The (Progressive) Deterioration of Law & Order


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
“Criminal justice policy is not very much influenced by people who interact with the criminal justice system,” said Jake Grumbach, a political science professor at the University of Washington.

There are multiple reasons for that disconnect, and Tuesday’s primary highlights the intersection of two well-established truths in politics and criminal justice.

Voters on the whole are whiter, wealthier, older, and better-educated than the overall population. They’re much more likely to be homeowners. And that’s particularly true in low-turnout, low-information, local elections outside a presidential year — especially primaries.

Meanwhile, poor people, people of color, and people with less education are much more likely to be arrested, charged, and convicted, and face more severe outcomes, including in bail and sentencing.
Laws and social order are to serve the ambitions of law-abiding honest people - not the criminals.
“Criminal justice policy is not very much influenced by people who interact with the criminal justice system,” said Jake Grumbach, a political science professor at the University of Washington.

There are multiple reasons for that disconnect, and Tuesday’s primary highlights the intersection of two well-established truths in politics and criminal justice.

Voters on the whole are whiter, wealthier, older, and better-educated than the overall population. They’re much more likely to be homeowners. And that’s particularly true in low-turnout, low-information, local elections outside a presidential year — especially primaries.

Meanwhile, poor people, people of color, and people with less education are much more likely to be arrested, charged, and convicted, and face more severe outcomes, including in bail and sentencing.
Laws and social order are to serve the ambitions of law-abiding honest people - not the criminals.
The Corrupt Democrats Politicians create economic wastelands with their backwards progressive policies.
The Cretinous Democrat Voters are not willing to do what it takes to be successful, and that is >
finish school, stay out of trouble, and work hard for your living
“Criminal justice policy is not very much influenced by people who interact with the criminal justice system,” said Jake Grumbach, a political science professor at the University of Washington.

There are multiple reasons for that disconnect, and Tuesday’s primary highlights the intersection of two well-established truths in politics and criminal justice.

Voters on the whole are whiter, wealthier, older, and better-educated than the overall population. They’re much more likely to be homeowners. And that’s particularly true in low-turnout, low-information, local elections outside a presidential year — especially primaries.

Meanwhile, poor people, people of color, and people with less education are much more likely to be arrested, charged, and convicted, and face more severe outcomes, including in bail and sentencing.
Laws and social order are to serve the ambitions of law-abiding honest people - not the criminals.
The Corrupt Democrats Politicians create economic wastelands with their backwards progressive policies.
The Cretinous Democrat Voters are not willing to do what it takes to be successful, and that is >
finish school, stay out of trouble, and work hard for your living
The economic wasteland would be from Democrats if we have a govt. that controlled the means of production, yet, that column is reserved for the capitalist who saw more wealth in moving their operations out of the US for the main purpose of greed and wealth accumulation...But, you can blame the Democrats the corporatists will only laugh at your ignorance.
It’s funny to hear conservatives argue in favor of law and order. When they oppose so many convictions and arrests. They claim that there is no such law. And doing what is right should trump any decades old law.

Chauvin. Indicted by the Grand Jury. Tried and convicted. But that was wrong. Just because the letter of the law says that is wrong doesn’t make it wrong. Railroaded. Sacrificed.

The McMichaels. Totally innocent men. Or something. Sure they appeared to break Georgia Law. But we know who the real criminals are.

So help me out. Define law and order for me. If breaking the law is a good thing for some, which some is it good for?

Conservatives got wound up when prosecutors dropped charges on prostitutes. Screaming about law and order. But the state legislature had gotten rid of the crime. So we should prosecute someone even if there is no law prohibiting the action. I suppose it’s another of those we know who the criminals are.

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