The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

It's not about them saying mean things. It's about them lobbying to make it ILLEGAL for people to practice their religion openly, and pretending that they have the *right* to silence people who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

And then they maintain that it is THEIR right to promote the removal of those rights from Christians.

Don't know what you're crowing about. The Nazis loved you pagans.
Politics should have nothing to do with religion. I'm very liberal but I could not have an abortion and I still say, "Merry Christmas". But it's fine with me if a woman has an abortion or says, "Happy Holidays".

Stop blaming liberals for everything. It is you conservatives that have a stick up your you know whats!!

I don't care if you have an abortion or how you address holidays, I don't care if you don't celebrate any of them.

I find you amusing, telling people to stop blaming then turn right around a blame someone. LOL!

Looks like I hit a nerve. Or are you still mad about the election?? :eusa_boohoo:

You hit a nerve all right. Hatred of Obama to the point of trying to elect someone from a non christian cult as president.
BTW, one of the first things the Nazis did...

Pull down the crosses on public property.

Kansas Town Forced to Remove Cross | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

More nonsense.

The town wasn’t ‘forced’ to take down the city seal with the cross, it was removed of the city’s own volition because the city decided not to fight the lawsuit.

Which was a smart move considering they’d likely lose; the cross as part of the city’s official seal is clearly a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: its sole purpose is to promote religion and it serves no secular purpose.

But fear not, they’ll be plenty of crosses:

[T]wo more signs with "traditional" Christian values will replace the city sign. Those new signs will be funded with private monies, be put on private land and not be tied to the city.

Buhler, Kansas city seal with cross will come down: Freedom From Religion group threatened to sue

Which is what the town should have done in the first place.

It's not about them saying mean things. It's about them lobbying to make it ILLEGAL for people to practice their religion openly, and pretending that they have the *right* to silence people who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

And then they maintain that it is THEIR right to promote the removal of those rights from Christians.

Third request: please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

Name a jurisdiction, any jurisdiction, in the United States where it’s illegal for people to practice their religion openly, or any jurisdiction in the United States which has silenced people, or attempts to silence people, who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

In Buhler, KS, for example, the citizens are perfectly free to express and practice their religion openly; they have crosses all over the place to prove it.

The Constitution wisely requires a wall of separation between church and state, and this requirement in no way disallows religious persons from practicing their faith, as many often incorrectly infer.

There is nothing in Christian scriptures, or any authorized source concerning Christian doctrine and dogma, which requires as a tenet of that faith that church and state be conjoined, or that Christian religious expression must manifest itself through the government or any public sector entity.
"Although born and raised in the Catholic faith, Hitler grew to hate sincere Catholics and Christians in general, and during his career, persecuted them. He considered the Catholic teachings of humility, gentleness, and compassion toward others to be signs of "weakness," ill-befitting the members of the "Master Race," and did not wish Hitler Youth to learn to be "weak" and "wishy-washy" like Catholics and other Christians.
On March 10, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical critical of Nazism called Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). In response, uniformed members of the "Master Race" rounded up and imprisoned a number of Catholic monks.
Hitler hated Roman Catholics who stood with the Pope against him, but appreciated those Catholics who felt they could compromise their faith by becoming Nazis and supporting the utmost in brutality and wickedness, yet continuing to attend Mass, receiving the Sacraments, and claiming to be Catholic."

Why did Hitler hate Roman Catholics

Hitler was a self hating Roman Catholic?

The things you learn here.

I don't care if you have an abortion or how you address holidays, I don't care if you don't celebrate any of them.

I find you amusing, telling people to stop blaming then turn right around a blame someone. LOL!

Looks like I hit a nerve. Or are you still mad about the election?? :eusa_boohoo:

You hit a nerve all right. Hatred of Obama to the point of trying to elect someone from a non christian cult as president.

So you hate non Christian cults? Your bigotry is interesting to say the least. You should try being a liberal, they claim to be very tolerant.
I am often puzzled by progressive, liberal, and socialist subscribers infatuation with discrediting and destroying Christianity,and those that live by the moral code, as preached by Jesus Christ. If as they say we Christians are so insignificant then why do they spend so much time and energy directed toward discrediting Christians. Is it because they feel without organized religion and moral code that their conduct can be viewed as acceptable and excusable? I can't help but to wonder what the founding fathers of this grand experiment would think. But then again, without a moral code one can about justify everything and blame everyone else for their lack of responsibility and actions.
I am often puzzled by progressive, liberal, and socialist subscribers infatuation with discrediting and destroying Christianity,and those that live by the moral code, as preached by Jesus Christ. If as they say we Christians are so insignificant then why do they spend so much time and energy directed toward discrediting Christians. Is it because they feel without organized religion and moral code that their conduct can be viewed as acceptable and excusable? I can't help but to wonder what the founding fathers of this grand experiment would think. But then again, without a moral code one can about justify everything and blame everyone else for their lack of responsibility and actions.

Please point out these people that live by the moral code 'as preached by Jesus'.

Be very specific.
"Although born and raised in the Catholic faith, Hitler grew to hate sincere Catholics and Christians in general, and during his career, persecuted them. He considered the Catholic teachings of humility, gentleness, and compassion toward others to be signs of "weakness," ill-befitting the members of the "Master Race," and did not wish Hitler Youth to learn to be "weak" and "wishy-washy" like Catholics and other Christians.
On March 10, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical critical of Nazism called Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). In response, uniformed members of the "Master Race" rounded up and imprisoned a number of Catholic monks.
Hitler hated Roman Catholics who stood with the Pope against him, but appreciated those Catholics who felt they could compromise their faith by becoming Nazis and supporting the utmost in brutality and wickedness, yet continuing to attend Mass, receiving the Sacraments, and claiming to be Catholic."

