The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

PS..of all the people on this forum who might pass judgement on my christianity, I think it's quite possible that you are the least qualified of them all to do so.

Afraid I are not looking so good

Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.

So cry me a river.

As a certified assessor of Christianity, I find your rating on a scale of 1-100 to be 26.3. This puts you slightly ahead of Adolf Hitler
damn right we are banning xmas and being christian here in the USA with Obama winning. Soon you will be shipped off to fema camps in kenya where you will go through "therapy".

When you come out you will be a Muslim, who loves socialism, thinks gays are wonderful, and abortion are a-ok!

Get ready its coming!
Afraid I are not looking so good

Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.

So cry me a river.

As a certified assessor of Christianity, I find your rating on a scale of 1-100 to be 26.3. This puts you slightly ahead of Adolf Hitler

She thinks that if she says that she's a Christian, she is REGARDLESS of her < Christian displays/actions here :lol:
PS..of all the people on this forum who might pass judgement on my christianity, I think it's quite possible that you are the least qualified of them all to do so.

Afraid I are not looking so good

Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.
So cry me a river.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

No entity – public or private – is denying anyone the right to exhibit and reference his religion in public.

And no entity – again, public or private – is persecuting or penalizing anyone for doing the same.

Please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

How or where you and other rightists dream up this delusional nonsense remains a mystery.
What's more, if I were a public official, I could weave God and Christ into every public speech and I could include Him in every official document if I so desire.

That's what freedom of religion is. Freedom of persecution for my faith. You can't prevent me in any way except to not vote for me, provided I'm not ESTABLISHING a state religion.

So fuck yourself 3 ways and sideways. But not in public. Because though progressives are big on depraved sexual exhibition in public, so far it's still illegal.

Is this how you're going to weave God and Christ into your speeches? By denigrating, insulting and swearing at someone, pretending to defend your faith?

Way to show what a good "Christian" you are.

So, in your mind, if you can call that mass of mush between your ears a 'mind', Christians can be 'denigrated, insulted and sworn at', but we aren't allowed to return the favor?

Fuck you, Biker Bitch, with a lit stick of dynamite!!

Yo...............Gay Pinhead..................sorry, but Kaiser Twit isn't gonna fuck you no matter how many times you jump to her defense.

Sorry about your bad fuckin' luck.
Judge sides with city's ban on speech

Becky Yeh - California correspondent
Monday, December 03, 2012

In dismissing a suit involving a 14-booth nativity scene, one attorney says a California judge has allowed a city to ban all forms of speech.

U.S. District Court Judge Audrey Collins has dismissed the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee's lawsuit that sought to re-implement a nativity display in a public park (see earlier story). Collins said the city of Santa Monica has the right to ban all displays in Palisades Parks after a lottery system the city enforced allowed atheist groups to post anti-Christmas and anti-Christianity signs and banners.

Following that controversy, the city chose to completely remove all displays, including a nativity scene that stood for nearly 60 years.

Judge sides with city's ban on speech

I celebrate a traditional Christmas and enjoy all the traditional music. I just don't buy the bullshit behind it.

"A Christmas Story" is my kind of Christmas.

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Afraid I are not looking so good

Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.
So cry me a river.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

No entity – public or private – is denying anyone the right to exhibit and reference his religion in public.

And no entity – again, public or private – is persecuting or penalizing anyone for doing the same.

Please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

How or where you and other rightists dream up this delusional nonsense remains a mystery.

Entities right here on this board maintain that religion belongs in church or home all the time, including in this thread. Further, they maintain that public figures must never reference their faith, nor make any decision based on faith.

In other words, you're a liar.

PS...Hitler hated the church and religious displays. He was a progressive.
Is this how you're going to weave God and Christ into your speeches? By denigrating, insulting and swearing at someone, pretending to defend your faith?

Way to show what a good "Christian" you are.

So, in your mind, if you can call that mass of mush between your ears a 'mind', Christians can be 'denigrated, insulted and sworn at', but we aren't allowed to return the favor?

