SD, below Hillary are a few deputies and whatnot and below them are six departments, each run by an Under Secretary and responsible for...Political Affairs, Economic Growth, Energy, & Environment, Arms Control, etc., Public Diplomacy, Civilian Security, and Management. The Under Secretary for Management is a guy named Patrick F. Kennedy.

Kennedy has eleven departments or whatever reporting to him, several of which are led by Assistant Secretaries. One of the Assistant Secretaries is Eric J. Boswell who heads up the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which the State Department's website says is "the security and law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State." It further states, "Diplomatic Security plays a vital role in protecting U.S. embassies and personnel overseas, securing critical information systems, investigating passport and visa fraud, and fighting the war on terror."(emphasis added)

So now the terrible events of 9/11/12 take place. And virtually the entire attack is followed in almost real-time at the Diplomatic Security Command Center in Washington, according to sworn congressional testimony by Charlene Lamb of the the State Department in which she described machine gun fire, explosions, raging fires, etc., etc., all of which resulted in the death of our ambassador and three other Americans.

Five days after that is Sunday and leading up to it the bookers for five TV political talk shows had contacted the White House asking for someone from the administration to appear and explain to their viewers what had happened. Does the White House send them Ms. Lamb or Asst. Secretary Boswell or Under Secretary Kennedy or even Secretary of State Clinton? Nope. Instead of one of the people in the direct chain of command from Benghazi to Washington, and responsible for the safety and security of our ambassador and the others, the administration sends out their ambassador to the United Nations. And from her we got a bunch of bullshit about a video protest that spun out of control, and two weeks later in front of the U.N. our president repeatedly regurgitated the same crap rather than simply admitting a terrorist plot was planned and executed.

But all that seems perfectly okay with most of the folks on the left. And that's life in America today...
If you want to understand this so-called “problem” by Ambassador Rice, I highly suggest you read this blog post by JAMES BRUNO @ DIPLO DENIZEN: The Problem With Susan Rice and Manufactured Outrage

"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," Senator John McCain told reporters following an hour-and-a-half meeting with Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the UN and reputed Obama favorite to succeed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Troubled by what answers exactly? Whether the lethal attack on Consulate Benghazi was sparked by a mob enraged over an anti-Islamic film, or by an organized terrorist action? Who had removed a talking point during an interagency clearance process?

Nister Bruno goes on to explain the process as one who was there and did that.


its an interesting article. i don't know anything about the blogger, but it certainly hits mccain's fauxrage and bitterness.
If you want to understand this so-called “problem” by Ambassador Rice, I highly suggest you read this blog post by JAMES BRUNO @ DIPLO DENIZEN: The Problem With Susan Rice and Manufactured Outrage

"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," Senator John McCain told reporters following an hour-and-a-half meeting with Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the UN and reputed Obama favorite to succeed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Troubled by what answers exactly? Whether the lethal attack on Consulate Benghazi was sparked by a mob enraged over an anti-Islamic film, or by an organized terrorist action? Who had removed a talking point during an interagency clearance process?

Nister Bruno goes on to explain the process as one who was there and did that.


its an interesting article. i don't know anything about the blogger, but it certainly hits mccain's fauxrage and bitterness.

you mean the loonatic lefts faux outrage at a manufactured tale of McCain's supposed "fauxrage and bitterness." yeah we get that.
Rice losing moderate Senator's support...
New Blow for Susan Rice: Moderate Senator Voices Concern
November 28, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — A moderate Republican senator, vital to any White House hopes of getting U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice confirmed as secretary of state, said Wednesday she couldn't back any nomination until more questions are answered about the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Libya and Rice's State Department role during the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing in Kenya.
In a fresh suggestion of eroding GOP support for Rice, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine emerged from a 90-minute, closed-door meeting with the ambassador voicing new criticism of her initial account about Libya. Collins also questioned what Rice, the assistant secretary of state for African Affairs in the Clinton administration, knew about requests for enhanced embassy security before the Nairobi truck bombing. Pressed on how she would vote if President Barack Obama names Rice to succeed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Collins said, "I would need to have additional information before I could support her nomination."

President Barack Obama came to Rice's defense during a Cabinet meeting, calling her "extraordinary" and saying he couldn't be prouder of the job she has done as U.N. ambassador. Cabinet members joined Obama in applauding Rice, who attended the meeting. Obama has not named a replacement for Clinton, who has said she intends to step down soon. At the State Department, Clinton was asked about her possible replacement. "Susan Rice has done a great job as our ambassador to the United Nations," Clinton said. "Of course, this decision about my successor is up to the president, but I am very happy he has the opportunity with a second term to make a decision."

The misgivings from Collins, the top Republican on the Homeland Security Committee, came one day after three other GOP senators said they would try to block Rice's nomination. Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire said they were more troubled than ever by Rice's answers on Libya even though the ambassador conceded that her much-maligned first explanation was wrong. In an unusual move, Rice and acting CIA Director Michael Morell have held two days of private meetings with Republican senators in hopes of assuaging their concerns. Privately, Senate Republicans said they had hoped the conversations would quiet the criticism as they want to avoid the spectacle of a postelection challenge to a female African-American nominee.

