The Profound Junk Science of Climate

Why don't you ask them why our present temperature is 2C cooler than previous interglacial cycles when our atmospheric CO2 is 120 ppm greater than the previous interglacial cycles and then get back to us?
Why don't you? I am not your mommy.. Post the responses here, so we can laugh at you. I guess your confidence is an act you put on for your own benefit.
Why don't you write to some scientists whose interpretation of available data disputes AGW?
Well that's stupid. Should I also write to some creationists and flat earthers, too? Those are your people. You go write to them. And then ask them why they only have a bunch of hot air, instead of publishing science. Thanks!
That's akin to reading the chapter titles of a book and saying you read the book, kid.
In the context of asking a general question about the state of the science? No dummy, it is a list of the answers. Son, I dont think you belong here.
Why don't you? I am not your mommy.. Post the responses here, so we can laugh at you. I guess your confidence is an act you put on for your own benefit.
Because I already know the answer. CO2 does not drive climate change and there is your proof.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
Because I already know the answer.
Yes, your stunted fantasy is fairly well self contained. Good for you. I expect this mindset, from religious goobers.

Of course, as usual, your statement is a lie, and the real reason is that you know you will be thoroughly embarrassed by the actual experts. You aren't fooling anyone.
Yes, your stunted fantasy is fairly well self contained. Good for you. I expect this mindset, from religious goobers.

Of course, as usual, your statement is a lie, and the real reason is that you know you will be thoroughly embarrassed by the actual experts. You aren't fooling anyone.
How is it a lie?

I've given you like 50 chances to refute it and so far nothing but silence on your part. Here's your big chance. Lay it on me.
I assume we agree the dynamics are still the same, but the results are different. What do you think could cause the results to be different? Changes to the atmosphere?

I'm not seeing any differences in results ... the wind still blows from the West right off the entire width of the Pacific Ocean ... the results are exactly the same as they were 1,000 years ago ... as they will be over the next 1,000 years ... California's climate won't change as long as she sits in the middle of that Westerly flow ...

ETA: Maybe better to say the southern half of the Westerly flow ... CA runs from about 32º to 42º latitude? ... the temperate cell covers 30º to 60º on average ...
I'm not seeing any differences in results ... the wind still blows from the West right off the entire width of the Pacific Ocean ... the results are exactly the same as they were 1,000 years ago ... as they will be over the next 1,000 years ... California's climate won't change as long as she sits in the middle of that Westerly flow ...

ETA: Maybe better to say the southern half of the Westerly flow ... CA runs from about 32º to 42º latitude? ... the temperate cell covers 30º to 60º on average ...
Not to sidetrack your conversation ( which really means I am) but your post reminded me that you never hear any of the people who think man is irreversibly altering the earth's climate talk about why earth's climate is the way it is or why it changed in the past.
Not to sidetrack your conversation ( which really means I am) but your post reminded me that you never hear any of the people who think man is irreversibly altering the earth's climate talk about why earth's climate is the way it is or why it changed in the past.
Nor will they answer the question, "What is the correct temperature of the Earth?"
If you were interested in science, you'd seek a variety of views.
haha, a perfect illustration of your intellectual fraud.

yes, I should go talk to flat earthers and those who think disease is caused by demons. You know, your crowd.

because, if I don't, then I am just a big meanie that hurts Davee's fee-fees.


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