Fuck you, Biker Bitch, with a lit stick of dynamite!!

Yo...............Gay Pinhead..................sorry, but Kaiser Twit isn't gonna fuck you no matter how many times you jump to her defense.

Sorry about your bad fuckin' luck.

BTW, moron, I laugh at your ignorance every time you use the word "kaiser". You obviously have no idea what it means.
Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.
So cry me a river.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

No entity – public or private – is denying anyone the right to exhibit and reference his religion in public.

And no entity – again, public or private – is persecuting or penalizing anyone for doing the same.

Please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

How or where you and other rightists dream up this delusional nonsense remains a mystery.

Entities right here on this board maintain that religion belongs in church or home all the time, including in this thread. Further, they maintain that public figures must never reference their faith, nor make any decision based on faith.

In other words, you're a liar.

PS...Hitler hated the church and religious displays. He was a progressive.

More w/ the hitler nonsense :eusa_doh: BTW- didn't the catholic church celebrate his birthday annually?
"Although born and raised in the Catholic faith, Hitler grew to hate sincere Catholics and Christians in general, and during his career, persecuted them. He considered the Catholic teachings of humility, gentleness, and compassion toward others to be signs of "weakness," ill-befitting the members of the "Master Race," and did not wish Hitler Youth to learn to be "weak" and "wishy-washy" like Catholics and other Christians.
On March 10, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical critical of Nazism called Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). In response, uniformed members of the "Master Race" rounded up and imprisoned a number of Catholic monks.
Hitler hated Roman Catholics who stood with the Pope against him, but appreciated those Catholics who felt they could compromise their faith by becoming Nazis and supporting the utmost in brutality and wickedness, yet continuing to attend Mass, receiving the Sacraments, and claiming to be Catholic."

Why did Hitler hate Roman Catholics
Sure you are. Are you a christian like you're a rightwinger, fraud?

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The point is, we have the right to exhibit and reference our religion in public, and we have the right not to be persecuted or penalized for it.
So cry me a river.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

No entity – public or private – is denying anyone the right to exhibit and reference his religion in public.

And no entity – again, public or private – is persecuting or penalizing anyone for doing the same.

Please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

How or where you and other rightists dream up this delusional nonsense remains a mystery.

Entities right here on this board maintain that religion belongs in church or home all the time, including in this thread. Further, they maintain that public figures must never reference their faith, nor make any decision based on faith.

In other words, you're a liar.

PS...Hitler hated the church and religious displays. He was a progressive.

Have you had any of your posts or threads deleted because you expressed your religious beliefs?

Have any USMB members been the cause for any of your posts or threads to be deleted because you expressed your religious beliefs?

What public figures have been subjected to any civil or criminal penalty for expressing their religious beliefs?

Again, please cite any law, measure, or policy which in any way prohibits the practicing of Christianity, or any penalty proscribed for such an ‘infraction.’

That private citizens might say mean things about Christians, Christianity, or Christmas in the context of their protected right to free expression in no way preempts your right to exhibit and reference your religion in public, nor does it manifest any type of persecution or penalty.
It's not about them saying mean things. It's about them lobbying to make it ILLEGAL for people to practice their religion openly, and pretending that they have the *right* to silence people who are practicing freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

And then they maintain that it is THEIR right to promote the removal of those rights from Christians.
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Obama Sets His Sights on Christianity


Every month we have thousands of Christians massacred around the world, but Obama and American media ignores the Christians holocaust around the world. A mob attack on Muslims in Burma immediately resulted in a condemnation from the State Department and Obama. But a car bombing and shooting attack on two churches in Nigeria have not been similarly commented on by the State Department.

How many weeks did Obama and the media deliberately mislead Americans about the attack on Benghazi? While Obama and Secretary of State Clinton falsely accused the Muhammad movie for all the violence. We have the entertainment industry leading a propaganda war against Christians and Obama argues that the First Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues in hiring their pastors. The Obama new health care rules that override religious conscience protections for medical workers in the areas of abortion and contraception.
Obama Sets His Sights on Christianity

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