Instead, the sessions have cast further doubt on her chances for the top State Department job and increased the likelihood of a protracted fight if Obama does choose her. Although Democrats will have 55 votes in the next Congress, the president would need the support of five Republicans to avoid a filibuster of the nomination. Collins would be a prime candidate to help avoid a filibuster of the nomination. Collins said she was troubled by Rice's "political role" in downplaying the Libya attack as a spontaneous demonstration over an anti-Muslim video rather than a terrorist attack by al-Qaida affiliates in a series of Sunday talk show appearances on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack and weeks before the election. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the raid on the U.S. diplomatic mission. Rice has said she was relying on talking points provided by U.S. intelligence.

She has a mustache and she walks like a man. That's two strikes right there. Add "liar" to that, and she's the perfect man to fill Hillary's shoes. What is it with Democrats and dykes, anyway?
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>
This was the same reason the Left cited as to why Bolton shouldn't be confirmed as ambassador. Actually in Bolton's case it was that he was rude to a subordinate. Yes, really.
If you want to understand this so-called “problem” by Ambassador Rice, I highly suggest you read this blog post by JAMES BRUNO @ DIPLO DENIZEN: The Problem With Susan Rice and Manufactured Outrage

"We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got, and some that we didn't get, concerning evidence that was overwhelming leading up to the attack on our consulate," Senator John McCain told reporters following an hour-and-a-half meeting with Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the UN and reputed Obama favorite to succeed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Troubled by what answers exactly? Whether the lethal attack on Consulate Benghazi was sparked by a mob enraged over an anti-Islamic film, or by an organized terrorist action? Who had removed a talking point during an interagency clearance process?

Nister Bruno goes on to explain the process as one who was there and did that.


Ya see, the administration wants the interview to be confidential so the troubling answers to the questions are ....confidential. Rice has shown herself to be a lock-step parrot of the administration telling lies to the American people in order to protect president Hussein. We are going to get a left wing democrat as SOS no matter what so even John Kerry is preferable to a dizzy radical who ain't got a clue.
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

This is why Susan Rice is PERFECT for the job of representing the obama regime to the world. Maybe she will tell the Russian prime minister what crap he's come up with. Or perhaps give the finger to the Chinese president.

Appointing someone competent to the position of Secretary of State should be vehemently opposed. This is an ineptocracy after all. Rice is as inept and unqualified as it comes. That makes her appropriate.
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

This is why Susan Rice is PERFECT for the job of representing the obama regime to the world. Maybe she will tell the Russian prime minister what crap he's come up with. Or perhaps give the finger to the Chinese president.

Appointing someone competent to the position of Secretary of State should be vehemently opposed. This is an ineptocracy after all. Rice is as inept and unqualified as it comes. That makes her appropriate.

Owe Bama doesn't have anybody competent in his whole cabinet so why should he have a competent Secretary of State? This includes Hillary Clinton too.
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years

No... That would be John Bolton.
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years

No... That would be John Bolton.
No, it wouldn't. Bolton isn't in hot water for telling bold faced lies on five different news shows. Rice is. She's a liar and a obama puppet.
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years

No... That would be John Bolton.
No, it wouldn't. Bolton isn't in hot water for telling bold faced lies on five different news shows. Rice is. She's a liar and a obama puppet.

but condi did...

colin powell did...

you're just a racist loony toon
<Personal: Susan Rice is probably the most undiplomatic senior U.S. diplomat in many years. Frequently referred to as the proverbial "bull in a china shop," Ms. Rice has gone out of her way to offend just about everyone who has crossed paths with her, not excluding members of Congress.

UN diplomats report that Ms. Rice throws around earthy expletives like "this is crap," "let's kill this" or "this is bullshit" in her dealings with them. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reports that her public put-downs of Hillary Clinton and Sen. McCain during the 2008 election deeply offended them.

He further reports, "she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults." European and Russian officials differ on many matters, but seem united in their distaste of the imperious Susan Rice.>


This doesn't allay my fears and/or reservations.

Yes, Yes, Ok--How anal of US citizens to expect integrity and honesty. They are 'just the DNI, CIA, FBI, State Department, etc'--I'm not certain how Susan Rice was selected to be the spokesperson for the Benghazi incident? I suppose that is a question that cannot be asked?

Obama is said not to be 'concerned' about the misleading fyi--which entity responsible, etc.

If his choice for such a sensitive position is Susan Rice, that leads me to assumptions about his character. 'Street' --she speaks the language of the street?

'Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work I Go'.

This is why Susan Rice is PERFECT for the job of representing the obama regime to the world. Maybe she will tell the Russian prime minister what crap he's come up with. Or perhaps give the finger to the Chinese president.

Appointing someone competent to the position of Secretary of State should be vehemently opposed. This is an ineptocracy after all. Rice is as inept and unqualified as it comes. That makes her appropriate.

Arrogant, unqualified, dismissive of others--you're right. She's perfect for Team Obama!

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