Why did Hitler hate Roman Catholics

Hitler was a self hating Roman Catholic?

The things you learn here.


No, you haven't learned anything at all, shallow. And I don't expect you will.
BTW, one of the first things the Nazis did...

Pull down the crosses on public property.

Kansas Town Forced to Remove Cross | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

More nonsense.

The town wasn’t ‘forced’ to take down the city seal with the cross, it was removed of the city’s own volition because the city decided not to fight the lawsuit.

Which was a smart move considering they’d likely lose; the cross as part of the city’s official seal is clearly a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: its sole purpose is to promote religion and it serves no secular purpose.

But fear not, they’ll be plenty of crosses:

[T]wo more signs with "traditional" Christian values will replace the city sign. Those new signs will be funded with private monies, be put on private land and not be tied to the city.

Buhler, Kansas city seal with cross will come down: Freedom From Religion group threatened to sue
Which is what the town should have done in the first place.

It's not about them saying mean things. It's about them lobbying to make it ILLEGAL for people to practice their religion openly, and pretending that they have the *right* to silence people who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

And then they maintain that it is THEIR right to promote the removal of those rights from Christians.

Third request: please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

Name a jurisdiction, any jurisdiction, in the United States where it’s illegal for people to practice their religion openly, or any jurisdiction in the United States which has silenced people, or attempts to silence people, who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

In Buhler, KS, for example, the citizens are perfectly free to express and practice their religion openly; they have crosses all over the place to prove it.

The Constitution wisely requires a wall of separation between church and state, and this requirement in no way disallows religious persons from practicing their faith, as many often incorrectly infer.

There is nothing in Christian scriptures, or any authorized source concerning Christian doctrine and dogma, which requires as a tenet of that faith that church and state be conjoined, or that Christian religious expression must manifest itself through the government or any public sector entity.

Why do you persist in asking me to prove an argument I never made?
And the constitution says nothing about a wall of separation between church and state. That was in a letter by the Danbury Baptists, and it was their plea that such a separation exist in order to protect the rights of Christians to worship as they please, with no fear of persecution.

Nazis don't like that sort of thing, either.

So you approved of the nazi move to remove all crosses from state property? You can get behind that?

How about decapitating priests? You like that too?
And the constitution says nothing about a wall of separation between church and state. That was in a letter by the Danbury Baptists, and it was their plea that such a separation exist in order to protect the rights of Christians to worship as they please, with no fear of persecution.

Nazis don't like that sort of thing, either.

So you approved of the nazi move to remove all crosses from state property? You can get behind that?

How about decapitating priests? You like that too?

Introduction to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment

The Lemon Test

First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not foster "an excessive government entanglement with religion."
And the constitution says nothing about a wall of separation between church and state. That was in a letter by the Danbury Baptists, and it was their plea that such a separation exist in order to protect the rights of Christians to worship as they please, with no fear of persecution.

Nazis don't like that sort of thing, either.

So you approved of the nazi move to remove all crosses from state property? You can get behind that?

How about decapitating priests? You like that too?
Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint



The “Live Nativity” was a long-standing tradition at NSA Bahrain that featured the children of military personnel dressed as shepherds, wise men, along with Mary and Joseph. It was part of a larger festival that included a tree lighting, Christmas music and photographs with Santa Claus and a camel.

Post Continues on

Read more: Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint – Patriot Update

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Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint



The “Live Nativity” was a long-standing tradition at NSA Bahrain that featured the children of military personnel dressed as shepherds, wise men, along with Mary and Joseph. It was part of a larger festival that included a tree lighting, Christmas music and photographs with Santa Claus and a camel.

Post Continues on

Read more: Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint – Patriot Update


Are you sure it was an atheist and not a Muslim? I mean.............look where it's located, Bahrain, which is in the middle of the Middle East.

But..............keep trying.
And the constitution says nothing about a wall of separation between church and state. That was in a letter by the Danbury Baptists, and it was their plea that such a separation exist in order to protect the rights of Christians to worship as they please, with no fear of persecution.

Nazis don't like that sort of thing, either.

So you approved of the nazi move to remove all crosses from state property? You can get behind that?

How about decapitating priests? You like that too?
German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I'll accept the right's contention that the Constitution doesn't provide for freedom FROM religion, when they finally stop screaming about "sharia law".
Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint



The “Live Nativity” was a long-standing tradition at NSA Bahrain that featured the children of military personnel dressed as shepherds, wise men, along with Mary and Joseph. It was part of a larger festival that included a tree lighting, Christmas music and photographs with Santa Claus and a camel.

Post Continues on

Read more: Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint – Patriot Update


Are you sure it was an atheist and not a Muslim? I mean.............look where it's located, Bahrain, which is in the middle of the Middle East.

But..............keep trying.

I'M sure they didn't take out an ad in the local paper, had to be a lefty on base...:D

Hey bikeboiy, do they let your gang park on da beach...

Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross:


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).



Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”

Glenn pointed out that the town is ironically up in arms over a group wanting to remove the cross from the public sign — they don’t understand why.

Well, because it’s a progress organization and they’re pushing their “progressive ideas”.

“You’re eventually going to lose the cross in your seal if your seal has “progressive ideas” in it,” Glenn quipped. “No doubt about it.”

Glenn continued to point out the irony in the situation noting that the communities solution is to move the sign to private property.

“What is the progressive idea? The elimination of private property,” he said. “If you continue with these progressive ideals and ideas, you will lose your private property. Which means you have no place to have your point of view. None.”

The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck

Yup, it's impossible to be a progressive and be a Christian. Hell, in your view, I'm sure it's impossible to be a Democrat or Independent and be a Christian. Funny shit man.

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